Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1881: Killing Lihuo Cult

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"Sister Yan'er."

Seeing Qin Yan'er's back, Xiao Yue'er wept secretly. She didn't expect her relationship with Qin Yan'er to come to this point one day.

In Ye Tian's view, this woman may have treated Xiao Yue'er better, but now she is more selfish, perhaps influenced by the deceitful atmosphere of the Zongmen, her mentality is no longer what she used to be.

"Master, are we really going to travel the world? But I'm worried about Grandpa. He was caught by the Lihuo Sect, and he must suffer a lot." Xiaoyue'er worried, with crystal clear tears dripping from the corners of his eyes, crying like pear blossoms with rain. .

"Wandering Tianya? Who said I want to go to Tianya? Go, let's go to Lihuojiao and take Grandpa back." Ye Tian said calmly, with a confident look, as if Lihuojiao is just a small place, coming and going freely. .

In other words, Li Huo Jiao didn't even have a golden pill, at most there might be one or two condensed pill, Ye Tian really didn't care.

"I hope I can get some more resources from the Lihuo Sect, so that my cultivation base can be restored to a small level." Ye Tian laughed in his heart, calling Xiao Jiujiu.

With such a mentality, he seemed to be approaching the thief.

"However, I don't rob others. I just punish the wicked and pull out the malignant tumors in society. This is a great achievement. It benefits the people and is not a bad deed."

Ye Tian called out Jinpengniao again and used some methods to suppress it and torture it torture. Jinpengniao was finally honest and willing to be Ye Tian's mount.

Then Jinpeng Bird fluttered its wings and flew high, carrying Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er to the sect of Lihuo Sect.

"Is Master really going to destroy this sect?" Xiao Yue'er was in a daze, she couldn't believe it.

Lihuo Sect is the largest sect in this piece, and in her mind it is as unattainable as an immortal palace in the sky, and she never dared to imagine that one day she would kill this sect.

"It won't be annihilation, it depends on their confession attitude. Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and there is no good way. If they have a good confession attitude, there is no harm in letting them live." Ye Tian said lightly.

Xiao Yue'er's eyes flickered, and she was convinced of Ye Tian's words, and a feeling of admiration spontaneously emerged, eager to grow up and become stronger, protect her relatives, and protect her hometown.

If you take a mountain road, you will travel over the mountains and ridges, and go around hundreds of kilometers from Taohua Village to Huo Jiao. In fact, the straight-line distance is only about 100 kilometers.

Even if the Jinpeng Bird flies at a normal speed, not supersonic, it will soon leave Huojiao.

Condescendingly, Ye Tian first saw nine consecutive hills, each of which was majestic and majestic, with towering ancient trees, strange stones standing in the sky, waterfalls and springs, and a series of palaces dotted with it, like a majestic landscape painting. Harmony and yet magnificent, it can be called extraordinary craftsmanship.

Ye Tian and Jinpeng Bird exchanged spirits and learned that these nine peaks represent the nine inheritances of Lihuo Sect, each of which is comparable to the previous ten great sects at the Waiyinmen.

You must know that Lihuo Sect is only a second- and third-rate small sect, with such a background that Ye Tian had to be shocked.

It's no wonder that the Waiyin Gate calls the Inner Yin Gate a fairy gate, which is so worshipped.

Surrounded by nine mountain peaks, in a plain area at the foot of the mountain, there is a city with a population of one million. The red-brown city wall can be ten meters high, covered with knife marks and arrow holes, full of traces of the passing of time. .

It is the city of Lihuo Tiancheng, the city that exists depending on Lihuo Sect.

Cities and sects are associated with each other. This model is also common in Waiyinmen. Zongmen is like the royal family, the center of power. The city can provide the sect with living materials and obtain wealth, thereby maintaining the expenses of the sect.

According to legend, Li Huo Sect was split from an ancient sect tens of thousands of years ago, and that ancient sect may be related to Chidi Shennong. Therefore, Li Huo Sect uses fire as the foundation of inheritance and is good at alchemy and medicine. There have been many great masters of alchemy, and even alchemy saints.


Jinpeng fluttered his wings, and the wind howled, like a golden rainbow coming from the sky, landing in front of the mountain gate away from Huo Sect, folding his wings and lowering his head.

"Hey, isn't this the Golden Peng Bird of the Third Elder's mount? How could it appear here? The Third Elder doesn't seem to be out today!"

"What do you know? The Jinpeng Bird of the Third Elder lent it to Senior Brother Yang Zhan, saying that he was looking for someone in the forest."

"Could it be that Brother Yang Zhan is back?"

Several disciples guarding the gate of the mountain hurriedly greeted them, respecting them.

It seems that these disciples guarding the mountain gate are all outer disciples, with low status. Seeing the core disciples, they should salute like the elders.

But when they saw that two strangers, one big and one small, came down from Jin Peng's back, instead of Senior Brother Yang Zhan, they were all surprised.

"Who are you?" a janitor asked, panicking when he didn't know it.

Looking around, Ye Tian saw the gurgling spring water in front of the mountain gate, blooming flowers like brocade, green hills and green hills, mist and mist, a wonderful scene of the fairy family's health resort, full of vitality, lush and beautiful.

"Yes, not bad." Ye Tian praised.

He was surprised that such a majestic sect had colluded with the bandits.

