Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1947: Big showdown

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (


This was a terrible showdown. The sulphur swamps within a radius of more than a dozen miles were turned upside down. The magma wave rolled like a tsunami, and the rocky mountains collapsed. Even the world seemed to be torn apart, fiercely fierce. .

The fire dragon crocodile is very strong, but when Ye Tian used his utmost strength and slammed a tyrant punch, broke the two "dragon horns" on its forehead and left a blood hole on its forehead. The breath obviously fell, and began to fall into the wind.

These two "dragon horns" obviously have a special meaning to it. They are not reproducible. They are the purpose of its evolution. One day it can transform into a real dragon.


The fire dragon crocodile soared into the sky, roaring into the sky, with red scales rattling, opening the mouth of the blood basin, spraying a flame, illuminating the entire swamp, extremely hot, and the void seemed to be burnt and collapsed.

Ye Tian didn't dodge, his body was blazing, with countless spots of light shining, he suddenly turned into a Suzaku and divine bird, displayed the magical power of devouring, opened his mouth and sucked, and even swallowed all the flames.

Then, the Suzaku flapped its wings and turned into a flash of lightning, rushing towards the dragon crocodile.

Although compared with the huge body of the dragon crocodile, the Suzaku with a wingspan of only a dozen feet is much smaller, but it is supernatural, and the two wings are like a heavenly sword across the dragon crocodile's body, cold and cold. The sword was cold and cold, and the sword was full of energy. It broke open the hard scales of the fire dragon crocodile, and cut the flesh into a blood mouth several meters long. The red and hot blood spewed out like spring water.


A loud and earth-shaking noise came out. The fire dragon crocodile fell from the sky and smashed down like a big mountain. The swamp in a radius of more than a dozen miles shook. , A piece of brilliance.

Ye Tian threw out the crystal scale battle armor on his body, turning it into a dome-shaped shield, covering the rock fire golden lotus, otherwise this holy medicine might not be protected.


The monstrous big wave quickly rolled onto the shore, swallowing up the mess of rocks, and almost drenching a dozen disciples of the Misty Sect to watch the battle.

Fortunately, they reacted swiftly, all relying on their extraordinary talents, they all dashed back, fled, and came to the top of a high mountain a few miles away, watching from a distance.

"Did the volcano erupt?" A beautiful female disciple Hua Rong turned pale.

At the core of the sulphur swamp, magma waves rushed into the sky, and the earth shook violently, like a scene of a volcanic eruption.

Several other disciples were so scared that their faces were pale and their calves cramped.

The battle is really fierce. Whether it is Ye Tian or Fire Dragon Crocodile, they can't provoke them. If they are on the battlefield, the aftermath of the battle can kill them.

"It's not that the volcano erupted, it was the crocodile king who fell from the air and smashed it down." Senior Brother Qi Yunfei said, a long coat hunting and hunting under the mountain breeze, his expression solemn.

Among a group of people, he has the highest cultivation base and the best eyesight. He can vaguely see the battle in the middle of the swamp through heavy smoke and intense glare.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, because it meant that the fire dragon crocodile was likely to be defeated.

"Brother, let's go quickly, don't be discovered by the demon, otherwise it is very possible to shoot us." The beautiful junior girl was very nervous, her face was full of horror.

"Wait, the crocodile king may not be defeated!" Qi Yunfei said, staring at the center of the swamp with piercing eyes, still holding a glimmer of hope for the dragon crocodile, because he felt a strong aura in restlessness.


Suddenly, the fire dragon crocodile roared like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the real dragon was stunned, so that the mist in the swamp was washed away a lot, and the smoke billowed as if being blown by a hurricane.

At this moment, Ye Tian was about to take action, taking advantage of his illness, killing him, and suddenly he was a little dizzy by the roar.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying scene happened.

Boom, boom, boom...

The huge tail of the fire dragon crocodile twitched and fell like a mountain. Every blow was earth-shaking. In the sulfur marsh, nine consecutive blows of magma rose into the sky, each of which was extremely thick and rushed straight into the sky. , It looks like a scene of a super volcano eruption.

Amazingly, every fountain-like magma wave is connected to the underground magma layer.

The huge amount of magma in the magma swamp was almost drained, and the rock layer at the bottom appeared, and some creatures living here were moved to the sky and torn apart by life.

The fire dragon crocodile is the only master of this brimstone swamp, and its spiritual will has long been imprinted in this swamp, and can control everything here.

What a scene of a magma fountain with a height of one hundred feet high, pulling out nine long traces in the air, like nine fire dragons, reversing the sky.

"I'm going, nine magma dragons, this is the real trump card of the crocodile king! The little devil may be finished." A disciple of the Misty Sect exclaimed.

Qi Yunfei also looked shocked, and at the same time he admired him with great admiration, and said: "Controlling the world, this is the power of the golden core! A beast can do it, and one day, I will have this power too."

"Getting the golden lotus holy medicine, the senior brother may be able to break through the golden core within a year, I hope they will lose both, we are good for the left-handed fisherman." The beautiful girl said, her eyes flashed fiercely.

