Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1778: Came to Paradise Valley

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Ye Tian didn't expect that Princess Anna's reclusive place, the Paradise Valley circulating on the rivers and lakes, was in the depths of this mountain range, leaving the battlefield, and then deep into the mountain range for dozens of kilometers, and then came to the place.

In front, there is a valley with steep mountains and strange peaks. The scenery is not so beautiful. There are towering old trees everywhere. There are also a lot of waters. Clouds and mists all the year round, inaccessible, many ferocious birds and beasts are infested. A wild breath.

In the depths of the valley, vines grow thickly with luxuriant branches, like vigorous horned dragons, almost connecting two humble low stone mountains into one.

The white wolf rushed to the middle of the two stone mountains, and then stopped.

Princess Ann stretched out her hand, a divine light burst out from her fingertips, and for a short while, she saw stars in the sky appearing, like a galaxy falling down, flowing with a soft brilliance, gorgeous and dazzling.

Then, the sky full of stars formed a portal, between the two low stone mountains, looming and mysterious, like a time and space tunnel, connecting another space.

The White Wolf planted Princess Anna and Ye Tian and stepped in.

Ye Tian is a stranger after all. Although Princess Ann trusted him very much, she still offered an unrelenting request and asked him to wear a blindfold to ensure that he would not reveal the location of Paradise Valley.

Ye Tian agreed, although it makes no difference to him with and without the blindfold. Even if he can't look at it visually, his spirit can "see" everything around him innocently.

Of course, as a dignified man, he disdains it.

Along the way, he was lucky to heal his wounds, taking care of the surrounding scenery flawlessly.

Entering the portal, it’s not a long time before you see a bright light, the fresh smell of vegetation and the fragrance of flowers, blowing in the wind, rushing in, refreshing, and the tactful bird's song spreading into the ears, It's like a note, it's melodious.

"You can take off the blindfold."

Princess Anna said to Ye Tian, ​​her voice was as clear as a bird's song, and she helped him take off the blindfold herself.

Ye Tian opened his eyes and saw a piece of pure land, a small world of birds and flowers, everything was picturesque, green plants, thousands of flowers in full bloom, clear lakes, small rivers like jade belts, flowing quietly.

In the distance, the mountains are little by little, looming in the fog, and some snow-white waterfalls are hanging down on the tops of the mountains, like a series of white horses, flying straight down.

A group of simple and solemn ancient Greek-style buildings are built on the hillside and rise and fall with the mountains.

The small world is not big, with a radius of several kilometers, Ye Tian can see the end of the sky at a glance.

Ye Tian took a deep breath and found that the aura here is very rich, almost the same as Penglai Xiandao, so it can create this vivid little world.

However, the reason why the aura here is rich is not because there are spiritual veins underground, but because the gathering formation is constantly absorbing the aura of heaven and earth and gathering here.

"Such a blessed land is just right for me to practice. Even if I don't have enough spiritual crystals and divine power crystals, relying on the rich spiritual energy in the air here, I am confident that I can restore my cultivation level within a few months." Ye Tian muttered to himself. Very satisfied here.

He now has enough spirit crystals and divine power crystals in his body, and he is confident that he will be able to restore his cultivation within a month. Coupled with a beast core, and a lava battle flag that can be used as a fire training resource, the cultivation base can even go further.

"What do you think of this place?" Princess Ann asked with a smile.

"A very good secret world, from whom? Are you?" Ye Tian asked.

Creating space is a great ability, and few earth immortals can do it.

Ye Tian was able to create the Dongshan Secret Realm because he inherited many memories from previous lives and knew more than others.

Normally, it is necessary to reach the level of the golden core to create a secret space.

Therefore, he does not think that Princess Ann has the ability to create this small world full of flowers.

"Of course it can't be me. This space is left by the ancient gods. It is said to be an ancient **** of Jin Dan. When I discovered it, it had been damaged and was about to collapse. Later, it was repaired vigorously to achieve such a scale. "Princess Ann said, her expression was a little dazed, as if she was looking back at a past event.

She was chased by the gods of the Pantheon. During that time, she was full of hardships and passed by the **** of death countless times. This secret realm of the cave sky happened when the **** of death was once passed by.

Using this secret space as a base, the girl with a weak body carried the flag of resistance to the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, and responded with a hundred responses.

However, the strength of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain was too strong, and Princess Ann led the people uprising several times, but was suppressed.

This allowed Princess Anna to see the reality that ordinary people alone would not be able to overthrow the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain with a large number of people. It is necessary to cultivate powerful masters who can fight against the gods of the gods, and even the twelve gods. Kind of level.

Those who live in this secret space include masters trained by Anna herself, as well as masters from the Internet.

"Who? Stop?"

A beautiful female warrior with a white skin, long waist and long legs and a supermodel figure, riding a tall horse, suddenly walked out of a dense forest and shouted to Ye Tian.

As soon as the voice fell, a sharp lightning flashed through the depths of her pupils.

There was even a dangerous aura and powerful divine power fluctuations that permeated her body.

This is also a demigod!

Ye Tian glanced over and made a decision in his heart.

However, just for an instant, the electric light in the eyes of the female warrior Miaoling, the dangerous aura on her body, disappeared. The lightning-like divine power fluctuations still hung in her body quietly, and there was no sign of an outbreak.

"Sister Anna, why are you back? Where's Brother Akasi? Why isn't he with you? Who is this man?"

After the young female warrior found Princess Ann, she came up and asked repeatedly.

Listen, her relationship with Princess Ann seems very good.

"Okay, Ellie, don't ask so many useless questions. Akasi is injured. Go and pick him up...."

Princess Ann whispered a few words to the young female warrior Ellie, and Ellie rode away on a tall horse. Through the gate of the star-like tunnel, UU read very eagerly.

However, before she entered the door of the tunnel, she suddenly looked back at Ye Tian, ​​her eyes sharp and expressionless.

There are more people in the small world of Paradise Valley than Ye Tian imagined. There is a tall city built on the plain at the foot of the mountain. There are many shops on both sides of the street, and all kinds of living materials are available.

Anna's mother used to be a princess of a small country. Because she rebelled against the authority of the Wanshen Mountain, this small country was bloodily slaughtered by the Wanshen Mountain, and even the king was killed.

Now in this small secret world, there are many survivors of that small country, including Anna's mother, who are still alive and are honored as queens.

This is clearly a small society isolated from the world, similar to the Taohuayuan, but the people here are not farming, but all the people are soldiers.

Anna didn't take Ye Tian into the city, but took it to a secluded place. There was a wooden house, the grass in front of the door was verdant and flat, and there was a small lake next to it, which was crystal clear.

It is very secretive, and it is a place where Princess Ann usually relaxes alone. The scenery is beautiful and it is very suitable for spiritual practice.

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