Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1850: Suppressed again

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"Hahaha! What a void exile, but so!" The Golden Crow old man laughed loudly.

"Little beast, you can't escape. I took your life with a supreme forbidden weapon left by the Great Emperor Jin Crow of my clan, and you are proud to die. Ordinary Jindan late kings are not worthy of me. Do this." The old Golden Crow snorted coldly, standing with a hand in hand, with an indifferent expression, as if he had a chance to win.

The Golden Crow Ling Feather contains a drop of essence and blood of the Nascent Infant Golden Crow, which is equivalent to having a source of energy, capable of attacking and killing independently, and locking in Qi, without him being urged and controlled.

This is a forbidden device with a limited lifespan. Use once less once. The Jinwu tribe has always been extremely rare and never used it easily, so it can be passed down to the present.

"Really?" Ye Tian's eyes became cold, and his whole person suddenly became very deep.

Few people caused him to suffer such severe injuries and made him extremely angry.

Suddenly, he put away the Chaos God Realm, flashing supernatural powers and flashing shadow steps at the same time, like a flash of lightning, quickly rushed to the old man of the golden crow, and at the same time swung the Ziying longsword.

It can be said that in today's world, no one can match him in speed, even Jin Dan Da Zhenjun can't do it.

Not to mention his flashing magical powers, which is just a glimpse of light and shadows. It is not comparable to the so-called Golden Crow speed of the Golden Crow tribe, and can be described as unique in the world.

His whole person turned into a golden light, tearing through the void and walking, with a step of hundreds of meters, approaching the Golden Crow old man at an extremely fast speed.

That Golden Crow Lingyu could be locked in Qi machine, chasing after Ye Tian, ​​the speed was also extremely fast.

Ye Tian had to evade while running.


The moment Ye Tian approached the Golden Crow old man, he swung a sword decisively and ruthlessly, the sword glowing like a dragon, murderous, and splitting a mountain.

The old man of the Golden Crow displayed a secret method of fire escape. With the speed of the Golden Crow, he was able to avoid it, but a corner of his clothes was cut off, and his back was frightened.

In terms of speed, the old man of the Golden Crow could also be ranked in the inner hidden gate. The fire escape secret technique combined with the speed of the Golden Crow quickly swept thousands of feet away almost in the blink of an eye.

However, what shocked him was that Ye Tian's speed was faster than him. He just stopped with his front foot, before he had time to catch a breath, Ye Tian arrived on his back foot, and thousands of Jianguang smashed his head and face.

The divine soldier recovers, but he can cut the golden core, holding the holy soldier, he is not an opponent, and he does not dare to shake it with his bare hands.

Ever since, I saw an extremely funny scene, Ye Tian rose up and chased the old Golden Crow, and the Golden Crow Ling Feather was also chasing after Ye Tian.

The comparison between the two is to see who kills who first.


Ye Tian's thoughts were like waves, and after sensing the Golden Crow Lingyu who was close behind him, he suddenly turned around and smashed the Golden Crow Lingyu out with a sword.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian reached out with a big golden hand, like a golden mountain falling down, suppressing the old man in the golden crow.

The coercion was tens of thousands of times, and the void was sealed, and the towering mountains collapsed one by one, like a pile of sand and soil, and the rumblings were all turned into dust.

This is a terrifying sight. Ye Tian's palm is simply unmatched. When the mountains and mountains collapse, the sea is dry, and the sky collapses, nothing can stop it.

A ghost of the Vermilion Bird appeared on Ye Tian, ​​and at the moment he did not hesitate, urging the Fire Xing Yuan Pill, and exerting his full strength.

A drop of Nascent Infant's blood in the Golden Crow Lingyu didn't know when it would run out of energy. Ye Tian only had one yuan pill, and he couldn't fight with it, so he had to fight quickly.

Everyone in the audience was so surprised that they couldn't speak.

Ye Tian's methods are so powerful that he is simply an unrivaled ancient **** of war.

The old man of the Golden Crow, the great real monarch of the late generation of Golden Core, was beaten again.


He was consuming the potential of his life, his physical body was sublimated to the extreme, and finally when Ye Tian's golden palm was about to fall on his Tianling cover, he rushed out, and he was able to avoid this killing.

However, what made him horrified was that Ye Tian's golden big hand shook violently. Although he hadn't been photographed, the aftermath washed out, like a sea wave raised by a hurricane, with great power.

Boom boom boom!

Swamps of mountains have collapsed, earth and rocks have fluttered, and even turned into dust. The broken flowers and trees are even more numerous.

The golden crow elder quickly evaded, but under the powerful aftermath, he was shocked to fly out, like a kicked ball, his clothes were torn and his head was scattered.


His eyes were full of shock and fear, and he couldn't imagine the result.

He was obviously the great real monarch of the late Jindan period, but he was suppressed by a small condensing pill. It was almost like a dream, unreal.


Behind Ye Tian, ​​the Golden Crow Lingyu rushed again, like a black light lightning, still strong, with the might of destroying the void.

"Teacher, be careful!" Mengyao yelled, and at the same time the purple electric yin thunder knife in her hand flew out, trying to intercept.

However, Golden Crow Lingyu rode Juechen, and Zidian Yin Lei Dao couldn't catch it, let alone hit it.

This time, Ye Tian didn't swing his sword, but with a thought, Ziying Sword rushed out of his own accord. He integrated the soul villain into the Ziying Sword, which is equivalent to having consciousness and being able to attack and kill on his own.

Then, Ye Tian stepped forward, slender and vigorous, with thick hair draped over his shoulders. His eyes were clear and brilliant, and his whole body was sharp and sharp, like a killer **** possessing his body, killing the old man in the golden crow town.

"You don't need magic weapons, I can still kill you!" Ye Tian yelled.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the old man of Golden Crow. What he feared most was Ye Tian's Ziying Sword. With his bare hands, his body, and mana, he thought he could crush Ye Tian several heads.

Everyone in the audience is also looking forward to it, who can win with their bare hands.

But the result was shocking, and the old man of the Golden Crow was even timid.

"Fine, I will spare you today. Wash your neck clean and wait for me to get it in the future!"

The old man of the Golden Crow flew out as he said, and at the same time summoned the Golden Crow Lingyu back.

This is already where the Sun Moon Sword Palace was located, and the boundary passage leading to the inner hidden gate was just in front of him.

After all, the old man of the Golden Crow was seriously injured. This is another hidden door. Everyone is the object of his vigilance, and he has reasons to take action against him, so that he dare not take risks with his body. .

He wants to return to the hidden gate, and he will bring more masters back for revenge in the future.

"Never let him return to the inner gate alive, otherwise my outer gate is in danger!" The old man Jiu Jue roared.

All the spectators in the audience were moved, and they understood the profound meaning of the old man Jiujue's words in the electric flint flower room.

However, the speed of the Golden Crow old man was so fast that they were too late to stop them.

A pair of eyes locked on Ye Tian with anticipation.

Not disappointing everyone, Ye Tian caught up with the Golden Crow old man and stopped in front when he was only a few feet away from the entrance of the boundary passage.

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