Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1916: Yaochi Mountain Gate

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Young Master (

A group of four people talked about it, and it didn't take long before they passed through the city and left the holy city through another city gate.

I have to say that the holy city of Yaochi is really prosperous. Although it is a city of monks, it is also full of dense smoke and fire, even in Fengyue places. The items needed by the monks can basically be bought here, even some rare natural treasures.

Going out of the city gate, leaving the noisy crowd, it's clean.

Ahead, the mountains are lofty, the mist is lingering, the spirit is surging, and there are bursts of celestial music, exquisite and pleasing, touching the heartstrings.

Here is where the ancestors of the ancestors of the Yaochi Lake is located. The forest is lush, the flowers are like brocades, there are seven forty-nine peaks, thirty-six holes, eighteen springs, peaks and mountains, fascinating, and the beauty of the sky and the earth, magnificent and colorful.

Yaochi has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. It seems that it has been standing here since ancient times. It is one of the oldest orthodoxy in the East.

I saw that on the sacred mountain of Yaochi, there are countless fairy houses towering high, magnificent, and continuous. You can see many cranes flying there, and other auspicious beasts are grazing with their heads down. They are peaceful.

When Ye Tian looked down from the air, he could see the dragon aura of the sacred mountain in Yaochi, where several dragon veins converge, which is called the treasure of the dragon cave, better than the old place of Penglai.

A white jade passage starts from the gate at the foot of the mountain and leads to the top of the main peak. There are clouds and fog around, and there is no dispersal all year round, and you can vaguely see a towering and tall ancient palace, like a city of heaven, and there are waves of earth-shattering breath.

That is the sacred palace of Yaochi, the residence of the Virgin and the saint of Yaochi. Only the most distinguished guests are eligible to enter.

On the square outside the Zongmen, monks from all over the world gathered together, a large area with thousands of people.

However, there are very few who are qualified to enter the Yaochi Holy Land, all of them are looking around on the hook, as if they are on a pilgrimage.

Most of them had similar thoughts with Wang Cheng, they came to see the saint of Yaochi, or purely to watch the excitement, because of the birthday of the Virgin of Yaochi, there will be many big people coming.

It's a pity that the holy goddess dragon in Yaochi has never seen the end, and has not appeared until now, making many monks eager to see through.

On both sides of the tall mountain gate, there are a group of young and beautiful women standing, all white clothes are snowy, graceful body, beautiful appearance, each beautiful and peerless, without the smoke and flames of the world, and the dust is refined.

Some embrace the pipa, some caress the yaoqin, and some play silk and bamboo, which is melodious and beautiful, making people feel like a spring breeze.

This is a group of female disciples from Yaochi, seemingly weak, but in fact they have the innate realm at the worst.

Ye Tian glanced over, and found two golden cores. The real age is not known how old they are, but they all look like two-eighth girls with a small smile and picturesque eyebrows, like an immortal. The air of dust.

A large group of monks onlookers, while admiring the beauty and beauty of the female disciples of Yaochi and the joy of silk and bamboo like nature, were also full of emotion. Yaochi is worthy of being one of the four top sects of the inner hidden gate, and some even ranked it. In the first place, the strength and the depth of the foundation are staggering, and even the disciples who guard the door have golden cores. If it is placed in other second and third sects, at least it must be an elder.

"Don't look at these women who look like celestial beings, but they are only worthy of being a maid in front of the saints of Yaochi. They are not on the same level at all." Wang Cheng said to Ye Tian, ​​as if someone had come here and had seen the world.

Ye Tian smiled faintly, without speaking.

Many people around were also talking about the beauty of the saint of Yaochi, all kinds of praise were endless, and Ye Tian's ears almost heard calluses.

A woman is just a woman, no matter how high her praise is, she is only a mortal woman after all!

Ye Tiancai would not have such a low-level taste as these monks.

"The Valley Master of Xiaoyao Valley arrives and presents a gift of Earth Dragon Marrow."

"The owner of Lingwu Mountain Villa is here to give a piece of God's Blood Stone."

"The deputy head of the Palace of the King of Kings arrived and delivered ten top-quality elixir and a piece of Xuanbing Jade."

"Longevity View..."


As soon as Ye Tianyi came here, he heard the shouts one after another, and many great figures from the sect came and sent a generous gift. Some are alone, and some are accompanied by a group of people in a big battle.

Excited voices continued from the crowd, dragon marrow, **** blood stone, black ice jade,..., these are all peerless and rare things, with immeasurable value, even rare in first-class large sects.

It can be seen how great the prestige of Our Lady of the Inner Gate is, she is not the first person, but also one of the most powerful beings, which makes people admire.

"It's a pity that these people are not big enough, and the saints of Yaochi didn't come out to greet them." Someone was disappointed.

Although some of these master-level distinguished guests have already proclaimed the golden core and can be called a hero, but they will not let Yaochi send saints to greet them, all are the group of female disciples outside the mountain gate to greet them.

Just like this, none of them dared to complain ~ Under the guidance of Yaochi female disciples, one by one stepped respectfully into the Yaochi sect.

There were even some leaders at the leader level who failed to receive the invitations and cheered to give gifts, hoping to sit in Yaochi, but they were all rejected, and they only wrote a note in the gift book.

There are also some monks onlookers who go up to give gifts to represent the family, or the sect behind them, not to enter the Yaochi, but to have a relationship with the Yaochi.

Seeing this scene, Wang Cheng was ready to move, thinking about whether to go up and give a big gift to build a relationship with Longducheng. If there is Yaochi as a backer, who in this world would dare to provoke Longducheng again?

Only the Wang brothers and sisters knew how grim the situation facing Longducheng was.

Longdu City originally belonged to the Misty Sect, and the city lord Wang Yangzhan was originally the great elder of Misty Sect. Because he did not become the Sect Master, he left the Misty Sect in angrily, and used thunder means to force Longdu City out.

Misty Sect has always regarded Longducheng as his own city, and never thought of taking it back.

Before the Misty Sect was not strong enough, there was only one old golden core, not Wang Yangzhan's opponent, but now the Misty Sect has produced several genius disciples, this trial can have at least one proof golden core. When the time comes, Longducheng will be in danger.

So the Wang brothers and sisters are very worried.

"Forget it, it's useless. Even if you give it, it's meat buns and dogs. If you go and never return. So many big people give gifts, how could Yaochi remember you Longducheng?" Wang Lu said, telling her brother not to do this.


At this moment, a purple cloud floated in the distant sky, too thick to dissolve, like a cloud cast by a divine haze, a vast expanse with a group of people standing on it.

"The people taught by Ziwei are here."

There was a commotion from the crowd watching the liveliness on the ground, and there was an exclamation.

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