Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1859: 贼寇 Irimura

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"Satsuki, it's not good..."

Suddenly, a panicked voice came into the house, accompanied by the sound of rapid and heavy footsteps, causing the little house to sway slightly.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a chubby village woman rushing into the house, panting with exhaustion, and the flesh on her cheek trembled.

"Aunt Zhang, what happened to my grandfather?" Xiaoyue asked quickly, too panicked.

"There are bad guys in the village, a bunch of thieves, your grandfather is about to be killed by them." The fat village woman said loudly, grunting, and holding the door frame to breathe.

Xiaoyue was so frightened that Huarong was pale, and she was about to rush out quickly.

The fat village woman stopped her and said, "I advise you not to go out and find a place to hide. I am afraid that the bandit will be against you."

The thief's favorite thing to do is to rob the house and rob the female of the people. Although Xiaoyue is still young, she looks like a flower, and a group of thieves will inevitably get bad thoughts when they see it.

"No, my grandfather can't be okay, otherwise I won't have any relatives." Xiaoyue cried loudly, where he could hear it, and finally ran out, panicking.


The fat village woman sighed and turned around to leave, but suddenly she turned her head back, looked at Ye Tian, ​​gave a fierce and disgusting look, and shouted, "Broom star!"


Ye Tian almost backed it without a breath, broom star?

What do you mean? what's the situation?

Ye Tian was confused, thinking that he was more wronged than Dou E, but the fat village woman didn't explain at all. She walked on two big thick legs and disappeared in a flash, leaving Ye Tian alone in the bed messy.

In the village head of Taohua Village, under a towering old tree, a dozen majestic men riding tall horses and slung swords and bows are flaunting their might, each showing a fierce look and a heavy hostility. At first glance, they are not good. generation.

Xiaoyue's grandfather knelt on the ground, with disheveled heads, swollen cheeks, clear palm prints, and blood flowing out of the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that someone had drawn his mouth.

This is a group of thieves who are notorious in this mountain. They make a living by robbing houses, especially ruthless, and even have slaughtered the village.

"How can you do this? Stop it. Grandpa Qin is the only pharmacist in our mountain. If he has a long and two shortcomings, who do we go to see a doctor? Who do you go to see a doctor?" A strong and strong man in the village stood up. Questioned loudly.

This person has lumps and lumps all over his body. He is very strong, and there is a burst of energy from his body, obviously he has learned some martial arts, he is not an ordinary person.

"Why, you are not convinced?" The man sitting on a tall horse asked coldly, Xiaoyue's grandfather knelt in front of his horse's head, and he was the one who beat Grandpa Xiaoyue just now.

This person is also five big and three thick, with a striking scar on his face, and his face is particularly hateful.

He had a big knife slung around his waist, an iron whip in his hand, and his big eyes were like brass bells, which were terrible.

"Everything has to be rational, why did Grandpa Qin offend you? Why do you want to beat him?" How many vigorous villagers were frustrated, but still boldly questioned.

"Reason, what kind of thing are you worthy of reasoning with me?"

The scarred man didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, and the iron whip in his hand suddenly drew out, and there was a burst of thunder-like explosions in the void, and there seemed to be a vaguely shadow of a dragon, confusing and confusing.

The vigorous villager struck his horse with a stride, and his whole body exploded. He slammed out a big callused hand and grabbed the steel whip.

Obviously, he has learned his family.

However, when his palm touched the iron whip, an overwhelming force surged all over his body, instantly dissolving his power.

Then he flew out, flying out more than a hundred meters, and fell to the ground, smashing a big hole, and couldn't get up for a while.

"You... deceive people too much!"

Some villagers were angry and couldn't help but want to shoot.

"Why? Do you want to do something to Grandpa? A bunch of ants, knowing whether they live or die, and want to make trouble? There are those who want to die, even if they come up, I will send you to the west one by one." Scar the thief shouted sharply, clammy. With a sound, he drew the big knife from his waist.

The rest of the thieves also drew the big knives around their waists, neatly slashing them, the knives were shining brightly, the knives were strong, and there was a breath of death permeating.


All the villagers in the audience took a sigh of relief and fell silent. No one dared to be nosy anymore.

At this moment, a very young and decent-looking man in the thieves group stepped out with his horse reined, staring at Grandpa Xiaoyue who was kneeling on the ground, and said sharply:

"Old thing, seeing us even dared to run, really knows whether to live or die. It's nothing more than to escape. I kindly invited you to see my father, but I even dared to make excuses to say that there is a patient in the family and I can’t walk away. I sent my father here, I think you are faint, toasting and not eating fine wine."

This group of thieves belonged to a gang organization called Heifengzhai. The young man was the son of the boss of the Heifengzhai gang.

