Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1831: Difficulty in Kunxu

Ye Tian shrugged off things every day and spent three days and three nights hanging out the leaders of these Western countries.

They are here to plead guilty, and they have no temper.

The whole world was in an uproar.

How has the Western world been so condescended and humiliated?

This represents the end of an era, and the Western world is completely crushed by the Eastern world.

Of course, it was mainly crushed by a single country in China.

"Feng Shui turns around. Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years!"

Countless people sighed.

There are also many Western fanatics who expressed anger and yelled:

"We in the western world have enough nuclear weapons to destroy this planet dozens of times. I am afraid that he will be a bird! The big deal is to bring the whole world to bury. Who dares to make us the West difficult, we the West also makes him difficult."

"Agree, I am not scared in the western world. If the young devil dares to target us and launch hundreds of nuclear weapons directly at China, see if he can stop it."

"If you don't be the boss of the world, you'd better die! This world, don't worry."

"Hopkins' head is pretty funny? He actually asked the young devil. What are the thousands of nuclear weapons for? Did the rod of god, electromagnetic cannon, and laser weapons go to feed the dog?"

Speaking of the rod of God, many Western fanatics feel that an opportunity has come. They think that taking advantage of Ye Tianren’s in the Dongshan Secret Realm, launch dozens of hundreds of rods of God, and even bind nuclear warheads to the rod of God. Maybe it’s true. Killing people in one fell swoop can wipe out the entire Bei Ming, and the world will "return to the West" from then on.

The Western world did not do this in the end, because the risk was great and the outcome was unbearable.

Launching the rod of God at Dongshan is equivalent to launching nuclear weapons at the great powers of China. It will start a nuclear war, and the entire world will be destroyed.

With the strength of a big country in China and the largest country on earth, the nuclear arsenal is no less inferior than the Western world, and it can easily destroy the world dozens of times.

However, this also sounded a wake-up call for Ye Tian. It is not safe enough to have a large formation of the sea barrier alone. Not only a shield, but also a spear, both offensive and defensive is the best move.

The resources in Ye Tian's hands can already be formed into a large attacking and killing formation, but it can only be an ordinary attacking and killing formation.

If you want to intercept nuclear weapons, destroy the rod of God, electromagnetic guns, at least you need to attack and kill the big array at the Jindan level.

Ye Tian thought about collecting some more resources, and then building a big formation.

Three days later, Ye Tian felt that the drying process was almost complete. When he was about to accept the plea of ​​the leaders of these Western countries, suddenly a guest came from afar from Kunxu Small World.

This is a young girl in Tsing Yi, her head covered with green silk like a waterfall, her face is beautiful, she is slender and graceful like a fairy.

Many people in Beiming are familiar with this girl, because she has been to Dongshan Beiming once.

It was Zhao Qingyi, who was once the proud girl of the Qingshan Gate in the southern region of Kunxu, and now became a member of the Kunxu Beiming.

However, her face was not very good at the moment, she was sweating, and she was very anxious.

Seeing her like this, many people have a bad feeling in their hearts. Ye Tian had a particularly strong hunch.

For no reason, she would definitely not come here.

I think the last time she came to Ye Tian, ​​it was because Qingshanmen was in trouble and came to ask for help.

"Did something happen?" Ye Tian asked.

"It's not good, Sect Master Ye, many masters from the Inner Yin Sect came to the Outer Yin Sect. I am surrounded by the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect in Kunxu, and many people have died in battle. You can go and take a look, don't go to the whole The sect can't keep it." Zhao Qingyi said loudly, her voice trembling and crying, showing that she was really frightened.

"When did this happen?"

"Just today, two hours ago. The boundary passage connecting the inner and outer hidden gates is in the weakest period of time and space tides once every 500 years in these few days. It is the safest time. Many people came and threatened to …To take revenge, to kill you."


Ye Tian suddenly burst into a terrifying breath, Huo Di stood up from the seat.

The vastness of this breath instantly penetrated the great formation of the Canghai enchantment and swept across the entire Tianhai City. Millions of people were shocked at this moment, and there was an illusion of being stared at by a beast.

This was the first time Ye Tian got angry after returning, like a large mountain, with a silver waterfall falling three thousand feet down, towering and condensing, with an overwhelming breath.

"I am also to blame for forgetting this!" Ye Tian blamed himself.

He originally thought that boundary passages would block the way, so he could sit back and relax. He forgot that boundary passages would have a weakness in time and space tides in the five-hundred-year cycle. Not to mention the golden core, it is the earth immortal body with the secret treasure of the void. Possibility passed.

Last time, the inner gate sent five golden cores to the outer gate, but two died in the void passage. One of them was exiled to the unknown space by the void crack, and the other was attacked by the time storm and died of old age.

Only three successfully passed, the Golden Crow Prince of the Golden Crow Clan, the True Monarch Lei Xiao of the Haotian Immortal Sect, and the Guhe Sword Fairy of the Shushan Sword Sect.

These three golden cores all died in the hands of Ye Tian.

Even at the Inner Gate, there are not so many golden cores that can be used everywhere. Every golden core is a godlike existence, with an incomparably noble status.

All of a sudden, the five golden cores disappeared, and the inner hidden gate could not give up. Now the revenge has finally come, first to the outer hidden gate, or even the secular world, because Ye Tian is here.

"If there is a mistake in Kunxu Beiming, I will let the entire inner hidden door be buried!" Ye Tian's eyes were cold and cold, as he stepped out step by step, his aura became thicker, and the golden divine glory faintly turned into flames around him.

"Sect Master, I'll accompany you!" Taro Miyamoto stepped out, full of fighting spirit.

"I'll go too!" Xiao Qingtian shot a dragon spear, revealing a strong sense of killing.

"And me!" Zhao Tianlong was not far behind.

Next, a group of people stepped forward and wanted to go to Kunxu with Ye Tian to fight a powerful enemy.

Kunxu Beiming, a branch of Beiming, is now in danger, and every Beiming disciple has the responsibility to guard it.

"Brother, I want to go too, take me." Ning Xiaoyu said seriously.

"Dad, a grandmaster didn't say anything, what are you doing with your little internal energy?" Ning Haifeng reprimanded his daughter again.

Naturally, Ye Tian couldn't take so many people to Kunxu. Although they could call the wind and rain in the secular world, either the earth immortal or the gods, they were not enough to look at the golden core at the hidden gate.

Normally, no matter how bad the golden core is, it can sling seven or eight earth immortals, absolutely crushing it.

"Cultivate hard, I'll be alone, and I'll be back." Ye Tian said coldly, although his tone was plain, there was no doubt about it.

"Be sure to take care of yourself, don't be aggressive, safety is the most important," Qing Han said, faintly uneasy. UU reading www.

Because she knew that the enemy Ye Tian was going to face this time was far better than any previous wave.

Ye Tian nodded, and then, in the horrified eyes of countless people, rushed up into the sky, turning into a golden rainbow that penetrated the sky and the earth, breaking the speed of sound in an instant, and shooting away from the 100,000 Kunlun in the west.

At that moment, the entire Tianhai City, millions of citizens, looked up at the same time and saw the golden divine rainbow tearing the sky apart.

That Jin Hong is so powerful and unbelievable!

"This stinky boy, he left before letting me hold my grandson. Next time I come back, I must take you to the hospital for a check."

Gu Xiaoman murmured, very dissatisfied.

When everyone heard the words, they all couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for Ye Tian in silence.

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