Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1938: dispute

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

"What, he actually tore open the domain door, how is this possible?"

"What happened?"

"Am I blind? Why did the closed domain door open again?"

There was a burst of exclamation, and the audience was full of uproar. Everyone was so surprised that their eyes widened, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Ye Tian actually tore the closed domain door open, and rushed in.

This is almost like a fairy tale, it's too unreal.


Shushan Sword Master, Haotian Immortal Master, Golden Crow Old Ancestor, and so on, the most powerful attack followed. There was almost the might of destroying the world, but they were all lonely. The figure flashed away, together with the domain gate. It disappeared, like a dream bubble, as if it had never appeared before.

"He really entered the Fairy Ruins?" Mother Yaochi muttered to herself, because she was so shocked, her steps staggered.

"Uncle really went in, uncle is not dead." Xiaoyue'er wept with joy, tears dripping from the corner of her eyes.

Although the trial was only for one year, and everyone had to come out, Ye Tian still had to face the strong inside the hidden door, but at least his life was saved now. And in this year's time, anything can happen, and he will definitely become stronger.


The ancestor of the Golden Crow roared, making a beast-like sound, deafening and shuddering, like a giant hammer hitting everyone's heart, causing a lot of blood toss, and couldn't help but fall to the ground.

Everyone was stunned. The Golden Crow ancestor was too powerful, and he was full of blood and energy, as if he was carrying a burning cloud with him, covering the world and piercing the sky.

Qiang Qiang!

A black euphorbia was caught in his hand, and he slashed towards the place where the domain gate had just appeared. Every time he shook it was like a mountain smashed down. The ground shook and the mountain shook, rumbling, and the might of the world was overwhelming.

The void was split like a piece of cloth, and several pitch-black cracks appeared, and wisps of chaotic energy rushed out, but it was useless. All the pitch-black long marks disappeared in a flash, and they were not enough for people to pass through, and they were not really chiseled. Wear to Xianxu.

This Gedai character, who lived almost a thousand years old, spent most of his time in retreat. Many people only knew of his existence. He had heard of his legend, and it was the first time that he saw him. The sense of sight, a burst of horror.

This is an existence that is about to reach the extreme on the path of the Golden Core, and the road ahead is dead, only darkness is left. It is almost impossible to explore a path.

"Little beast, you'd better not come out, or I will make you regret coming to this world!" The ancestor of the Golden Crow roared fiercely, and finally put away the halberd and faced the reality that the enemy had already fled.

"Brother Sword, are you really sure that it is the Ziying God Soldier of your Shushan Mountain? The one placed in the Sword Forest of the Sun Moon Sword Palace at the Outer Invisible Gate?" Immortal Master Haotian asked the Sword Master Shushan again, because it was too dreamy , Makes him unbelievable.

"It's true, I can be sure!" Shushan Sword Master cut the railway firmly, "From that purple sword, not only can I feel the aura of the incomplete Ziying God Soldier, but also the Sabre Ziying Sage of our Sect Elder Furukawa Sword Immortal. The breath of soldiers, like two weapons kneaded together."

"When the sword came out, there was a rotation of the sun, moon and stars. This vision is somewhat similar to the Sun Moon Sword in the Sun Moon Sword Palace. I have read records in ancient books that the battle thousands of years ago, the Sun Moon Sword Palace True Lord Wanjian was not caught, escaped, and took away the Sun and Moon Divine Sword. Could it be that the kid got it?" said the old sage master of the Ziwei Sect.

"According to this, this person has combined several sage soldiers and divine weapons into one and repaired the Ziying Sword." Immortal Master Haotian said, breathing slightly, because these methods are too dreamy and can be called shocking. Heaven and earth weeping ghosts, anyway, no one has been able to do it for tens of thousands of years.

Shushan almost tried every means to repair the Ziying Sword, but in the end it was still a remnant, and it was not good at all.

Hearing several powerful conversations, everyone in the audience was shocked to the extent that they could not be added.

Even the ancestor of the Golden Crow was slightly moved, and his eyes flickered.

"Anyway, this person is definitely from the Waiyin Sect. I have no one like him at all. The people sent by the three sects of you and I to the Waiyin Sect are mostly buried in his hands." said the Shushan Sword Master. Very sure.

People from the Shushan Mountain, the Jinwu tribe, and the Haotian Immortal Sect, all had their eyes open.

They thought that the first group of people lost their information and was buried in the void channel, and later sent a second group of people there, but they lost their traces. It is impossible for so many people to be buried in the void channel. Never appeared.

"Humans are not as good as the sky. I can't imagine that the Wai Yin Sect has such a devilish evil, which has never existed. But sooner or later we have to settle this account with the Wai Yin Sect." Golden Crow Old Ancestor said coldly, with a bright golden light. , Fluctuating out of a terrifying aura.

"It's a pity that the boundary passage between the inner and outer hidden gates was interrupted. If it is not repaired, it will be difficult for us to go to the outer hidden gate in the future." Immortal Haotian said, like a basin of cold water poured down, making everyone feel A chill in my heart. At this time, if you want to retaliate against the hidden door, you can't get revenge.