"Go and let your head teacher come to see me, I have something to ask him." Ye Tian said coldly.

Several goalkeeper disciples were stunned. They had seen someone crazy, but they had never seen such a crazy one.

"Who are you? I teach the body of ten thousand gold, so you can see it when you see it? Also, why did the three elder Jinpeng bird appear in your hands?"

The gatekeeper began to beware, and the tone of his words became hardened.

Ye Tian snapped a finger out, and a golden glow burst into pieces, breaking the three bronzing characters "Li Huo Jiao" engraved on the mountain gate to pieces.


Several goalkeeper disciples all took a deep breath, only then did they dare to be sure that the person who came was not good, they came to find the fault, and they wanted to be true.

"Boy, have you eaten the ambition of the leopard? Do you know what you are doing?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, ring the alarm bell and tell the sect that an enemy is coming."

"It's just a small mess. It's not enough to ring the alarm. It's too fuss. I'll kill him."

A goalkeeper disciple who was five big and three thick came forward and rushed towards Ye Tian with a wide-backed long knife upside down.

As a result, Ye Tian didn't make a move, and Xiao Yueer hit him with a Divine Phoenix Fist, vomiting blood and flying upside down.

"Go and let my grandfather out, or it will make you look good." Xiao Yue'er babbled, and both lines of eyebrows were erected, and the milk was fierce and fierce.

It's not because she is strong, but because the other party is too weak, it's just a disciple of the outer sect.

Next, all the goalkeeper disciples shot together, used some magic weapons, and slapped Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er.

Although they are disciples of the outer sect, they are guarding the mountain gate here, and there are still some strange treasures on their bodies to use at critical moments.

Another disciple of the gatekeeper ran to ring the alarm to inform the Fondsmen.

Ye Tian didn't care. With a flick of his big sleeve, there was a sound, all weapons, all magic weapons, all fell to the ground, and a group of gatekeeper disciples all flew out, vomiting blood, bones and muscles broken. Falling to the ground can't get up for a while.

Ye Tian didn't hurt the killer because it was unnecessary.

The disciple Ye Tian who went to ring the alarm did not stop him, and let him ring.

Upon entering the mountain gate, you saw a bluestone paved step, thousands of steps, winding up like a long dragon lying on both sides, with green vegetation on both sides, and flowers of various colors competing with each other.

"You...what are you going to do?"

The disciple who went to ring the alarm bell stood in front of a big bell with a club in his hand, but did not dare to ring it. He worried that if he sounded the alarm, the other party would kill people.


As a result, Ye Tian pointed out a finger, and the alarm bell suddenly rang out with a deafening sound, which spread all over the nine mountains in an instant. Even the people who were away from Huotian City at the foot of the mountain heard the sound and looked together.

"Take me to meet your head teacher." Ye Tian drank softly.

The goalkeeper who went to ring the alarm was almost scared to pee. He threw away his club and led the way.

Then, two people, one big and one small, followed a goalkeeper disciple, and walked up the green steps all the way.

After hearing the alarm, Lihuo Sect was all busy immediately, and a group of figures rose up into the sky, or rushed, rushing towards the gate of the mountain.

One of the nine mountain peaks is lined with tall temples. It is second only to the top of the main peak in terms of scale, which is the top of Ye Tian's footsteps at this moment.

This mountain belongs to the three elders, that is, the real person Liyang, the master of the little real person Ling Yunfeng.

Because of the presence of a top-level Tianjiao disciple, Zhang Daochen, Li Yang Zhenren's status and status in the Lihuo Sect has also risen, and the hidden energy is on the same level as the head teacher.

You must know that there hasn't been a golden pill in the Lihuo religion for thousands of years, and it is of extraordinary significance to have a golden pill to be born.

In addition to Zhang Daochen, Yang Zhan, and the little real person Ling Yunfeng, are all the pride of the sky, and there is a possibility of hitting the golden core in the future.

Because of the outstanding disciples, Li Yang Zhenren is also very popular in the Lihuo Sect. The elders of the other sects fear him for three points, and even the head of the sect sells his face.

Ten minutes ago, Qin Yan'er returned from Taohua Village and went directly to the mountain top of the real Liyang to explain some of the circumstances.

Qin Yan'er knew that paper couldn't keep the fire out, so she told the truth about everything she knew.

When Real Man Li Yang knew that all his disciples had fallen, he immediately jumped into a thunder, like a lion with exploded hair, smashing a golden nanmu table with one palm.

In order to catch the real culprit who killed the little real man Ling Yunfeng, UU Reading he sent almost all the disciples under his seat, and they all died tragically. Now he is almost a lonely man. How can he not get angry?

Fortunately, he called the big apprentice Zhang Daochen back in time, otherwise this big apprentice, the Golden Core seeded player who is not from the Huo Cult, would very likely fall on the spot.

Ye Tian even killed several people with Jin Dan, let alone condensing the Dan in a small area. Although the cultivation base is not at the peak now, it should be no problem to kill.

Zhang Daochen is now in the Shushan Sword Palace, and he is discussing with the Tianjiao disciples over there about the experience of the Fairy Ruins.

"All my disciples are dead, why did you survive? Tell me what happened?" The real person Li Yang jumped fiercely in his eyes, and suddenly looked at Qin Yan'er.

A tyrannical coercion hit her face, and Qin Yan'er immediately suffocated.

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