Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1918: Sage of Yaochi

"It is said that every few years before the eternal age, there will be a talented tianjiao who can cross the thirty-third step, and is the best disciple, who can be expected in the future. But now, for hundreds of years, still No one can pass the thirty-third step, even the sage of Yaochi, the sword of Shushan Qingxuan, etc., can't do it." Wang Cheng said.

"If what I remember is correct, the sage of the Yaochi has crossed the twenty-third step, the Qingxuan sword has crossed the twenty-second step, the Haotian divine son has also crossed the twenty-second step, and the fallen prince of the Jinwu tribe has crossed twenty. The first order. The other young children are under them." Wang Lu, who had been on the sidelines with a cold face, interjected, as she said.

"What about you?" Ye Tian asked with a smile.

"Me, it's only level eight. My sister can only cross level six." Wang Cheng smiled bitterly.

"It's fun, I want to try it too." Xiaoyue'er said, staring eagerly.

"Let's go, let's try, maybe we can pass, eat flat peaches and drink spiritual tea in Yaochi." Ye Tianyue was eager to try, and took Xiao Yue'er's hand and left.

"I guess Brother Ye will be able to take at least 20 steps to be on par with the top arrogant talents." Wang Cheng said, making a very high guess.

Wang Lu sneered, and said, "Hehe, twenty steps, if you can take fifteen steps, I will convince you."

Seeing that Ye Tian was going to ascend to Sendai, many monks looked over.

Because Ye Tian fought with the Jinwu clan just now, his fighting power left a deep impression on many people, and he was also a peerless arrogant.


At this moment, a huge roar came from the sky, shaking for nine days.

In the distant sky, a huge dragon boat sailed through the clouds and mist. The length was no less than a hundred meters, and the body was superb, like a big dragon dancing in the sky.

"It's the people from the Haotian Immortal Sect!"

There was a loud exclamation from the crowd.

In front of the dragon boat, a majestic middle-aged man stood proudly, wearing a golden dragon robe, like the emperor of heaven descending to the earth, watching the world, his aura overwhelming the sun and moon.

This is impressively the Immortal Lord of the Haotian Immortal Sect, a Gedai figure who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Our Lady of Yaochi.

Xianzong can't be called just a sect. Looking at the entire hidden door, with a history of tens of thousands of years, it is only the Haotian Immortal Sect, plus the Penglai Immortal Sect that has been destroyed, these two sects are just two big sects.

Although in the eyes of Ye Tian, ​​these two sects are not worthy of the truth, because in the world where he lived in his previous life, only the Transition Jie Xianzun from within the sect can be named Xianzong, but from the side it is enough to tell Hao Hao. The power of Tianxianzong.

The Great Emperor Haotian, a character of the ancient times, has a great name that runs through ancient and modern times, not only in the hidden gates inside and outside, but also in the secular world. He is said to be a god-like figure, powerful and invincible.

Now the Immortal Master of the Haotian Immortal Sect is said to be five or six hundred years old, but he looks like a middle-aged man, majestic, tall and strong, standing on the bow, like a golden block The mountains put terrible pressure on people, and a bright golden light surging like ocean waves.

Beside him, there was a majestic young man who looked handsome than the crape myrtle son just now. His hair was light, and every inch of his skin was glowing. He was wearing a blue suit with his hands on his back. A sense of arrogance, indifferently scanned everyone below.

This is Haotian's **** son, Xiao Yiming, a thunder spirit body, and a young man of Tianjiao.


A bronze bell in Yaochi rang, and the sound instantly spread throughout the entire Yaochi holy land.

This is the ceremonial bell, which will ring only when Gedai figures arrive.


On the top of the main peak, the ancient building like a heavenly palace, a bronze gate suddenly opened, and a beautiful figure walked out from it, covering the sacred glory. Slender, with peerless elegance.

"Is it the saint of Yaochi?"

At the foot of the mountain, a pair of eyes looked away, all of which had sufficient sight.

But the distance was too far, and the figure was shrouded in radiance, it was really hard to see.

"Not a saint, but a virgin." Someone said, very sure.

"No? It's vague, but it looks like a beautiful woman. The old lady is six hundred years old." Others disagreed.

"Who told you that you can't be a beauty at six hundred?"


Just as some people were arguing, another figure walked out of the gate of the ancient building, followed the beautiful figure of a woman, and stepped down the white jade stairs together.

This is a young woman's figure, although she also has brilliance, but it is not vague, but a kind of embellishment, which makes her look like a dusty posture.

"This is the saint of Yaochi, Yao Xian."

Suddenly, there was a tumult in front of the mountain gate, not only the male monks looked straight, but even the female monks were dumbfounded.

Just because that young woman is so beautiful that the sun, moon and stars in the sky have lost their color, and the mountains, rivers and all souls are dimmed.

There is no blemish, like a fairy from Guanghan, she has a graceful figure, white skin, bright eyes, and a red mole on the center of her eyebrows, adding a bit of spirit.

