Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1788: Fire Xing Yuan Dan

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"I want to become stronger!" A voice sounded in Ye Tian's heart.

He took out the lava battle flag and released his spirit to infiltrate it.

From the appearance, this battle flag was unremarkable, but when Ye Tian's spiritual thought penetrated in, he saw a vast world, as if a mountain of flames was sealed in, the sky was heated, and the lava was boiling. Uncountable fire spirits flew up and down, jumping up and down.

This is a secondary artifact, only half a step away from the artifact. If the flame energy inside is released at one time, a huge city with a population of tens of millions can be burned out. All the bones of life and all the houses are gone. The building turned into lava and was completely destroyed.

"I hope I can condense a Fire Xing Yuan Dan." Ye Tian groaned, preparing to refine this battle banner.

Although the secondary artifact is very rare, he already has one, and the secondary artifact is dispensable.

What he needs most now is the cultivation resources. There are endless lava fire spirits smelted in the lava battle flag, which is like thousands of fire spirit orbs, which is the second fire magic material that is hard to find in the world.

He estimated that after refining the lava battle banner, he should be able to condense a fire-propelling elementary pill.

It would take at least a year and a half if you want to completely refine this battle flag if you change to a general immortal.

Even the flesh of many earth immortals couldn't bear the violent energy in the lava battle flag at all.

Ye Tian is different. The Golden Eucharist has the changes of fire and is naturally close to fire. Moreover, he Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate has once refined the Sun Fire Spirit, a pure and pure fire origin, far above the lava fire spirit, and the body has a strong adaptability to the fire spirit. Now refining lava fire essence is as easy and ordinary as cutting melons and vegetables.


He unfolded the divine form of the Suzaku and turned into a Suzaku firebird, directly devouring the lava fire spirit in the lava battle flag.

I saw that a lava pike made of pure fire spirits rushed out of the battle flag, rushing away from the mouth of the Suzaku like a torrent.

Fire Spirit is an alternative life form, resembling a three-legged golden crow.

However, the lava fire spirit is far less specific than the three-legged golden crow in the form of the sun fire. It is also much smaller, only the size of a finger, and its spirituality is even more incomparable.

Some three-legged golden crows refined by the sun fire can even give birth to spiritual wisdom, a god-seed that is naturally nurtured, powerful and unmatched.

However, the lava fire essence is better than the quantity, and the combined effect is far higher than the few sun fire essences that have been refined.

Boom boom boom!

In his body, the lava fire spirit exploded directly, turning into pure fire energy, and rushing away toward his limbs, corpses, and internal organs....

In a short while, his whole body was red, spraying out clusters of flames, like a red soldering iron.

Ye Tian set up a magic circle around his body in advance, otherwise the movement would spread to every corner of Heaven Valley, and the escaping fire energy could burn the mountains and forests.

The Suzaku divine bird is naturally capable of devouring magical powers, and the belly is large enough to swallow even more lava fire essence.

In just one day, the lava fire spirit in the lava battle flag was much less. It can be clearly seen that the crimson color of the battle flag is fading.

One day, two days, three days,...

The Suzaku is tireless, devouring magical powers and refining the energy of fire like mountains and seas into the body.

In the depths of Ye Tian's dantian, a huge True Essence vortex revolved rapidly, and the true essence of fire was pouring down like a heavy rain, and was attracted by the True Essence vortex, expanding the vortex.

In the depths of the vortex, before the very core, a dazzling spot of light is shining, like a small sun, constantly condensing.

This is the embryonic form of the Fire Xing Yuan Pill. As long as the energy is sufficient and layer upon layer is added, the Yuan Pill will become more and more bright and condensed.

The quality of the yuan pill is related to the quality of the gold pill that will eventually form after the catastrophe of the gold pill.

If the quality of the Yuan Dan is too bad, he will not even have the qualifications to cross the golden core catastrophe, and it will not attract the sky thunder.

Jindan is a kind of energy core, just like the power engine of a car. As long as it can be condensed, energy will continue to flow from then on.

There are three or six or nine grades of power engines for cars, and the same is true for Jindan, which is divided into different grades.

If Ye Tian wanted to cultivate the highest-grade golden core, he had to condense the highest-grade original core.

When the time passed for a week, the Fire Xing Yuan Pill in the True Essence Vortex was already visible to the naked eye. It was as big as a soybean grain, crystal clear, and bursting out with a dazzling divine light.

Although Yuan Dan was still very small, just a small particle, Ye Tian could feel the abundant energy contained in it. Vaguely, a phantom of a Vermilion bird appeared outside the particles.

Every kind of essence pill that Ye Tian condenses is based on the body shape. After proving the golden pill in the future, he will naturally be able to display the corresponding magical aspects of the beast, and even incarnate into the corresponding beast.

"This Yuan Dan should be called the Vermillion Bird Yuan Dan."

Ye Tian's eyelids drooped, his eyes faint.

As time went on, more lava fire essence was refined, and the form of the original pill changed every moment, gradually turning into a little Suzaku.

Ye Tiansi was not surprised, and so was his Shuixing Xuanwu Yuandan.

During this period of time, while refining lava fire spirits every day, he was also paying attention to Princess Anna's battle.

The initial good news kept coming, but gradually, the battle became more and more difficult, and many wounded were transported back to Paradise Valley every day. Princess Ann was also seriously injured, but she still insisted on fighting. Although she is not very old, she has a very strong personality.

Half a month later, a Vermillion Bird Yuan Pill in Ye Tian's Dantian was completely transformed. Although it was still small, it seemed to contain the energy of a flame mountain.

There was still some energy left in the lava battle flag, and Ye Tian continued to refine it.

It was on this day that Princess Ann returned with a group of remnants in defeat.

Not long after, there was a shaking sound from outside Paradise Valley. It turned out to be the chasing soldiers of Wanshen Mountain, chasing them here.

Fortunately, Paradise Valley was hidden in a golden core circle. Although the chasing soldiers of the Pantheon chased here, they could not find the existence of Paradise Valley.

However, Wanshen Mountain has been able to guess that UU Reading Paradise Valley is in this area, and more soldiers and horses are coming.

The paradise valley, like a paradise, is shrouded in a layer of clouds, the mountains and rain are about to come and the wind is all over the building, and everyone is panicked.

Boom boom boom!

In Paradise Valley, you can clearly hear the sound of the shaking of the earth and the mountains from outside, like a thousand horses galloping, and countless savage beasts roaring, breathtaking.

"Digging the ground three feet, and finding people for me."

A tall man wearing a cold armor and iron clothes, more than one foot tall, mounted on a savage beast with black scale dragon horns, and gave orders to his subordinates.

The brutal beast stepped on the black mist, protected from the wind out of thin air, and shook the world with its breath. It was an innate brutal beast, powerful at first sight, and good at fighting.

The tall man who mounted him was equally terrifying, with bloodshot eyes and a fierce aura permeating, like a battlefield killer, bathed in a sea of ​​blood.

This person ranks as the second main **** of the Ten Thousand God Mountain, the **** of war, Helinos, who holds the power of war.

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