Nine magma fountains, like nine giant dragons rushing into the sky, can be seen from far away.

Only Jin Dan can do this magnificent sight of controlling the heaven and the earth.


Suddenly, these nine dragon-like magma fountains moved. The bottom is like old trees, separated in nine directions, while the top is curved. The nine fountains are united into a birdcage-like cage, just to bring the leaves. Heaven is trapped in it.

Above the dome of the birdcage, a huge magma vortex was condensed, spinning, and slowly descending from the air.


The magma vortex hadn't arrived yet, and the overwhelming pressure had already arrived, making Ye Tian instantly feel that there was a big mountain on his body, and he fell from the sky with a bang.

The rock layer below is also under unimaginable pressure, click, click, and the hard rock will not break. It is no exaggeration to say that even a heavy armored tank will be crushed into a discus here.

"Human child, how do I see you get out?" The fire dragon crocodile divinely transmitted voice, contemptuously said.

A golden pill in its body was running wildly, and it was also fighting for the old life. Every minute and every second, the breath on the body was falling, and there was blood overflowing between the mouth and teeth. The wound on the body that was cut by Ye Tian with the Suzaku's divine wings was bloody, and half of its body was stained red.

However, it was not at all sad, but there was ecstasy in its eyes, and continued: "No one has ever taken food from my mouth, human child, become my blood food. Your physique is extraordinary, and I feel great. Blood energy is far from comparable to those wine sacks and rice bags in your human race, it is definitely comparable to a sacred potion."

This is a Golden Core Beastmaster with a high level of intelligence. He did not choose to form a human being, but chose to evolve on the path of the Beastmaster.

There are many advantages to not transforming into a human being, the combat effectiveness of the body will be stronger, and it saves a lot of time for transforming.

On a mountain not far away, the dozens of disciples of Misty Sect looked straight, and they were all terrified. Ye Tian was like a bird trapped in a cage, trapped in an extremely dangerous situation. The weight of that magma vortex is not known to be hundreds or tens of millions, and it is absolutely comparable to a mountain. Once it falls, Ye Tian's ten lives are not enough to see, and it will instantly turn into blood mud.

"Junior Brother Zhang, Crocodile King helped you get revenge!" Qi Yunfei said, his expression was very determined, and Ye Tian was about to die.

It was a huge prison that was comparable to a cage of heaven and earth, and it was comparable to a huge array of golden core kills.

He claimed to be the supreme master of the four top sects, and it would be difficult for him to rush out without holding a magic weapon.

The Junior Brother Zhang in his mouth was the majestic disciple. Ye Tian had broken many ribs on his ribs. His chest was still deflated, his face pale, and he was supported by two senior brothers.

Hearing the voice of the senior brother, he suddenly opened his eyes, as if exhausted all his strength, stood up straight, and wanted to see Ye Tian being locked into blood and mud in a magma cage. Unexpectedly, he finally saw an unforgettable scene.

In that huge prison of heaven and earth, a sword glow rushed into the sky in Huo Di. The sword glow was purple, lingering around the sun, moon and stars, like a purple galaxy.

Just below the sword light, a young figure was vaguely visible, holding a purple long sword, like a god.

The Ziying Sword finally came out of its sheath. The purple sword was even more shining than Galaxy. UU Reading condensed Ye Tian's spirit and spirit, and burst out the most fierce blow to solve this battle. .


Then the star-like sword light slashed out.

"Mystery soldier? Damn it!"

The fire dragon crocodile's pupils shrank suddenly, terrified, and the power of the whole body twisted its body, trying to avoid the peerless sharp blade.


In the brimstone swamp, as if a super nuclear weapon was detonated, the magma vortex was split and smashed down. The mountains shook, and the domineering shock wave rushed to the distance with the scorching heat, forming huge waves in the void. Wave marks.

A group of disciples of Misty Sect stood on a mountain a few miles away, and was swept by the shock wave almost instantly, and the hot high temperature and high pressure blew everyone out.

The huge sound and movement spread directly to dozens of miles away, alarming many uncountable creatures.

A dozen disciples of Misty Sect were rushed down the mountain, all with gray heads and gray faces, very embarrassed, but their lives were okay. After all, they were also a group of strong men, and the weakest had a **** level.

Qi Yunfei was the first to rush to the top of the mountain, with full eyesight, looking at the center of the Yanhuang Marsh.

There was a boil, the magma was raging, and the dense fog had not yet risen, and many sights could be seen.

"Who won?" asked the younger brothers and sisters who rushed up.

A huge fire dragon crocodile corpse was lying in a molten lava pool. The body was split in half. The blood was stained with the magma, and the smell of blood spread far and wide.

In the void, the figure of a young man stood proudly, holding a golden ball-like object as big as a basketball in his hand, radiating radiantly, with terrible energy surges, what is the golden core that is not a fire dragon crocodile?

For an instant, everyone was silent and speechless, horrified to the extreme, there was only one thought in their hearts, escape!

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