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The scarlet rain of blood shed, dyed the sky of the ancient city red, and the white bones flew in all directions, and the heaven and the earth were killed in silence. A great earth fairy fell, and even the gods and souls were killed. This method of death was very undecent.

The four wilds were quiet, there was no sound, no one dared to speak, and they were all shocked by the blood-stained sight in front of them.

You know, it was not an ordinary person who died, but the Fire Ape Prince, the future helm of the Fire Ape Clan, one of the three major forces in the Secret Realm of Olympus, who was destined to fight against the King of Olympus.

This is a hero of the world. Because of the extraordinary talent of blood, he was born strong, known as the invincible of his peers, the most contemporary, but died suddenly on the spot, can not help but feel dazed, it feels like a fantasy, very unreal.


Many people in the crowd swallowed hard, almost suffocating.

In the void, the man's figure shrouded in the chaotic haze was like a **** and a devil, and the aura was so strong that it made the body split and shocked.

Although this man only appeared for a moment and flew away, he left an indelible impression in everyone's hearts.

It wasn't until this person left for a long time that the ancient city gradually became more and more talking, and finally it almost boiled.

"Who is it, so rampant, even the Fire Ape prince dare to kill, are you not afraid of the Fire Ape clan's revenge?" An old human race said with a trembling voice.

"Who else can it be, it must be the Lord God Amos."

"Yes, except for the Lord God Amos, it is impossible for anyone to be an opponent of the Fire Ape Prince, and no one has the courage to kill the Fire Ape Prince."

"If that's the case, is the Pantheon going to rip apart with Fire Ape?"

"The sky is pierced, it's going to shake the sky!"


The ancient city is noisy, and there are endless discussions.

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building, the ancient city of Amethyst, and the entire southern barren land are all depressed and extremely dull.

Many people faintly have a bad premonition that the small world is going to turn the sky, a great war is inevitable, and it is destined to bring endless deaths and injuries.

The fire ape prince died. This was a big event that pierced the sky. Once the news came out, the whole small world shook three times, trembled three times, and the world was shocked and unbelievable.

The fire ape clan cried bitterly, the gloom was bleak, and the sorrow was bleak, endless grief, the only heir of the old ape king died, it was as if the sky had fallen, which was unacceptable.

On the same day, the Southern Territory trembled, and the flame mountain range stretching for hundreds of kilometers, the ancient palace where the Old Ape King was located, erupted with earth-shaking roars, which shook the Baili Yanshan Mountain and even collapsed.


Accompanied by a roar, a god-like figure rushed up into the sky, with endless flames, swallowing the sun and the moon, and piercing the sky with the flesh, all the way north, rushing to the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain in the center of the Olympus secret.

"Pantheon, kill my heirs and pay for my life!"

The ruthless words shook the sky and resounded through the earth, as if a **** was angry.

"The Old Ape King was born, and he killed the Pantheon!"

Countless people who saw this scene all exclaimed and frightened.





Following the old ape king, there are several figures rushing into the sky, following them, the aura on the body is so strong that it makes one's heart palpitating.

And the Fire Ape Clan is also mobilizing, tens of thousands of Fire Ape Warriors lined up, preparing to kill the Pantheon.

Another force in the Olympian Secret Realm, the ancestor of the evil demon, has always been in the same spirit as the fire ape clan, and is also ready to move, and may join hands with the fire ape clan to kill the Pantheon at any time.

Ye Tian didn't know what kind of disaster he had brought to this small world by killing the Fire Ape Prince.

The vast expanse of the South Territory's Gobi was crimson, as if it had been stained with blood, exceptionally solemn and cold, and at a glance, there was almost nothing, empty and dead. The only scenery may be the rocks standing upright. From a distance, they look like tombstones.

This is a portrayal of a world that has come to the end of its life. Not only will the Olympian Secret Realm be like this, but the entire planet will be like this in the future.

If you want to change the ending, you can only find the lost spiritual roots of heaven and earth on the earth, or help the earth reshape the spiritual roots.

It was late at night, and a full moon hung high in the sky, sprinkling the cold moonlight.

Bang, bang, bang!

The figure of a young man was walking forward in the Gobi desert. The speed was not fast, but the pace was firm, step by step.

It was Ye Tian, ​​he was looking for a place to retreat and restore his cultivation as soon as possible.

From the fire ape prince, he harvested a lot, more than a hundred magic crystals, a dozen fist-big spirit crystals, a fire spirit orb, and dozens of other genius treasures.

These resources of the Fire Ape Prince alone were enough to restore his cultivation to the peak.

At the auction, he also photographed a great Taoist fruit. Although it is not fully mature, it has many benefits to the body.

Now Ye Tian is looking for a safe place to retreat. Don't make a lot of noise like the last time. Eventually, the uninvited guest found out and attacked.

However, as he walked, Ye Tian stopped suddenly and stared at the end of the earth.

Under the cold moonlight, at the end of the horizon, a small black spot was approaching fast.

Ye Tian turned the Fire Ape Golden Eye, and he could see at a glance who this little black spot was after several miles away.

Similarly, two terrifying beams of light projected from the small black dots and pupils, like two sharp swords, and they recognized Ye Tian's arrival.

The speed of the little black dot suddenly increased, trampling the ground to the ground, shaking the mountain like a ghost. But in an instant, he was close to Ye Tian, ​​his figure and appearance could be clearly seen by ordinary naked eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This is an old man with white hair, tall and strong body, bronze skin, lumps of muscles, full of a powerful sense of strength, bright eyes, wisps of excitement, giving people a strong sense of oppression, Even somewhat aggressive, at first glance, he is an extremely powerful person.

This person is no one else, but the protector of the Fire Ape Prince, the white-haired old ape!

After the white-haired old ape found that Ye Tian had a treasure in his body, he became coveted, but worried that he would not be able to capture Ye Tian, ​​so he parted ways with the fire ape prince and returned to the sect and asked for an ape clan treasure.

Now, he has invited him back, and he is rushing to the ancient city of Amethyst. He didn't expect to meet Ye Tian on the way.


The white-haired old ape stopped in front of Ye Tian and looked at Ye Tian. Two terrifying beams shot out from his pupils, sharp like a sword, seeming to want to pierce Ye Tian’s body and take him. See through.

"How could it be you?" the white-haired old ape asked with a sonorous voice, like a golden bell humming, listening to it will make people's ears tremble, and even the ground under their feet trembles.

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