Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1903: Unknown god

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (

"This is not what you should ask, just tell me if the Star Sky Teleportation Formation is in your Golden Crow Crow. If you dare to lie, you know the consequences." Ye Tian put on a vicious look, urging the real fire of the earth and lungs even more. It was fierce, and it burned to the sky crackling, and the dragon pattern from the Huobaoding was burned a little red.

His Royal Highness Golden Crow Fifth struck a violent spirit, and then categorically said: "No, absolutely not. I grew up so big, I have never seen any starry sky teleportation formation in the clan."

"Will it be hidden by your ancestors, deliberately not letting you wait for the juniors to know?" Ye Tian asked.

"Impossible. If the Starry Sky Teleportation Formation really belonged to my Jinwu tribe, my tribe's ancestors would have used it to go outside the territory, hoping to prove Dao Yuanying, how could he stay here..."

Before finishing speaking, His Highness Jin Wuwu suddenly realized that he had said too much, and stopped quickly.

"Your ancestor? How old is it now? What realm?" Ye Tian asked quickly.

It seems that the ancestors of these top sects are probably the most powerful figures in the hidden sect. Ye Tian naturally cares very much, because there will be a battle between each other.

"My ancestor has lived more than six hundred years old, and now the realm is closer to the peak golden core, and just touched the threshold of Yuan Ying. Looking at the entire inner door, in my opinion, there should be no opponents. Nothing." His Royal Highness Jinwu Fifth didn't hide anything, and spoke eloquently.

He said this, hoping to attract Ye Tian's attention, make Ye Tian frighten, and let him go.

The six-hundred-year-old immortal, the peak golden core, really made Ye Tian's mind moved and attracted some attention.

However, that was all there was to it. Fear was not enough, and it was even impossible to let go of the Five Golden Crows.

"How much do you know about the destruction of Penglai by your Golden Crow tribe? Have you ever learned that when Penglai was destroyed, a group of people escaped? Where are those people now?" Ye Tian continued to ask, not being touched by the ancestor of the Golden Crow. Impact.

His Royal Highness Jin Wuwu cursed secretly in his heart, and said: This little thing is really not afraid of death, even my ancestors are not afraid of it, it seems that it is really the reincarnation of some old evildoer, otherwise how can he have such a strong character and concentration?

"Is anyone escaping? I don't know." His Highness the Five Golden Crow responded.

It was already tens of thousands of years ago that the Golden Crow destroyed Penglai. It shouldn't be too long. These old sesame seeds and rotten grains may not even be recorded in the history books. His Highness Jin Crow Fifth really has a black eye and doesn't know it.

Ye Tian himself knew that the possibility of finding a group of people tens of thousands of years ago was almost zero.

I heard from Teacher Zhang Tailin of the Lihuo Sect that the group of people had been taken in by Yaochi, and it seems that they might really have to go to Yaochi, although the possibility of getting useful information is unlikely.

After all, time has passed too long, maybe that group of people died long ago, or there were younger generations left behind, and they have long forgotten about their ancestors.

Through these people, Ye Tian wanted to find the footprints of the Star Teleportation Array.

"One question and three questions, then what's the use of keeping you? Just let you refine the medicine." Ye Tian picked up the crystal ball and threw it away from the fire treasure cauldron at the dragon pattern.

"Ah, don't kill me, we have something to say. I really don't know what you asked, why don't you ask other things?" Golden Crow Fifth Highness pleaded, where there is still a trace of the original majesty, the whole It's a bereavement dog.

"Okay, then I'll ask you one more question. The old Penglai is a land of Tenglong, with excellent feng shui. After your Jinwu tribe destroyed Penglai, why didn't you take this old land as your own? Even if you don't move your Golden Wuzu land. Come, at least you can build a city." Ye Tian asked.

As soon as he arrived in the old place of Penglai, he had this question. A good piece of treasure land was deserted, which was a bit unreasonable.

"I know, I really know this." His Highness Jin Wuwu said quickly, lest Ye Tianzhen would throw him into the stove for practice.

"It's not that my Golden Crow tribe doesn't want to use this precious land, but that there are weird places here, and people die at every turn. Even the elders of Jin Dan can't be suppressed and will be slaughtered." His Highness Jin Wu said with lingering fear, as if he had experienced that period of time. Very scared.

"Oh? Why are people dead?" Ye Tian suddenly became interested and asked hurriedly.

"I also read the record from my tribe’s ancient books. Five elders from my tribe’s ancestors went to Penglai’s old Lishan Gate. They didn’t want to waste this vacated land, but without exception, all five mountain gates were destroyed. It was slaughtered overnight. The longest mountain gate was established for five hundred years. There were as many as hundreds of Golden Crow children under the gate, and there were eight in Jin Dan alone. There were dozens of innate disciples, and its strength was comparable to a top sect . That was also the most glorious time for my Golden Crow clan. Tianjiao came out in large numbers, and even Haotian, Yaochi, and Shushan were all afraid of three points. But such a powerful force was useless. They were killed overnight and no one escaped. ."

"Who killed it?" Ye Tian asked, frowning slightly, only to feel that there must be something inside.