This kind of beauty is really dreamy and shouldn't appear in the world.

She followed behind the Virgin, giving birth to golden lotus step by step, disillusioning step by step, as if walking in a rim wave, only a few thousand steps in the middle of the finger and half of it.

The mountain breeze blew away her satin-like hair. She raised her slender fingers and gently brought them to the base of her ears, revealing her snow-white neck, which was full of charm in an instant.

After that, some big figures came out of the ancient temple and stepped down the steps, all of whom were the masters or elders of the major sects, with outstanding identities.

The immortal lord of the Vast Sky Immortal Sect is coming, and all the distinguished guests will come out to greet each other. Although this is the birthday of Our Lady of Yaochi, it can be seen how prestigious the immortal lord is.

"Have you seen this, this is the saint of Yaochi, is it amazing? I feel that I must have a demon." Wang Cheng said idiotically.

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked around, only to find that Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er were gone.

At this time, the crowd of onlookers was in a commotion, a great chaos, and he didn't know where Ye Tian had gone.

However, he didn't bother to look for it, because the Virgin of Yaochi and the saint had already come to the front of the mountain gate, personally to meet the group of Haotian Immortal Sect.

The battle of the Haotian Immortal Sect was very big this time. A dragon boat carried hundreds of people, all of whom were outstanding disciples under the sect, and more than half of the golden cores had arrived.

There are more than one hundred disciples who are eligible to participate in the Xianxu Trial of the Haotian Immortal Sect. More than half of the disciples of the gods and a half of the innate disciples are a great force.

Getting closer, everyone discovered that the Mother of God Yaochi is really a beautiful woman. She is six hundred years old, she looks only thirty or forty years old. Her black hair is like silk and satin, and her skin is as smooth as jade without a trace of wrinkles.

Even though the saintess of Yaochi, known as the number one beauty in the hidden gate, stood in front of her, she couldn't hide her brilliance in the slightest.

Once, she was also a generation of saints, and she was once the best in the world.

It's not just because of her skill in beauty, but at her level, her life spans long, and it is not difficult to live 800, 900, or even a thousand years old.

The God Child Haotian kept his face cold, giving people a sense of arrogance, but when he saw the saint of Yaochi, he immediately melted like a piece of ice, showing a bright smile, and approached actively.

Many people can't help but slander, cursing in their hearts, feeling like their goddess is about to be arched by a pig.

The Teleportation Haotian God Child had pursued the saint of Yaochi for a period of time, but he died without a problem.

The saints of Yaochi can never marry outside, otherwise the title of saints will be abolished.

Soon, a group of people disappeared, and calm again in front of the mountain gate.

"Why are Brother Ye and his little niece missing?"

Only then did Wang Cheng look for it seriously, but found that there was no trace of Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er at all.

Wang Lu also looked around, but found nothing.

"I feel that my eyes are dazzled. Just now, it seemed that someone had crossed the thirty-three steps and entered the Yaochi Holy Land." A young monk rubbed his eyes vigorously, shocked.

Just now I was just looking at the saint of Yaochi, and I just glanced at the figure, as if someone had passed through Shengxiantai and arrived in the holy land of Yaochi. Thinking about it now, it's incredible, I can't be sure.

"I also seem to have seen two figures, one big and one small, and with a glimpse, the person disappeared." Another monk said, also not sure.

Although Shengxiantai is right next to the mountain gate, it is hidden under a dozen old pine trees and is blocked by lush foliage. If you don't look closely, it's really hard to notice someone passing by.

"It's not Brother Ye and his little niece?" Wang Cheng said in surprise, and said a guess that he couldn't believe it.

"Brother, you really can afford them. If it were them, I would eat Shengxiantai." Wang Lu rolled her eyes and couldn't believe it.

At this moment, I saw a peach forest in the sacred land of Yaochi, where Ye Tian and Xiaoyue'er were walking, Xiaoyue'er holding a freshly picked big peach in his and eating while walking.

This peach is not only bigger than their peaches in Taohua Village, but also juicy and sweeter.

Just now they came to this peach forest as soon as they passed Shengxiantai, and they are now walking on the path.

Climbing to Sendai at the thirty-third level is of course nothing to Ye Tian. The chaotic gold body he cultivated is one of the highest physiques in the universe. In the future, he is destined to prove that Dao returns to the Void.

This level is definitely far above the category that can be tested by Dengxiantai, because the monks who make this spiritual instrument are also the most Yuan Ying.

Not only did he cross the thirty-third step without any pressure, but even Xiao Yue'er walked down easily. It was better than a stroll in the courtyard, just like playing with children.

Ye Tiansi was not surprised, because Xiaoyue'er's True Phoenix divine vein was a super divine vein in the universe, and he successfully opened the vein. As long as the resources are sufficient, the future achievements will be unlimited.

At that time, everyone watched that the saint of Yaochi and the virgin went, no one noticed them, otherwise it would definitely cause a sensation and startled. After all, the hidden gate has not been able to climb Sendai through the thirty-third step for hundreds of years.

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