Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1897: Thunder Strike

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At this moment, the Five Golden Crow His Royal Highnesses displayed the Golden Crow Secret Art, and even used the power of the Golden Core to transform into a three-legged Golden Crow, which is truly powerful and overbearing.


The Golden Crow fluttered its wings, brought up the sky of fire, and rushed away violently at Ye Tian, ​​fierce and mighty.

At the same time, he was full of golden crow feathers, clanging, turning into countless feather arrows, coming out all over the sky, piercing the void, and piercing Ye Tian directly.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Tian did not retreat, a wall of crystal scales stood up in front of him, shimmering and shiny, seeming as thin as a cicada's wing, but tough, he even intercepted all the golden crow feather arrows, the sonorous sound was endless, splashing a string of sparks , As if struggling with iron.

"Sure enough, there is a secret treasure!" You Tianjiao exclaimed, staring at the crystal scale wall in front of Ye Tian, ​​surprised.

This is Jin Dan's feather arrow, any of them have the power to kill the innate, but they are all intercepted, which is incredible.

However, the crystal scale wall also suffered a great blow. Although it was not broken, cracks appeared.

"What are you doing, let's do it together!"

Suddenly, a roar like thunder came, and a huge figure rushed madly, holding a 100-meter-high mountain with both hands, and throwing it at Ye Tian suddenly, slamming it down.

Astonishingly it was Ba Tianye who was making the shot, and the man rushed back into the field from a distance. At this time, his height had doubled again, nearly ten meters, and his body was as powerful as a tide, pushing the mountain out of the world.

But he no longer had the courage to fight Ye Tiandu, and wanted Southern Territory Tianjiao to attack Ye Tian together.

Hearing his roar, the Southern Territory Tianjiao woke up like a dream, and immediately shot, one after another.

Boom boom boom!

More than a dozen breaths that shook the sky and the earth instantly rose from the ground, filling the void, smashing the nearby mountains and shaking the ground.

As the arrogance of a clan, each of them has extraordinary abilities.

Some people hacked out the sword light, some people cut out the sword gang that can tear the world, some people have the power of the mountains and the sea, some people control the flames, some people call out the ice and snow, there are also sky umbrellas, mountains and rivers,...

In an instant, Ye Tian was in a crisis!

"Master!" Xiao Yue'er was anxious, and two small white faces were full of worries.

Jinpeng bird soars high in the sky, carrying Xiaoyue'er on its back.

If it wants to escape, it can run away at any time, kill Xiaoyue'er, or just throw it down.

But it did not do so.

Because Ye Tian just helped it heal the wound on its wing, let it be grateful.


Ye Tian didn't care, he punched out directly, and a Suzaku fist imprint pierced the void, like a Suzaku divine bird tearing out of the void from the immortal realm, and blasted towards the first Royal Highness Golden Crow.


The huge Golden Crow Bird instantly seemed to have been hit by the hammer of the Shaking God, and its figure suddenly stopped in the air, and almost flew out, one of its wings was torn open with a wound.

The Suzaku fist marks burst open and turned into overwhelming strength, instantly flooding the golden crow bird's body.

But how powerful is the golden core, how powerful is the golden crow's physique, this Suzaku fist seal only tore a small wound on the golden crow's wings.

The golden crow bird is incomparably powerful. After a few snaps, the iron wings flapped and continued to culminate. Every feather in his body was glowing, bringing up a sky full of flames, and a pillar of fire from the sky was sprayed out of the mouth, bringing the earth to the ground. All melted, and lava was flowing.

It's a pity that this monstrous flame can't help Ye Tian at all.

He clenched his fist again, a thunderous noise burst out of his palm, exploding a milky wave of air.

After that, he slammed a fist, and a raging flame ignited on his fist, like a flaming meteor thrusting into the sky, and smashed a 100-meter mountain that had been smashed by the Desperadoes.

At this moment, Ye Tian was like a god, unmatched in strength.


Immediately afterwards, his figure flashed and disappeared from the spot in an instant, avoiding all attacks.

Since smelting the Void Fragments, he has a deeper grasp of the Void Dao, and his flashing supernatural powers are also very diligent.

If this kind of void was flooded with various attacks before, and it became unstable, his flashing supernatural powers would not be able to be used, and he would not be able to penetrate the void.

But now there is no problem, no matter what the void is shaking, all kinds of devastating attacks are overwhelming, and he comes and goes freely.

Boom boom boom!

He turned into a cloud of golden light and rushed forward, like a hurricane passing by, tyrannical, sweeping the sky and the ground.

"You..." Ba Tianye looked shocked, because Ye Tian rushed to him in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Ye Tian was enveloped in Chaos Qi, he could not even see Ye Tian's entire body, only a pair of fists, like meteors, overwhelmed the world, crushed mountains and rivers, and smashed him.

Although he had already launched a tyrant battle body, his height was almost ten meters, and he was as strong as an ancient savage dragon, but he did not dare to fight Ye Tian with his body and shake his fists hard.