"I don't know. Because the murderer is too cruel, every time he does not leave alive, even the infants will be killed. So, two thousand years ago, when the fifth hill of our tribe's Golden Crow elders was trampled down. , My clan doesn’t dare to think too much about this precious land anymore."

One person slaughtered a mountain gate with eight golden cores and dozens of innate in one night. It was simply appalling. The general golden core powers simply can't do it unless it is the best golden core, the eighth product, the ninth product, and practice. Only in the later stages can they have this kind of combat power.

Could it be that a top-grade golden pill who has cultivated to the top is shooting?

Ye Tian thought in his heart.

Although most of the gold cores of the inner hidden door are in the lower third grade, the environment should be better than it is now thousands of years ago. There is not a slight possibility that the high-grade gold cores of the truth are not.

Ye Tian can only think of this, because there is another possibility that a Yuan Ying is shooting, which is too far-fetched. After all, more than 100,000 years ago, after the earth's heaven and earth spiritual roots were picked by robbers from outside the region, no Nascent Infant was born.

"In ancient records, there have been many people who saw a man in white clothes in the old place of Penglai. He was very tall and stood in the ruins for a long time, but he could only look at it from a distance. When he got closer, the man in white would disappear. "

"My ancestor has a great power who has speculated that it may be a descendant of Penglai who is making the shot. That descendant is extremely powerful, and the realm may even rise to Yuan Ying, at least half a step Yuan Ying. That's why it can be waited for. Fighting power, destroying a mountain gate overnight, even Jin Dan has no power to fight back under his hand." said His Royal Highness Jin Wu.

"If it is really a descendant of Penglai, why not kill your Golden Crow ancestral land with such a powerful strength? If you take revenge, the first one should destroy your Golden Crow ancestral land? It is your clan ancestral land. With a powerful formation, I'm afraid it can't stop these evildoers." Ye Tian sneered.

"This..., I don't know. It stands to reason that he should slaughter my Golden Crow tribe. Maybe it's because the matter has passed for too long, and he doesn't want to pursue it too much."

Hearing the words of His Highness Five, Ye Tian fell into deep thought.

No matter from which point of view, it really looks like a descendant of Penglai made a move, and no one is allowed to establish a sect on the old ground of Penglai.

This made Ye Tian's heart stunned, because the old place of Penglai was more than the hidden gate. There was also an older place in the secular world, Penglai Fairy Island.

Now Penglai Fairy Island is occupied by Ye Tian, ​​and a sect has been established. If the great **** knew about it, he wouldn't know if he would kill it.

But after thinking about it, this possibility shouldn't be great.

This is because from the time when the first mountain gate erected by the Jinwu tribe in the old place of Penglai was destroyed, to the time when the fifth mountain gate was destroyed, there was an interval of almost two thousand years.

And since the fifth mountain gate was destroyed, almost two thousand years have passed since then.

For about four thousand years, that great **** could not live to the present, unless he really proclaimed the Nascent Soul.

A true Nasal Infant can live for at least two to three thousand years, and it is not difficult for the top Nasal Infant to live for tens of thousands of years.

As for the Dao Yuanying, it is impossible at all. It was an extremely difficult task for eternity.

However, suddenly, Ye Tian was startled again.

It is difficult to prove the Dao Yuanying on the earth, what if it is not on the earth?

The descendants of Penglai, Yuan Ying, these two factors made Ye Tian couldn't help but think of the Starry Sky Teleportation Array. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If that great **** is really a descendant of Penglai, the possibility of proving Nascent Soul is not without, because it can reach the outside of the domain through the starry sky teleportation platform.

This mind-opening thought caused Ye Tiantian to inspire, and his blood seemed to burn in an instant, and there was a boiling sound.

He made a bold guess. The unknown great **** of the mountain gate set up by the Golden Crow in the old place of Penglai was a descendant of Penglai, and he had a very high talent for cultivating immortals, and he had a starry sky teleportation formation on him. , Went outside the territory to prove Yuan Ying, or a quasi-Yuan Ying.

Therefore, it can live for at least two thousand years, and have destroyed the five hills of the Jinwu tribe one after another.

In this way, to find the unknown great god, doesn't it mean to be able to find the starry sky teleportation array?

This thought made Ye Tian excited, because he saw a glimmer of light.

Although, thinking about it carefully, this ray of dawn, like the light of fireflies, is very faint.

If the unknown great **** was still alive, he would definitely be able to kill Ye Tian.

If the unknown great **** is dead, how to find it?

The tall man in white that His Highness Jin Wuwu mentioned earlier may be the unknown great god.

"As long as there are clues, there will be clues, as long as there are clues, they will definitely be found." Ye Tian made up his mind secretly.

He needs to go outside the territory, look for resources, and seek breakthroughs.

With the resources of the earth, it was already a surprise that he could condense three yuan pills.

But he wanted to prove the Golden Core, it was too difficult, even if the earth's resources were cleaned up, it might not be enough.

Because there are three, six, and nine grades of Jin Dan, what he wants to prove is the highest grade Jin Dan.

The higher the grade of Jin Dan, the greater the consumption of resources, which increases exponentially.

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