Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1839: Show up

As soon as this blood-electric strange long spear was pierced from the battleship, there were waves of dragons roaring, as if a real dragon roared for nine days, deafening and shaking, making the world and the earth tremble.

In the sound of the dragon's roar, the odd-shaped spear rune gleamed, and the spear body continued to expand and grow bigger, and in a blink of an eye it became a huge spear with a length of tens of feet.

Like a meteor penetrating the atmosphere, the odd-shaped long spear first burst into a brilliant divine light, and then ignited a raging flame, and a translucent dragon-shaped phantom appeared on the gun body as the flame transpired.

This is a fire dragon, of course not a real dragon, but a fire dragon, fire dragon.

And the whole spear is made from the spine bones of this fire scorpion as the barrel, the fangs as the spear head, the beard as the spear tassel, and the scorpion as the spear spirit.

What kind of method is to sacrifice a fire scorpion as a soldier?


As soon as the firefly spear was pierced, an extremely tragic evil aura filled the world, which made people's body and soul tremble, as if an ancient beast broke through the cage and came into the world, stirring There was a **** storm, and the endless killing intent moved Gao Tian.

"this is…?"

All the people in the audience remained unchanged.

It was just a long spear, and it was filled with such a tragic aura. It could be called a peerless soldier, as if it had slaughtered endless creatures and drank endless blood.

As if there was life, the fire lance spear soared into the sky and burst into flames. Wherever it passed, the void was blazing, sweeping out terrifying waves like a vast ocean, as if a single blow could pierce the sky and overturn a hundred thousand mountains. , Pierced directly at the huge palm of Xuanwu.


Suddenly, the Xuanwu Faxiang made a human voice, which was a very magnetic male voice, which shook Jiuxiao like a heavenly sound.

As soon as this voice sounded, both Kunxu Beiming and the crowd watching the battle from afar were in an uproar.

Although there is only a simple syllable, the people of Kunxu are familiar with this voice, and belong to the Ye Mowang.

"Is my ears stuffed with donkey hair and misheard it? The voice just now seemed to belong to the Ye Devil." A disciple of Wan Fazong muttered, his expression was extremely strange, as if he had seen a ghost, and he couldn't believe it.

It's not just him, everyone is like that.

Because Mengyao had just said that it had destroyed the only teleportation formation leading to the secular world, Ye Tian was blocked, and it was impossible to appear on the scene.

"Xuan... Master Xuan, what do you think, is Demon King Ye really doing it?" The new sword master of Qingyun Sword Sect asked Xuan Zichen, the new master of Wanfazong, because he was too nervous and got stuck in his speech. Baba.

"It is absolutely impossible, not to mention that he is isolated from the secular world. In just a few years, how can he repair the golden core? You know, the secular world is incomplete and the laws are incomplete, and it is impossible to prove the golden core. If he crosses the catastrophe, It will definitely be in my Kunxu, but no one has seen him cross the calamity at all. Therefore, this person is definitely not him." Xuan Zichen said through analysis, very sure.

Bei Ming's disciples were convinced that it must be their Sect Master who was making the move, and they were all very excited.

"Teacher, is it really you? How did you come here?" Mengyao muttered to herself, with crystal tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

At this time, Xukong saw that as the word "town" was yelled, the huge palm of Xuanwu shot down became more powerful.


In the void, there seemed to be a huge world grinding disc spinning, making a thunderous sound.

The palm of the Xuanwu **** seemed to be a cloud hanging down from the sky, huge and golden, with countless gods dancing, dazzling, with an immortal breath, as if the giant hand of the gods descended from the nine heavens, about to crush everything.


A loud noise came out, and the fire scorpion spear and the palm of the basaltic **** violently collided, as if detonating a nuclear weapon, bursting out a dazzling glare, which was as long as several tens of meters and was as thick as a house. Bent.


The Xuanwu Divine Palm couldn't hold it in the end, and it was pierced by the fire scorpion spear, tearing a huge hole.

Click, click!

Centered on the huge hole that was torn out, the entire giant palm was cracked like porcelain, spreading countless cracks, and there was a tendency to radiate toward the whole body of Xuanwu.


Xuanwu let out a soft cry, as if he couldn't believe that this blow could cause him such a heavy injury.

In the next second, the basalt form suddenly collapsed, and the blood sea field shrank rapidly. In the end, there was only a handsome young man standing in the same place, his hair dancing, his long clothes hunting, and his pupils as sharp as stars.

"My God, what a young devil!"

At this moment, countless people exclaimed.

They couldn't be more familiar with the figure of this young man, and many people were awakened in nightmares.

"Didn't the teleportation formation ruined? How did he come? Is that Su Xiaonizi lying to us?"

"It shouldn't be. Look at the body of the Ye Devil King, the clothes on his body are all rotten, his face is pale, you can vaguely see a series of scratches, and there seems to be blood on the corners of his mouth."

"What you mean is that he broke through the barriers and forced through? How is this possible? Even Yuan Ying might not be able to do it."

"I don't know, it's just speculation."

As these people saw, Ye Tian's face was pale with injuries on his body, and his internal injuries were more serious than external injuries.

He forcibly opened up a boundary passage, and the turbulence in the void was too strong for even the golden core to pass.

And the reason why he was able to successfully descend was because he had mastered part of the Void Avenue, had bathed in the turbulence of the void, and refined the fragments of the Void Law.

But because of this, he was also injured, and his realm dropped slightly.

"Strange, he is not a real golden core. Not a golden core, why can there be such an amazing golden core?" Xuan Zichen muttered, stunned for a while.

"It's not a golden core, it's better than a golden core. What should we do now? Should we withdraw, or...?" Qingyun New Sword Master was a little undecided, and a wave of fear spontaneously grew in his heart.

Not only him, but all the powers who tried to make a move just now looked earthy and trembling.

"Mad, a dying person, afraid of a bird. Since he has made a choice, there is no turning back! And, don't you want to report such a big hatred?" An elder of the Tianwang Pavilion said angrily.

"Yeah, UU reading www.uukā Ye Mowang is nothing but this, don't you think he is injured?"

The steel battleship shook suddenly amidst the people’s discussion, and then saw a powerful figure walking out of it. He couldn’t see his appearance. The whole person was like a golden scorching sun, bathed in blazing brilliance, stabbing straight. Human eyes are extremely gorgeous.

This is his voice, terrifying, just overflowing naturally, like a big stove, people can't get close, can only look up.

On his body, a phantom of a three-legged golden crow was faintly visible, and a pair of flame wings flapped lightly, ripples in the void, as if the world was moving because of him.

"You are the Ye Devil in their mouth?"

This figure said solemnly, with endless killing intent in his eyes.

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