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The white-haired old ape maintained a posture of holding a spear in one hand and a battle flag in the other, and his eyes were full of consternation.

He lowered his head and looked at the huge blood hole between his chest and abdomen.

Around the blood hole, the skin and flesh were already charred and charred. With a slight movement of the body, the burnt flesh and skin turned into charcoal powder, and it fell down. The internal organs in the body are all like this, and under the violent sword energy washing, they all become dusty powder.

In the center of the blood hole, there is a long sword with purple electric burning. The sword aura is like a dragon, and there are many traces. Although the traces of the road are not fully manifested, it can make people feel the extremely powerful aura and shattered. Everything, crush everything.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the treasure in your body to be this purple long sword!" The white-haired old ape barked his teeth and muttered.

His opening made Ye Tian's eyes twitch fiercely.

"This old dog is not dead?"

Although the fire ape clan is full of vitality and is not easy to kill, the white-haired old ape has its internal organs crushed, and his body is almost cut in the waist, and he can still speak, which makes Ye Tian a little surprised.

Of course, although Ye Tian was horrified in his heart, he remained calm and lonely as a master.

In the next moment, Ye Tian moved.


Amidst the deafening thunder, one of his fists suddenly clenched, and the grand thunder sound, accompanied by high-pressure air waves overflowing from the gap between his fingers, hit away in a flash, causing the scorched earth on the ground to lift up black dust rings. , Rolling out in all directions.

Facing Ye Tian's fist that could explode the world, the white-haired old ape didn't make a counterattack. Instead, he laughed and said, "It's really useless. I actually died in the hands of a human junior. I'm unwilling! "

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to fight back, but that his body's functions were destroyed, which was already the end of the battle.

"Where is so much nonsense. Go to death for me, old dog!" Ye Tian gritted his teeth, his muscles were shaking, and the punch shook his whole body.

"Frankly speaking, your talent is far more than anyone of the same generation. If you grow up, you will be destined to become a hero. It's a pity..., go to **** together, hahaha!"


As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying breath erupted from the white-haired old ape, like a long-standing volcano suddenly erupting, causing the world to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, a raging golden flame, like boiling magma, surging out from the dantian of the white-haired old ape, spread all over the body in an instant, and spewed from the seven orifices, as well as the blood hole in the chest and abdomen.

He actually blew his own Yuan Dan!

Of course, this is not surprising. The self-explosion of the original pill was his last counterattack, and anyone could use it.

"Made!" Ye Tian couldn't help but explode with a foul language.

"Hahaha, kid, let's go to **** together! It's worth it to bring a Guedai Yingjie to the funeral before he died!" The white-haired old ape laughed, as if he had seen it through, and put everything down.

"I'm going to the **** of your sister!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Tian's fist arrived, and hit the face of the white-haired old ape with the force of a meteor hitting the earth.


A huge explosion came out, a big head, like a watermelon, was blown to pieces by Ye Tian's punch, scarlet blood, white brain fluid, shattered skulls,..., flying in all directions, Amazing.

However, the head exploded, and the body of the white-haired old ape was still erupting, as if there was a scorching sun, rising in the body, and the divine energy was billowing like a sea of ​​fire and expanding continuously.

Jin Dan blew himself up, comparable to a nuclear bomb.

Yuan Dan is much weaker than Jin Dan, but it can also be comparable to the explosive effect of heavy missiles, destroying everything within a radius of thousands of meters.

After Ye Tian blasted a punch, he quickly lifted the Ziying Sword, and Sayazi ran towards the distance.

Under the scorching fire, even the flashing of supernatural powers is not easy to use. Of course, it could also be the eruption of the essence pill, which made the void become unstable.

In the end, Ye Tian ran no more than ten feet away and was swallowed by the swelling "scorching sun."

The body of the white-haired old ape turned into a flaming sun, shining for dozens of miles and shining in all directions.

Above the fiery red sun, is a black mushroom cloud, tearing through the sky and rising straight up into the sky.

The terrifying shock wave swept in all directions like a hurricane, blowing sand and rocks, lifting the land layer after layer, and converging into large waves of earth and rock.

When the raging sea of ​​fire dissipated, there was only a large pit left in the same place, with turbulent magma at the bottom and smooth walls as glass.

The body of the white-haired old ape had disappeared, completely turned into fly ash.

A few feet away from the magma pit, it fell several feet away, and suddenly a bag of soil was arched on top of the scorched earth with white smoke.

As the soil bag cracked, a young man in a tattered body stood up difficultly from it, his body shimmering with crystal light, and the fine crystal scales shattered in several places.

It is Ye Tian who maintains the appearance of a handsome western man!

When he was swallowed by the sea of ​​fire, even if he used the earth escape technique and drilled underground, he was still affected by the self-destructive power of the white-haired old ape Yuandan, and suffered serious injuries.

However, most of the injuries were skin trauma, and the internal organs were unaffected.

Thanks to the crystal scale protector, otherwise, I would see a little African black man.

Ye Tian’s golden body has strong self-healing ability, and he also awakened a wound healing magic, the Suzaku Nirvana regeneration magic, it can be said that as long as he does not cause serious injuries to his internal organs, even if his arms and legs fall off. A few pieces of meat, even thousands of cuts, can heal injuries in a very short time.

But at this moment, he did not heal himself the first time, he still maintained a miserable appearance with a gray head and gray face, standing hard, looking around.

Soon, he found a fiery red war flag and a hand of bone war spear from the magma pit.

He put away the bone war spear, but he couldn't put it down with the fiery red flag, he looked and looked again.

This is a secondary artifact, UU reading www.uukanshu. The treasure of com fire is indescribable.


Ye Tian slammed a fan, and a red light burst out of the lava battle flag, flooding the world with a radius of hundreds of meters on the spot, and the endless sky fire burned into a world of flames.

It was as strong as Ye Tian, ​​and felt a burst of blazing heat. The mud and stones on the ground melted one after another, converging into a lava river.

If the gods were here, they would definitely become fly ash. Even the immortal is extremely jealous.

This fire-stroke artifact can not only be used as a magic weapon, but also can be used as a training resource to refine the fire-stroke energy in it.

For Ye Tian, ​​if the lava battle flag was refined, he might even condense a Fire Xing Yuan Dan.

After finishing it for a while, Ye Tian put away the lava battle flag, how to use it, I'll talk about it later.

He searched in place for a while, trying to find the universe ring of the white-haired old ape, but found nothing. It is possible that in the blew, the Universe Ring was destroyed.

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