Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1844: 1 foot trampled to death

The speed of the silver armored golden crow man was too fast, and a full blow was extremely terrifying.

If they were changed to other people, even if they were the same golden cores, it would be difficult to avoid them, and they would probably be killed.

The physical strength of the Golden Crow alone is difficult to contend with, the bloodline talent is extraordinary, and the wings can break the void.

The Golden Crow tribe has a lightning-like speed. After the integration of the fire escape, the speed is even faster, which can be called the world's speed.


Everyone in the audience saw that Ye Tian couldn't avoid it, and the golden crow wings like a heavenly sword slashed on top of his heavenly spirit cover.

But just when the spectators wanted to cheer and shout, suddenly an unbelievable scene happened. After being cut to the Tianling Cap, Ye Tian's figure was broken like a dream bubble.

Immediately afterwards, a big golden foot fell from the sky and stepped on the body of the golden crow man with silver armor.

"Dark cloud my son, be careful!" The golden crow yelled to remind him, but it was too late.

The Silver Armored Golden Crow man possesses Fire Escape Extreme Speed, and Ye Tian can flash, only faster or slower than him.


The mountains shook, the sun and the moon collapsed, chaos boiled!

No one can imagine how terrifying the power of this golden big foot, it suddenly stepped on the ground with the silver armored golden crow man, and a mountain over a hundred meters high turned into dust from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

The silver armored golden crow man was stepped deeply under the ground, half of his body was broken, and he was hit hard in an instant.

Even if he is the golden core, he can't stand the power of this golden kick.

Everyone can see clearly that the owner of the big golden foot is Ye Tian. It fell from the sky and stepped on it with one foot. The giant spirit body tens of feet high was like an ancient giant, and the huge body was slightly shaken. The earth shook the mountain, opened his mouth and took a breath, and then the wind surging, and when he stared, there was a burst of magical light like a heavenly sword.

Although the two thunder gates behind him disappeared, there was a bright divine brilliance blooming from his body, and the monstrous aura was still unshakable.

"How can it be so powerful?"

Everyone in the audience was shocked, and there was an illusion like in a dream, which felt very unreal.

The silver armored golden crow man is a golden pill, his blood is extraordinary, how powerful is it?

It would be incredible to be stepped on by a small Ning Dan, like a dead dog.

"Teacher!" Su Mengyao raised her head, looking at Ye Tian with beautiful eyes, as if a little fan had seen a big star, and her eyes were full of admiration.

"I just said that the lord has an invincible posture, and he is strong when he is strong, and he will never be defeated." The old man Jiu Jue stroked his beard and said.

In a deep pit in the distance, Li Chundao was bloodied, with trembling fighting spirit, and tears in his eyes.

"The Sect Master is invincible, and the Sect Master will win!"

The disciples of the North Ming Immortal Sect were all extremely excited when they shouted.

"Stop it!" The old Golden Crow shouted, with two golden lamp-like eyes almost out of his sockets.

"Little beast, if you dare to die, you will be destroyed all over the house, and your soul will be extracted and refined in the sword pond for ten thousand years."

"His Thunder Gate cannot be activated continuously. With just a single yuan pill, the energy will soon be exhausted. Now is a good time to kill him." True Monarch Beichen said in a cold light.

Suddenly, his body moved and turned into a human-shaped lightning bolt, rushing away in the direction of Mengyao.

Surround Wei and save Zhao!

"Looking for death!" Ye Tian shouted angrily, and rushed out to save Mengyao with a flash of magical powers.

At this moment, a sudden roar came from the earth:

"I come!"

Amid the thunderous roar, I saw the tyrannical bear holding the tiger soul sword in both hands, volleying down.


At that moment, the mountains and rivers paled, and the sun and the moon were dull.

The silver sword light that resembles a waterfall tears through the void and stirs the chaos of the animation sky. The scar turns into a fierce tiger, slashing its head against True Monarch Beichen. The sky-breaking sword intent swept across the sky, the mountains and mountains collapsed, and the mountains and forests were destroyed with the force of decay and decay.

There is a blood hole in the chest of the terrestrial violent bear, all covered with blood, dyeing all of its black hair red.

With this knife splitting out, the blood in the blood hole gushes out more like spring water.

But the whole body, all the vitality, was being drawn crazily by the saber, and it fell down extremely fast.

Surprisingly, in order to make this knife, the Grim Bear also tried his best.

After all, no matter how violent and powerful it is, it will only condense pills.

This knife can cut the golden core!

"Animal, do you dare?" True Monarch Beichen was shocked, and hurriedly smashed the Ten Thousand Years Thunder to hit the wood, and slammed his sword at the Tiger Soul.


Thousand years of lightning strikes the wood is just a holy weapon, in front of the resurrected divine soldiers, it is not enough to see, it was suddenly split into two halves.

"Help me!" Zhenjun Beichen yelled, almost not scared to pee.

Qiang Qiang!

A flying sword flew out from the back of True Monarch Nine Swords, turned into a silver light training, and stabled directly at the tiger soul sword and the terrestrial bear wielding the sword.

The earth violent bear was unmoved, desperately squeezing a divine power, determined to smash True Monarch Beichen to death, and let the flying sword be chopped onto the body.

Puff puff!

After all, the terrestrial violent bear is not at the peak, and its aura has fallen sharply, while the flying sword of the Nine Swords True Monarch is extremely sharp, and a thorn in it is a blood hole with a big mouth.


Some flying swords slashed on the Tiger Soul Sabre, making a harsh croak, like iron strikes, deafening.

"Made, I did it with you!"

Seeing the blood hole of the terrestrial violent bear, the old man Jiujue's eyes were red, putting life and death away, holding a war spear, flying out to intercept the flying sword.

Mengyao also had human eyes on her, and rushed out with a purple electric lightning knife.

There are many other Beiming elders and disciples Han Anger.

"Let me go, if you dare to kill, I will..." The old man Jin Wu rushed towards Ye Tian and shouted angrily.

But before he could finish his sentence, Ye Tian crushed him with a kick.


Under his feet, the silver armored golden crow man let out a stern wailing, like a devil roaring.

"I'm fighting with you, let's go to death together!"


A terrifying breath, UU reading www. burst out from him, shaking the ground with a radius of thousands of feet.

However, Ye Tian crushed his foot, and the Chaos Wutu Divine Thunder exploded, and the seal of the Tuxing Yuandan was unveiled. Under the heavy pressure of Mount Tai, this earth-shaking terror wave was finally suppressed. Down.

"Want to explode the Golden Core? Have you asked me?" Ye Tian yelled coldly, stepped on his foot, crushed by hundreds of millions of forces, shaking the mountain for a while.


The body of the silver armored golden crow man, with spirit and golden core, was trampled on and exploded.

That golden pill almost exploded, but fortunately it was crushed by Ye Tian. Otherwise, not only may he be severely injured, but the gods of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect will also be robbed.

At that moment, all the monks and onlookers were all moved.

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