Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1929: Coercion

There are too many secrets in Ye Tian's body, making a group of Hidden Masters of the Hidden Door both suspicious and jealous.

He even has magical soldiers on him, which is really beyond everyone's expectations.

Because all the magic weapons of the Inner Gate add up, there are only a few pieces, and each one has a great background, and the inner gate knows the roots.

From the aura that diffused out of Ye Tian's body, it was completely different from all known divine weapons, and it was obviously a divine weapon unknown to the inner hidden gate.

"Who on earth are you? Don't think of a word of'Ranxiu' to prevaricate." Immortal Master Haotian asked indifferently, wearing a golden dragon robe, standing with his hands in his hands, like the emperor of heaven descending to the earth, with the aura of looking over the world, so powerful that it makes people so powerful. trembling.

"You said you are a casual cultivator, then who is your master? Where is the person?" The old saint of the Ziwei Sect asked, his eyes are like torches, his breath is vast and his robe is hunting and hunting, constantly exerting pressure on Ye Tian.

Knowing that there is a magic weapon in Ye Tian, ​​he is obviously more interested in Ye Tian than Xiao Yue'er.

Although his Ziwei Sect also has magic weapons, it is a pity that it is incomplete.

If there is an indispensable magic weapon, it is perfect, and the strength of the Ziwei Cult can be improved by a few points.

Every husband is not guilty, but he is guilty of his crime!

There were also several other old leaders who coveted Yetian's gods, each of them blinked, and they couldn't wait to take action now, strip people, kill people and take gods.

The Sword Master Shushan was still feeling the breath just now, really familiar, and even the Azure Rainbow Divine Sword on his body was a little restless.

Our Lady of Yaochi sits still, without saying a word, there is a sense of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fighting.

"I said I am a casual cultivator, you can't help me if you don't believe it." Ye Tian said lightly, with a fearless look.


At this time, Xiao Yue'er ran to Ye Tian's side, crying in fright.

She had never experienced such a scene before, being surrounded by wolves, her small body shivering with fright.

"Don't bully my uncle, my uncle is a good person." Xiaoyue'er shouted at a group of leader-level powerhouses.

She yelled hoarsely, loudly, but she was quiet and ignored by everyone.

"If you don't explain clearly today, absolutely don't want to leave." Immortal Master Haotian was very powerful and threatened Ye Tian.

After all, this hidden gate is still the sect of the four top sects. They can own everything here, and they will know what they want to know. No one dares to disobey their will.

"It's not that we deliberately targeted you and bullied the weak, but that you have too many mysteries. Your martial arts and martial arts are completely different from all the known martial arts in my inner hidden gate. Who did you learn from? Don’t tell me that I found the remains of a peerless master in a cave, and that magic weapon was also left by the peerless master.” The old sage master of Ziwei asked, with purple air permeating his body, and even the hair became full of strands. The purple color, like the same god, shocked the whole body.

"Yes, I did accidentally find the legacy of a peerless master. Everything I learned was left by the peerless master, including the magic weapon." Ye Tianzheng searched for excuses, so he just borrowed the donkey from the slope. I was grateful to the old saint of Ziwei, it was really timely rain.

However, he was not completely lying. When he was in the secular world, he really found the remains of a peerless master and obtained a peerless sword.

"Hehehe, when I am a three-year-old child? Such a lie!" The old sage of Ziwei sneered, but soon changed the conversation and said: "Then tell me where the Peerless Master Cave is? If it really exists, Then I will believe you."

It was not that he was naive to believe in Ye Tian, ​​but apart from this somewhat nonsense excuse, there was almost no other possibility.

They couldn't possibly think that Ye Tian came from the hidden door.

Moreover, in their concept, it is impossible for the outer hidden door to create such a strong person.

Seeing, the leader of Ziwei had finished speaking, all the leaders of the leader level in the field had their eyes bright, and they looked straight at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for him to answer.

"No comment!" Ye Tian refused to answer.

"It's nothing to comment, believe it or not, I will search your soul now, everything will be known?" The old sage of Ziwei was furious, his eyes widened, and he stepped out violently, shaking the stage of life and death, and rumbling. The sound, the purple aura on his body, swept the entire stage of life and death, like an ancient **** descending.

This is a leader-level powerhouse, who has walked a long way on the road of Jindan, and his combat power can be ranked in the top ten in the inner hidden gate.

He really lost his patience and wanted to do something to Ye Tian, ​​searching for his soul and knowing everything.

"If you want to search for my soul, you can try it!"


Ye Tian's body also burst out a terrible breath suddenly, the golden light on the center of his eyebrows was shining, and a Yuanshen Dao sword seemed to fly out, swallowing cold light.

If you want to search for his soul, you must first have a stronger mental power than him, otherwise the mental power will counterattack, which will cause heavy damage to the opponent's soul.

However, none of the leaders in the field can guarantee that their mental power is stronger than him.

In the fight just now, he relied on his powerful mental power to kill all the spirits of the Five Highness Golden Crow.

The old saint of Ziwei was so angry, but he didn't dare to step forward.

He boasted that he was strong in spirit, and even forged a Yuanshen Soldier, but he really couldn't compare with Ye Tian.

"Huh!" Immortal Master Haotian snorted coldly, and said, "Fell in the hands of me, do you think you can escape from birth? You have offended the Golden Crow and the entire Southern Territory. If you have offended me, the whole There will no longer be a place for you to stand in the world. UU reading, you have to think carefully."

"Don't think that there is one magic weapon to protect you. I will wait, but there are at least three magic weapons. Killing you is easy. I just see your extraordinary talent and don't want to stifle a Tianjiao." Shushan Sword Master also threatened. Road, aggressive.

"If you are not afraid of the Jade Lake Holy Land being beaten through, just do it." Ye Tian answered proudly, without any fear.

Sure enough, when he said this, Mother Yao Chi's expression changed.

"It's such a big tone. In the hands of my waiting, you may not be able to hold on to even a single move. How can you penetrate the Jade Lake? I even suspect that you can't even move the gods, but you are just pulling the banner to make a tiger skin. Wanting to scare me to wait is really idiotic." The old sage of Ziwei contemptuously said, eager to try, really want to do it, and snatched the magic weapon from Ye Tian.

After all, Ye Tian is just a small innate, and several of them are veteran golden cores, and they hold a few magic weapons. In the eyes of anyone, this can be regarded as the suppression of downgrading, and it is difficult to shake the sky.

"Really? What if you add a yuan pill?"

Ye Tian sneered and suddenly unlocked the seal of a Yuan Dan.

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