"I think what we are thinking about now is not to avenge the hidden gate, but to consider whether the disciples of the trial will be targeted by that Ye Xiaosheng!" said the old saint of Ziwei.

When he said this, everyone in the audience became uneasy.

Compared to the disciples who entered the Fairy Ruins trial, Ye Tian is truly invincible. There is almost no one who wants to kill anyone who can't kill him, even if it is as strong as the Qingxuan sword son of Shushan, the Haotian **** son of Haotian, and the prince of the Golden Crow tribe. Wait for Tianjiao.

Those sects who did not attack Ye Tian are fine, because they have no grudges against Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian should not target their disciples.

Those sects who took action against Ye Tian, ​​all the elders and sect masters under the sect, all sink in their hearts, with an ominous premonition.

"If he dares to kill my disciple, I will take his disciple to pay for his life!" An elder in Shushan shouted, with two eyes like sharp swords, he looked at Xiao Yueer abruptly, undisguised as a murderous intent. .

Following his gaze, almost everyone looked at Xiao Yue'er.

Our Lady of Yaochi, as well as the elders and disciples of Yaochi around her, are all like a great enemy.

"This woman is now a disciple of my Jade Lake, and I have accepted it as a true biography. If anyone dares to move her, he will be an enemy of my Jade Lake." The Mother of Jade Lake has no fear, and she faces all the strong men alone.

Although Yaochi is a female-dominated sect, it is not weak in terms of strength. Because this sect has been inherited for too long, it has dominated Kunlun even before eternity, and it is the strongest sect of Kunlun Mountain.

In other words, before the eternal age, the inner and outer hidden gates were the territory of Yaochi.

"Guard a devil's disciple, is the Virgin Mary running counter to the entire inner hidden door?" The elder of Shushan said indifferently and indifferently.

"It's not ashamed, who do you think you are, can represent the entire hidden door? Or do you think that Shushan can represent the entire hidden door? She is still just a child after all, that is, she has a master and apprentice with that person. Why did she make a mistake?" The Mother of God Yaochi was tit-for-tat.

The elder of Shushan wanted to say more, but was stopped by the sword master of Shushan.

Injustice, debt, and Shushan Sword Master is not shameless enough to take a little girl.

"True Phoenix bloodline, Madonna, you really have a good apprentice!" The ancestor of the Golden Crow looked at Jiejie, staring at Xiao Yueer and looking again, very surprised.

As an old monster that has lived for almost a thousand years, how can he not know what the True Phoenix bloodline means? This is an invincible bloodline that can retrograde and kill immortals. Once it grows up, it will prove the golden core, even his old age. Monsters are not necessarily opponents, they are truly invincible in the world.

The major gates in the field, especially the other three top sects, all felt a sense of crisis.

There was a balance in the four top tiers, but in the near future, this balance will be broken.

The ancestor of the Golden Crow looked jealous, calculating in his heart, ready to move.

"No matter what bloodline she is, she is now a disciple of my Yaochi. If anyone dares to touch her hair, first ask me if I agree." At this moment, the mother of Yaochi is very strong, making Xiaoyue'er like Xiaoyue'er. Guarding behind him like a child.

Her face is like a silver plate, her eyes are like electricity, she is six hundred years old, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com looks only thirty or forty years old, skin is like fat, beautiful and noble, with a kind of supreme majesty.

She wears a golden crown and colorful feather clothes. She is dazzling. On the white snow neck is hung a string of 璎珞, dressed in a string of divine beads and beautiful jade, like a coiled dragon. People give people an air of dust that does not eat the fireworks in the world.

According to legend, there is a Wang Lingquan in the Yaochi, which is the origin of the sect of the "Yaochi". Bathing in it all year round, or drinking the spiritual spring water, you can live forever and stay young forever.

Judging from the beauty of the Virgin Mary at the age of six hundred, it can be seen that most of the legends of the Yaochi are true.


The void suddenly trembled. Ten miles away, in the direction of the Jade Lake Holy Land, a terrifying aura suddenly rose into the sky. A thirty-three-story pagoda turned into an eternal divine light, which flew in an instant, hanging over the head of Our Lady of the Jade Lake. Above.

At this moment, people were silent, the West King Tower in Yaochi was born, suppressing the world, who can resist?

Even the Golden Crow ancestor, who was ready to move, was honest and didn't dare to make trouble.

Whether it was the Sun God Disk of his Golden Crow Clan, the Azure Rainbow God Sword of Shushan, or the Haotian Mirror of the Haotian Immortal Sect, all of them were brought into the Fairy Ruins by disciples.

Without the magic weapon, how can they dare to be an enemy of the Virgin of Yaochi?

"let's go!"

The Mother of Yaochi took Xiaoyue'er back to Yaochi, and no one dared to stop it.

"One year later, when the trial is over, I'll take his dog's life!" The ancestor of the Golden Crow also left with a anger.

A person of his level, retreat and enlightenment are important, so he won't stay here for a year.

Next, people from all sects gradually left, even if there are some people left, there won't be too many.

Once the domain gate of Xianxu was closed, everything that happened inside was beyond their control.

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