Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1826: Ruthless

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The moon blossoms are like water, falling gently, the Wanshen Mountain is peaceful and quiet, with bursts of white spiritual mist rising up, like a tulle lingering in the mountains, within reach, setting the Wanshen Mountain like a fairy mansion.

It has been a few months since the war. The battlefield has been cleaned up, and Wanshen Mountain has restored its original appearance. It is a land of sacred land with aura like mist, springs dingdong, lush forests, and fragrant flowers.

In the teleportation formation cave, just after repairing a teleportation formation, Ye Tian was a bit tired and was taking a nap. After resting, he was about to leave.

The engraving of the teleportation pattern is very mentally intensive, and the spirit of Ye Tian is as strong as Ye Tian, ​​and it is a bit too much.

Of course, he is also in a hurry, anxious, and endlessly engraving.

Normally a small and medium-sized transmission array, even if all the materials are available, it takes less than a year or a half from the start of construction to the completion of the production.

Moreover, this skill is only in the hands of a few people in a few sects.

Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, crisp, throbbing, and very rhythmic.

Ye Tian let out a trace of his spiritual thoughts, and he knew who was coming.

Princess Ann, only she can come, and only she dares to come.

Because Ye Tian has already explained that unless there is a big deal, don't come to him.

"Come to me at this time, has something serious happened?" Ye Tian's heart suddenly moved.

However, he soon discovered something was wrong.

A refreshing fragrance, pungent, like orchids like musk, light and fragrant like smoke, fragrant and intoxicating.

This is not only a floral fragrance, but also a girly body fragrance and a hormonal smell.

Even if the average man smells a bite, he can't help himself and think all the time.

The footsteps approached from far away, and soon a beautiful figure appeared in Ye Tian's sight.

It was Princess Anna who was good, but it made Ye Tian feel confused.

Normally, Princess Anna wears battle armor and skirts, with her long hair tied into a ponytail, giving people a sense of refreshing, capable, resolute and vigorous, and even more female than a female.

And now, Princess Anna has changed her dressing style. She wore a white light gauze dress with the hem of the skirt dragged to the ground, setting off the exquisite and undulating perfect body to be infinitely soft, like a fairy in the moon palace, curling up and Nana. Come, Fenghua peerless, Qiaoxiaoyanran.

"This..." Ye Tian's eyes fluttered, not knowing what this girl was going to do.

However, he also had to admit that Princess Ann wore this suit, which was very beautiful and moving, and it was also very pleasing to the eyes, besides making him a little confused.

A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman, and she looks good no matter how she wears it.

In terms of beauty, Princess Anna dare not say that it is a superb, but also top-grade. She must have a figure and a good appearance, and kill those beautiful stars in the world.

Usually she wears battle armor and kills on the battlefield, making people overlook her beauty.

Now wearing women's clothing, it is clear that a fairy who does not eat the fireworks in the world can be called the allure of the country.

While pleasing to the eyes, Ye Tian raised his heart, because his keen intuition told him that something special might happen next.

"Teacher, did you bother you? You have been working hard these few days. This is the soup I made by myself. You can taste it." Princess Ann walked with a smile, walking slowly, her body like a weak Liu Fufeng, Graceful and charming, with bright red lips gleaming and moving luster, she is clearly a beauty of trouble.

Ye Tian couldn't connect her with the previous image of killing and decisiveness anyway, it was like two people.

Soon, Princess Anna walked in front of Ye Tian, ​​her eyes were like water, her purple hair was like a cloud, and her long skirt was lightly dancing, as if she was going to ride the wind.

She seemed weak, but she was very strong, putting all the ideas in her heart into practice, unlike last time.

On the contrary, it made Ye Tian look like a weak woman, flustered and at a loss.

He still maintains a cross-sitting posture, but he can't settle into concentration anyway.

"Teacher, this is the soup I made by myself. You can try it."

Princess Ann exhaled like blue, took out a spoon, and wanted to feed Ye Tian a taste.

She was standing in front of Ye Tian, ​​her breath could be heard.

Ye Tian almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood, this female disciple's words and deeds were simply too bold, and her style was bold, as if she was going to eat him.

"Fine, I'll do it myself." Ye Tian looked helpless.


He drank the soup in one gulp, and said to Princess Ann, "If there is nothing wrong, you can go back."

"Eating and wiping is not a good teacher." Princess Ana said suddenly, her red lips moisturized, and she smiled happily.

While speaking, her two snow-white lotus root arms were placed on Ye Tian's neck, and her body was almost completely attached to Ye Tian's body.

Ye Tian also discovered that the girl seemed to have just finished taking a bath, her hair was wet, and her body was soaked with water stains. As a result, the thin gauze dress covered her body with a lot of style and beauty. .

The girl seemed to be willing to give up, she didn't stop until she reached her goal.

The girl of the Protoss, just so dare to love and hate, go straight.

"Teacher, you won't blush anymore?" Anna said with a smile, her voice as clear and charming as a silver bell.

"Anna, you are enough, do you know what you are doing? I am your teacher. If you continue to do this, I will punish you." Ye Tian suddenly became serious and said with stern expression.

This female disciple got into an inch and became more and more uncomfortable. She even wrapped her arms around his neck and almost fell into her arms.

"Just punish you, I'm not afraid." Anna still had a hippy smile, her beautiful eyes filled with brilliance, and then she continued: "Teacher, there are only you and me here. I have all acted like this. Can you stop being reserved? I though. It’s your disciple, but I’m even more of a woman, and I need someone to take care of it.”

"Lawlessness, no teacher!"

Ye Tianzhen was angry, and a powerful breath suddenly released from his body, shaking Princess Anna back again and again.

This shock also made Princess Ann completely awake, her face turned pale, her heart was shocked, and her heart was refreshing.

"Don't I... I'm not good enough for you?" Princess Ann's eyes were wet and she almost cried.

She really tried her best and mustered her courage. She thought she would be able to succeed, but she never expected it to end.

"There are some things, you don't understand. Practice hard, everything here is left to you." Ye Tian took a last look at Anna, then walked towards the teleportation formation, took out a few spirit crystals, UU reading uukanshu. com is placed in the energy groove.

"Are you leaving now? Is it because of me?" Princess Ann bit her lip, and her heart was flustered again.

"It has nothing to do with you, I would have left."


On the teleportation platform, a bright light lit up, and dense runes shone out, forming a teleportation gate.

"When will I see you?" Anna asked, crying, tears bursting.

Ye Tian groaned slightly, and said, "Wait for you to cultivate a golden core!"


With a flash of light, Ye Tian's body disappeared from the array and entered a kaleidoscope-like passage.

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