Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1812: Golden Core 1 burst

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When the golden pill flew out, it first continued to collapse and collapse, and even the surrounding space seemed to be absorbed in, and quickly condensed into a blazing white light spot.

Then, the spot of light suddenly expanded and exploded, and the terrifying energy was like a nuclear explosion, bursting with strong light enough to pierce people's eyes, and exploding the sound of earth-shaking thunder, the energy gushing and sweeping in all directions like a tide.


When the strong light flashed, amidst the sound of thunder and fury, a blazing sea of ​​fire descended from the sky in the palace of the King of Gods, submerging the entire hall in an instant, and every corner was covered with terrifying energy that could burn the mountains and boil the sea. The flames are flooded.

At this moment, the entire palace of the gods seemed to be turned into a melting pot of hell.

The gate of the Palace of Gods was kicked and exploded by Princess Ann, and the palace had only one exit.

After the monstrous energy filled the palace of the gods, it rushed out from this gate, like an erupting mountain torrent, shaking the earth and devastating it.


After throwing out the golden core, Ye Tian hurriedly rushed to Princess Ann, first of all, he wanted to borrow the body of the Heaven-shaking Seal on top of her head, and secondly he wanted to take her away. Because the golden core blew is terrible enough, comparable to a nuclear explosion, not to mention that the Palace of Gods may not be able to keep it, and even the top of the Ten Thousand God Mountain may be flattened, which is extremely dangerous.

But he still overestimated his speed, because this space was suppressed by space, not only his flashing magical powers could not be used, but the pace of his transformation was also a lot slower. When he rushed in front of Princess Anna, he counted The torrent of flames gushing out at the speed of double sound also arrived, first rushing the two to fly, and then swallowing them into the sea of ​​fire in midair.

Jin Dan is comparable to a nuclear reactor, the energy inside is almost inexhaustible, and once it explodes, it can burst out with the destructive power of a nuclear explosion.

The fire-strength gold pill is the most powerful kind of gold pill of all attributes, comparable to the potent explosives in explosives, and its explosive power is even more powerful.

In the huge palace of the King of Gods, all the objects in the hall, including the dense arrays, and all kinds of prohibitions, were all wiped out the moment the golden core broke out.

The King of the Universe originally sat on the throne of the King of Gods, and there was also a strong defensive array on it, even more so.

But these magic circles have not had time to fully unfold, and in just one moment, together with the throne, they turned into ashes.

"Damn it!"

The King of the Universe roared, and he tried his best, but to no avail, he was mercilessly burned and refined in the sea of ​​flames.

At this moment, at the foot of Wanshen Mountain, the gods, soldiers and gods who were lucky enough to have their lives back, all looked up at the top of the mountain, dumbfounded, one by one dumbfounded on the spot.

This shocking explosion was too terrifying, and the 10,000-meter-high Wanshen Mountain was shaking with it, like a super volcanic eruption, and the terrible energy gushing out was earth-shaking.

The monstrous torrent of flames resembled turbulent magma. After rushing out of the palace of the gods, they followed the mountain and flew down three thousand feet. Wherever they passed, uncountable flowers and trees were burned, and the mountain collapsed in large areas. It turns into magma and flows down, forming a series of flame lava waterfalls.

This is a scene that is almost annihilating the world, and the people of Wanshen Mountain are not shocked.

If the King of the Universe dies, their fate will be completely rewritten. They will either surrender, become second-class, or be killed.

However, what is surprising is that under the destructive force of this nuclear explosion, the palace of the gods remained intact, and only a few cracks appeared on the walls, and they were not flattened to the ground.

This is not surprising at all, because the palace of the gods is a palace built of heaven, material and earth treasures, and it is engraved with uncountable defensive patterns. It itself is a rare magic weapon, holy level, and may even reach the quasi-divine level.

I don't know how long time passed, and the fire and smoke gradually dissipated.


A landslide rock pile in the mountainside suddenly split open, and a tall and thin figure covered in ragged clothes and black scars on the bones all over stood up with difficulty. His footsteps were a little weak, and his body swayed after he stood up.

However, the breath on his body continued to rise, and the burnt marks and scars on his body quickly disappeared. His body was like a **** of gold and glass, and his hair roots were like jade. He was radiant and majestic, turning into a graceful young man.

It was Ye Tian. Just now, he and Princess Anna were rushed out by the torrent of flames. After landing, they were covered by the collapsed gravel.

Princess Ann was at his feet, and quickly stood up, the situation didn't need to be much better for him, and she was muddled for a while.

"Is Taizhou dead?"

As soon as she stood up, her spiritual consciousness had not yet been fully awake, Princess Anna asked Ye Tian.

"do not know."

Ye Tian looked up at the palace of the gods still towering on the top of the mountain, feeling anxious in his heart.

The palace was not razed to the ground as he expected, which surprised him.

After a while, the two came to the top of the mountain together again, standing at the door of the Palace of Gods.

Inside the room was pitch black, flames were still burning, smoke filled with ashes everywhere, and ruins everywhere.

The floor of the hall sank by a foot, several thick pillars were gone, and the dome was torn a few holes.

In short, although the Palace of Gods is still standing, it is no different from destruction, full of holes, mess, and ruins.

Ye Tian walked cautiously, his eyes violently jumping, searching every corner, his spiritual thoughts radiated like a tide.

Princess Ann followed behind him and saw the devastated scene, she couldn't help but mutter to herself: "Such a terrifying blast effect, Taizhou should be dead, right?"

But just as her voice fell, a rustling sound came from the depths of the palace, and then a voice rang: "Anna, my daughter, why do you think I will die?"

There is a trace of hoarseness in the deep voice, UU reading www.uukanshu. But com can clearly hear the sense of superiority emanating from it, high above, looking down on sentient beings like ants.

When the voice sounded, through the smoke lingering in the void, a tall figure could be vaguely seen, standing in the depths of the temple.

"A golden core exploded in front of you, but you didn't die?" Ye Tian's eyes were full of shock.

"Why is this king dying? Just a mere Jin Dan blew himself up, how can I kill a true god?" Taizhou God King said lightly, walking towards the outside step by step.

Ye Tian gathered his eyes and saw a big seal above his head, and a dome-shaped light curtain fell down from the big seal to guard his body.

Yes, it is the seal of the **** king.

Thanks to this great seal, of course there may be some other magic weapons, otherwise Taizhou will be severely injured even if it does not die.

But that was the case, his whole body was also full of burnt marks, and the king's battle armor was also torn out several holes, almost completely destroyed.

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