Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 188: School flowers are here

Gu Xiaoman didn't want to go to Xie's restaurant for dinner. It was unclear, but just to stop the words, a crisp and sweet voice came out suddenly, calling her son.

"Ye Tian."

At the same time, everyone looked at the sound and found that a beautiful girl was calling Ye Tian.

I saw the girl's eyebrows painted like ink, and her skin was like curds, as if she walked in the painting, she was so beautiful.

Although her daughter is also a beautiful woman of one hundred miles, Ning Haifeng also has to admit that the girl in front of her is superior to her daughter, whether in appearance or temperament, she must be superior.

Compared to the pretty girl, her car is more eye-catching. The logo is a silver ellipse triangle with two intersecting Ms. If it was not for Ning Haifeng's experience, I could hardly recognize this car. Maybach 62S. I scratched it. The legendary giant car is priced at several tens of millions, which is not as high as the BMW X6.

Looking again at the license plate number, Ning Haifeng immediately took a breath, five 8.

Often, in general, most of the eight 8 license plates belong to the richest man in the local area!

Looking again at the girl, Ning Haifeng was shocked. Although he didn't know the girl, he thought with his **** and knew that she was not ordinary. She might be a princess of a wealthy or powerful family.

Hey, wait, what does this girl call Ye Tian's name mean?

Ning Haifeng frowned suddenly!

Does she know Ye Tian?

Um, I should, I should know, I do n’t know how to call my name. Bacheng is a class, I met on the road, and greeted out of courtesy, that's all.

This kind of girl belongs to the sky, and the goddess and fairy are just like that. If she has any close contact with Ye Tian, ​​he would not believe that Ning Haifeng was killed. He also came from his student days, claiming that he was more handsome than Ye Tian when he was young, and he was not comparable to Ye Tian in all aspects of human affairs. But what about it, there are still no girls who like him.

This is true even for Taning Haifeng, not to mention Ye Yeye, Ye Tian ...


Ning Haifeng's eyes almost glared. At this moment, the development of the scene exceeded his expectations.

The girl was seated in the back seat of the Maybach. After the car stopped, the driver got out of the car, quickly turned around to open the door, and then the girl got out of the car.

The driver seemed to know Ye Tian, ​​and shouted respectfully: "Mr. Ye."

Ning Haifeng thought that he had misunderstood his ears, but some people would call Mr. Ye Tianye, is he still a kid, can he bear the word "sir"?

Is the driver blind, or is there something wrong with his ears?

Ning Haifeng was a little confused and puzzled, and there were more things that puzzled him.

The beautiful girl is naturally Qinghan, Miss Qin Family, a lieutenant colonel, and the driver Ye Tian also knows, Father Qin's personal bodyguard, octopus master, Huo Feipeng.

The two met last time. In the principal's office of Tianhai No. 1 Middle School, Father Qin took A Peng to test Ye Tian's skills, but he was injured by a punch in Ye Tian's arm.

"Is the arm okay?" Ye Tian nodded and smiled slightly.

A Peng also smiled and said, "Thank you Mr. Ye for your concern. It's almost OK."

"that's fine."

Qing Han came to Ye Tian. With her figure, I don't know how many eyes looked at the school gate. As a school flower, Princess Qin's, no matter where she goes, she has her own halo, the focus of everyone's vision.

"Ye Tian, ​​is this?" Qing Han looked at Gu Xiaoman.

"my mother."

"Oh, how can I say something like you, it turns out to be aunt."

Without Ye Tian's heat field, Qing Han himself reconciled and took the initiative to say hello to Gu Xiaoman. She is not a school bully who can only read books. As a boudoir, she has learned etiquette since she was a child, and often goes to various occasions.

"Hello aunt, my name is Qing Han, Ye Tian's friend." Qin Qing Han stooped slightly, very politely, knowledgeable and generous.

Gu Xiaoman's eyes were also bright, and Qinghan's beauty was amazing.


Is it just that simple?

In other words, if a girl with such a beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament can marry home as a daughter-in-law, then it should ...

Gu Xiaoman said in his mouth, thinking long-term.

This son is looking for a girlfriend and a daughter for a boyfriend. The attitude of the parents is different.

"Ah, hello, hello, Xiaotian's girlfriend, isn't it? It looks so pretty."

Qin Qinghan's cheeks suddenly turned red, and he couldn't answer these words. Auntie was so direct.

"They only said they were friends, but they didn't say they were girlfriends. What are you talking about? What are you happy about?" Ning Haifeng hurriedly corrected his wife's mistakes to avoid being embarrassed.

This time it was embarrassing to Gu Xiaoman. Just now she thought about a business trip and mistaken Qing Han as her son's girlfriend, explaining: "Ah, haha, sorry, it was the aunt who heard the wrong thing. In fact, my friend was kind Ok."

"Mom, you have such a great attitude. Before your son and girlfriend have made it, you are just as happy as you, but your daughter is not allowed to fall in love. Double standards!" Ning Xiaoyu was angry.

"Little girl, what are you talking about? Dating affects your studies. Mom is not for your good."

"Isn't that afraid of affecting learning if he falls in love?"

At this time ~ ~ Ning Haifeng sneered, "It's the last countdown, what else is there to influence? Is there any room for this grade to drop?"

Ning Xiaoyu smiled suddenly, "It turns out that there is really nothing to influence." Then he stretched out his slim hand and greeted Qinghan: "Hello, my name is Ning Xiaoyu, Ye Tian's sister, half-parent Sister. Although I don't know how my brother made friends with your school flower, I, as my sister, is happy for my brother. At least his charm is not as bad as that of my father and me. "

What, school flowers?

Gu Xiaoman and Ning Haifeng were frightened again.

What is the weight of the school flower, if the average boy can be happy with the school flower for a long time, and make friends with the school flower is bragging for a while, and chase the school flower to become a girlfriend, I am afraid I want to I dare not think about it.

Looking at Ye Tian again, Ning Haifeng frowned. Ye Dantian knows the school flower, it is worth his high point, after all, when he was studying, he belonged to a class of people who could not talk to the school flower.

As his daughter Xiao Yu said just now, Ye Tian ’s charm is not as bad as he thinks, at least people can make friends with the school flower, and this school flower is also a princess of a wealthy or powerful family, the weight is even heavier Already.

"Xiaoyu, don't greet me. Whatever school flowers are not used by others are just screaming by others. If you want to see me, you are beautiful when you are light rain. If you want, I will give you the title of school flowers. Qingqing joked,

"Don't do it, I don't have the ability. If you give me the title of the school flower, the spit star of the boys in the school must drown me."

"How is it possible that you underestimate your charm too much."


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