Among the electric flint flowers, he took out a silver shield. The whole body was simple and it was painted with many patterns of ancient ancestors. It was made of silver and turned into a mountain the size of a mountain. It stood in front of him. At the same time, he suppressed Ye Tian. go with.

His palm fingers shook slightly, and the silver shield surged with overwhelming power, causing Cangyu to tremble and almost burst.

The stigmata revived one by one, and finally recovered seven stigmas.

Amazingly, this is a legendary holy soldier.


Ye Tian shot, fearless, punched out, and slapped it on the silver shield, like the gods of the heavens are hitting iron, and the sonorous sound shook the ears.

A bright light burst out between the silver shield and Ye Tian's palms. It was countless series of sparks connected together, like a volcanic eruption, the magma was chaotic, and it looked like stars shattered, raging across the sky.

An extremely domineering breath, scrolling in all directions, shocked people's hearts.

Although the silver shield was fine, the Decepticon was blasted backwards by this punch, and bleeding was even more from the tiger's mouth.

The power of the young man was too arrogant, and the golden flesh body surpassed the golden black body and the domineering battle body, exceeding everyone's expectations.

"I am waiting for a lot of people, even if the consumption can consume him, don't be afraid." The roar of the Golden Crow Five, flapping two huge wings, went around in the air, and continued to chase Ye Tian.

Qiang Qiang!

The Golden Crow Domain pierced through the void like sharp arrows, slashing through the void, leaving long traces of the dark void, piercing straight towards Ye Tian.

The only person in the field who can really fight Ye Tian is his Five Highnesses.

He has an intuition that even if he can win, it will be a tragic victory, and it will cost a lot of money.

Ye Tiantian was panting, using great supernatural powers, and the consumption was huge. Fighting like this is very detrimental to oneself, and it must be done quickly, even if a group of **** Tianjiao is scared away.

As for surrender, he hasn't thought about it yet.

"It's over!" Ye Tian suddenly sank, his eyes flashing bright.

This is the rhythm of the big move, which shocked a group of Southern Tianjiao.

Because they had guessed that Ye Tian might have artifacts in his body.

"Don't be afraid of him, he is so poor, I don't believe he can use any other big tricks." Ba Tianye shouted loudly, his voice was like rolling thunder, deaf and deaf.


As soon as he raised his hand, a towering tree with a diameter of two meters rose from the ground. It was more than a hundred meters high and weighed at least several hundred tons, and it hit Ye Tian directly.

At this time, the Five Golden Crows also arrived, and opened his mouth to spit out a flame jet, blasting towards Ye Tian with the momentum of burning the sky. At the same time, a bunch of **** claws were also poking down, grabbing towards Ye Tian's body.

At this moment, suddenly a five-colored thunder fell from the sky, with a blazing light and a full diameter of a foot, piercing through the sky and the earth, suddenly smashing the towering old tree thrown by the Overlord to fly ashes.

Ba Tianye was shocked suddenly, but before he could understand what was going on, a more terrifying thunder fell down, like a mountain, thick and terrifying, and suddenly smashed his ten-meter-high huge body. Got to fly out.

His bronzed body was instantly pitch black, his clothes became charcoal and stuck to his body, and his long hair was almost scorched. Although he was not hacked to death, he was embarrassed to the extreme.

In his body, a yuan pill jumped sharply, creating a sympathy between heaven and earth, trying to provoke thunder.

One of his Yuan Dan has been polished sufficiently long ago to be able to cross the calamity, but he has been holding it back, using the secret method to hide the breath and avoid the interaction between heaven and man. He did not cross the calamity. He wants to wait until the immortal ruin gate opens, to the immortal ruin. Zhongdu robbery.

Now a sky thunder fell down, and it was the purest sky thunder from the ancient world of Lei Xiao. The power of thunder penetrated through the whole body and penetrated into the original pill, causing the original pill to feel the thunder tribulation at once.

"Damn it, the gate of the immortal ruins is about to open. I can't overcome the calamity yet, absolutely can't." The Tyrant screamed in his heart, hurriedly running mana, driving the secret method, hiding the breath of the essence, and blocking the interaction between heaven and man.

His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth was rushing towards Ye Tian violently, and when he saw the towering old tree being chopped into pieces, he had a bad premonition. He took a sharp turn in the sky and rushed towards the distance.

His speed is not unpleasant, but no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than Thunder.


A five-color thunder, UU reading www. spread down like a brilliant colorful rainbow, and hit the golden crow bird's back, slashing straight into the sky, and the flesh and skin were charred.


The Golden Crow Bird finally failed to hold it, and fell from the air, knocking a mountain into a corner.

And this is just the beginning.

A thunder gate hung in the air, and one after another five-color thunder fell from it, like the water of the Yellow River falling from the sky, rumbling, pouring out, flooding and causing disasters.

In just a few moments, the terrible thunder turned into a five-colored ocean, submerging the land of thousands of square meters. The terrifying fluctuations were turbulent and suffocating. The towering ancient trees, the blocks of hundreds of meters of boulders, and so on, were all smashed. Become ashes.

All the Southern Tianjiao were not spared, they were all submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, and the screams of screams came and screamed one after another.

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