Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1820: Practice 1 magical power

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In the dim underground treasury, Ye Tian sat cross-legged, glowing all over, shrouded in a layer of divine glory, not very flaming, but very peaceful, like a ball of divine fire beating, full of hope and vitality.

His body and mind are united, and his mind is extremely peaceful, in a state of emptiness and harmony, as if his body is imprinted in this piece of heaven and earth, and he is in harmony with the great road of heaven and earth.

His physical body is strong enough, at present, it has reached a kind of extreme, it is difficult to transform a bit.

"Not only the physical body, but the power of my divine consciousness has reached its limit. It is difficult to transform, and the cultivation base is also in a state of bottleneck. If you want to become stronger, you can only start with divine abilities, and then practice another or Several powerful exercises and combat techniques."

Ye Tian thought in his heart. While enlightening the Fa and Dao, he was still thinking about what to do next.

A stream of energy flowed through his meridians, moisturizing every piece of his flesh and blood, making his spirit very full and full of vitality all the time.

Golden Core cannot be accomplished overnight, even if sufficient resources are in front of you, it takes time to sharpen and slowly comprehend. He wants to cultivate five high-grade golden cores, which is far more difficult than ordinary golden cores.

Before proving the golden core, he needs the combat power of the real golden core, the stronger the better, without the help of magic weapons, so that he can have enough self-protection ability.

His journey is not a small earth, but the galaxy world, where it is extremely dangerous. He must let himself have the strength to leapfrog before he dares to take risks.

Since Jin Dan couldn't be done overnight, Ye Tian instinctively thought of supernatural powers.

Powerful magical powers can give a monk the strength to leapfrog one another.

However, the stronger the supernatural powers, the more difficult it is to cultivate, and the higher the requirements for cultivators.

Fortunately, in his previous life, Ye Tian came from the Central Galaxy Cultivation World, and he cultivated all the way to the Hedao True Immortal. He had an extremely broad vision and mastered innumerable exercises, martial arts, and supernatural powers that he could choose from.

"What kind of supernatural powers are good for cultivating?" Ye Tian thought about it in his heart.

"Mental exercises are mostly used in Sasuke, and rarely in actual combat. It is even more dangerous when used in leapfrog battles. Compared with the physical body, the spirit is too fragile, and the wounds are difficult to heal. It is easy to leave the wounds. First of all, it can be eliminated. ."

"I do know a lot of sword skills, such as "The Early Sword Art", "Ten Fang Extinction Swordsmanship", "Dala Sword Classic", "Galactic Sword Art", and so on. They are all the top swordsmanship in the universe and galaxy. It’s enough to take out one door."

"However, these top-level swordsmanship and swordsmanship must at least be based on the golden core before they can be cultivated, and if they want to truly exert their power, they even need Yuan Ying and Hua Shen."

"And I'm just a condensed pill now. I use the Ziying Divine Sword to evoke the divine marks, and if I swing a sword move casually, my body will feel like being sucked dry. If I cooperate with the top swordsmanship in these universe galaxies. Swordsmanship, you must not squeeze the Yuan Dan that has finally been condensed."

"It is too difficult to find a strong supernatural power that does not consume real energy. Because according to the law of conservation of energy, without a large amount of energy input, it is impossible to have a powerful killer move output."


Ye Tian's heart suddenly moved, but then he shook his head and said to himself: "It's difficult, too difficult. The magical powers that draw energy directly from the universe are not so good for cultivation. This involves the plane and needs to break the dimension. barrier."

There are endless planes in the universe, and different planes have different energy attributes. For example, some planes are filled with sky fire, some are filled with thunder, and some are pure energy chaos,...

If you can break through the dimensional barriers of the plane and draw energy directly from an energy plane, your physical body will have a continuous supply of energy, which is comparable to having a golden core.

However, it is too difficult to open the barriers of the plane, because it involves a deeper level of the Void Avenue.

In his previous life, Bian Yetian barely opened a channel of the Thunder Dimensional Barrier only in the Nascent Soul Stage. Whenever he casts the Thunder's ultimate move, he opens the Thunder Dimensional Channel and borrows the power of the infinite Thunder. .

After thinking about it all day, Ye Tian didn't expect a suitable magical power.

After a bitter laugh, he grew up.


He took a long breath, and a hurricane was rolled up in the treasure house, causing the treasure house to sway for a while.

His whole body was surging with energy and full of power, and the golden divine radiance burned in his body like a sacred fire.

The moment he opened his eyes, two sharp lightning shots shot out two bottomless holes in the wall.

Boom, boom!

The breath released from the outside made the treasure house a little unbearable, cracking, cracking, and cracks appeared. Some of these cracks were created when he was practicing, and they crawled all over the walls, everywhere.

"Finally recovered to the peak state." Ye Tian muttered to himself, but he was not particularly happy, because his cultivation level had not changed much, and his aura was only a little strong.

The treasure house is in a mess, and various cultivation resources and treasures of heaven and earth are scattered all over the place. There are still a lot of spirit stones left, only the spirit crystals are almost used up by Ye Tian, ​​and only a small part is left. As for the spiritual medicine, there are more left, and Ye Tian only took a few top-grade spiritual medicine.

He hated in his heart that the holy medicine and the two quasi holy medicines were taken by Taizhou and wasted, otherwise, in his hands, he could make a great pill.

"Now it's time to see the starry sky teleportation array, I hope it won't be destroyed too badly, otherwise I can't do anything to repair it!" Ye Tian thought, preparing to leave the treasure house.

But just as he turned around, in a glimpse of the light, he suddenly saw thunder light spilling out of a crack in the wall, and wisps of purple electric lights were shining.

"Is there a secret room?" Ye Tian was shocked and walked over.

Sure enough, after a search, he found a hidden door on the wall, which fits perfectly with the wall, and can't be found by ordinary naked eyes. UU reading

A small stone gate, even if it is guarded by a magic circle, it is difficult to stop Ye Tian.

In just a few minutes, Ye Tian broke the stone gate.

Pushing the door and entering, a thunderous world suddenly appeared in Ye Tian's eyes, extremely gorgeous and dazzling.

Lei Chi, a huge Lei Chi, is ten times larger than the one built by Ye Tian in Dongshan Small World.

In the thunder pond, in addition to the thunder light, there are countless talisman bounces, and each talisman is a pattern of lightning, exquisite and vast.

This is a thunder pond constructed by a large array of thunder talisman, connected with the underground spirit veins.

Boom boom boom!

Every minute and every second, this large array is moving, spurring the spiritual veins of the earth and turning into a steady stream of thunder, like boiling water undulating, with rumbling noises.

A huge thunder mood shook Ye Tian.

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