"Also, are the medicinal materials that my father asked you to prepare three months ago? One hundred low-grade elixir, fifty middle-grade elixir, and ten high-grade elixir, one can't be less." Young The man then asked.

"I have never heard of some of the medicinal materials that your father wants, and some of this mountain doesn't exist at all. I can't get it together! Otherwise, you can give me some more time and I will look elsewhere." Grandpa Qin looked embarrassed.

"Then how much did you collect in total? Take them all, and go to see my father now." the young man asked.

"A total of collection..."

Grandpa Qin faltered, unable to speak for a while.

He really collected a lot of elixir for Heifengzhai, but during this time he admitted a severely injured patient and ran out of medicinal materials.

Yes, the seriously injured patient admitted is Ye Tian.

"I said, old thing, you didn't even collect one plant, did you?" The young man's complexion suddenly became gloomy.

"What do you want? Why are you dumb? Say!" Scar the thief shouted, then raised his hand and waved the iron whip and drew it.

Amid the thunderous whip, Grandpa Qin flew up, splashing blood all over his body.

No one in the village dared to move rashly, although his heart was extremely angry.

The gap is the gap, they are really hard to contend, and they are far from the opponents of these thieves.

"Fine, don't care about the medicine beforehand, take people away, and go to see my father now," the young man said.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

At this moment, Xiaoyue ran over quickly and happened to see this scene.

"Go back quickly, don't come over." Grandpa Qin shouted, his expression very nervous.

But Xiaoyue was willing to listen, and rushed to him, crying into tears, heartbroken.

"Xiaoyue, go back quickly and leave me alone." Grandpa Qin urged. From the corner of his eye, he could see a group of thieves coming.

"Grandpa, why are they hitting you? Ooo." Xiaoyue cried.

"Silly girl, grandpa is fine, go back quickly, grandpa will be away for a few days."

"I said, old man, you are too cruel. If your granddaughter is so small, you can leave her alone at home. Do you feel relieved? Let's go to Heifengzhai with us. Your granddaughter and grandson also take care of each other. I Heifengzhai I will certainly do my best to serve as a landlord, and serve delicious food and drink." Scar's thief looked sour and showed no good intentions at first sight.

"Master, the little girl is weak and can't afford to bump. I think it's better to sit on your black dragon horse." Scar Thief Kou then said to the young man Shao Master.

"Well, I have always been pitying and cherishing jade, and I will definitely take care of you!" said the young man, with a strange smile on his face.

"Several masters, don't need. My granddaughter is used to being independent, so she can do it alone. I usually go up the mountain to collect medicine and walk for a few days, but she is at home alone. Moreover, there are seriously injured patients in my home who need her to take care of. "Grandpa Qin quickly shied away.

He didn't want his granddaughter to enter the tiger's mouth. Once in Heifengzhai, it would be difficult to figure it out.

These thieves can do anything.

"Old man, do you look down on my Heifengzhai? Or do you look down on my young master?" Scar thief shouted angrily, his eyes staring like copper bells, with a fierce look.

The other thieves also shook the big swords in their hands, so that the villagers on the side were silent and afraid to speak out.

"Several masters, I really didn't mean that. There are really patients in my family who are in a coma. No one can take care of them. People will die." Grandpa Qin said sincerely, with a firm attitude.

"Yeah, there is a patient in his family who passed out on the bed. I saw it just now. And everyone in our village knows it. If you don't believe me, you can go and see." The fat village woman who went to yell Xiaoyue just walked away. Trot, came to the front, smiled to a group of thieves.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, her face turned green.

In the direction she had just ran over, a middle-aged man with gray and long hair was staggering towards him, shaking step by step, feeling that he might fall down at any time.

"Why did he wake up? When did he wake up?" Grandpa Qin was surprised and asked his granddaughter.

Hearing that, a group of thieves and all the villagers looked at the middle-aged and elderly man who was staggering.

"Why did this broom star come out?" The fat village woman cursed secretly, eager to jump her feet.

"Haha!" Scar the thief sneered, UU reading www. said: "Old thing, the seriously injured patient you are talking about is him? You let your flowery granddaughter take care of a seriously injured and dying old man. How can you bear it? You are not afraid of dirtying your granddaughter's hands? "

Old man?

Hearing the words of Scarlet Thief Kou, a burst of anger in Ye Tian's chest popped out.

"What's the matter with you here, why don't you go back and lie down?" The fat village woman yelled and winked at Ye Tian.

But Ye Tian continued to move forward as if he hadn't seen it.

"What a seriously injured and dying patient, I seem to have only seen one dead person!" The young thief, the young master of Heifengzhai, suddenly flicked his fingers and said lightly.

As soon as he said this, a group of thieves and subordinates understood, and immediately became murderous.

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