Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1356: Retribution

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If it is an ordinary weapon, it is far from enough to kill, but this is a magic weapon, in addition to the physical trauma, it will leave the trauma of the Tao, and its lethality is endless.

"Do not!"

A scream resounded across the world, extremely stern.

A death air machine penetrated into the body, and at this moment, the son of Ziwei came to the ghost gate.



"Child, do you dare?"


The dozens of Ziwei teacher trial disciples who were also falling screamed loudly, all in fear.

But they are too weak to control much.


The soul of the Son of Ziwei was torn to pieces at once, with a golden pill, all annihilated, and only one incomplete body was left, falling into the huge pit, with wide pupils, unwilling to die, with unwillingness, with righteousness. Nostalgia in the world.

Ye Tian was determined to kill, he died after all.

It was like the fall of Tianjiao, and the sky felt a little bit. The cloud was suddenly rising from the weather that was clear and clear, and then gusts of wind suddenly rose, and a cloud of gloom was bleak.

Ye Tian's thoughts moved again, the purple electric Changhong lingering in the electric glow, swiftly circling around in the air, returned to his side, and absorbed it into his body.

After all, he softened his heart a little, and did not catch all the dozens of other disciples of the Ziwei teaching trial, because it was really unnecessary, just a bunch of ants. Unless you take the initiative to provoke him again, let them go.

He descended from the sky, fell into the sulphur swamp, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

At almost the same time, a ray of light from the avenue fell from the sky and fell on the body of the son of Ziwei, rolling his body away.


The woman in Tsing Yi panted heavily, her pretty face turned pale, knowing that the outside world was about to stir up a storm.

Inside the hidden gate, outside the disappearing domain gate, there are many people waiting here every day, because every day there will be corpses sent out by the light of the great road of the immortal ruins.

So far, the trial has only been half a month, and there are already 70 or 80 corpses sent out. If you add those who failed to leave the corpse, the fallen trial disciples will add up to over a hundred.

"Except for the four top sects, the Ziwei Sect, the Tyrant Sect, and so on, there are few first-rate powerful sects. Almost all the sects have trial disciples who have fallen."

"The worst is the Promise Sect. A dozen disciples in the trial were almost wiped out. The old Sect Master almost fainted without crying."

"Five Elements View, Tianlong Sect, after waiting for a few sects, many disciples died."

"These are the sects of the Southern Territory, and there are more dead disciples than the other territories combined. Do you think it is the little devil with the surname Ye who is taking revenge?"

Many people outside the disappeared area gathered and talked a lot.

Some of them attributed the death of some trial disciples to Ye Tian, ​​thinking that he was retaliating to kill the Southern Trial disciples.

The Promise Sect, the Five Elements View, and the Tianlong Sect are all sects of the Southern Territory, and the sect elders have shot Ye Tian and killed him with the elders of the Jinwu tribe.

It is not impossible that Ye Tian avenged them and killed their disciples.

There were also the elders of the Ziwei Sect in the field, sitting cross-legged on a lying cow stone, holding a spiritual spar in his hand, absorbing the spiritual energy inside, like a monk in concentration, the old **** is there.

He is very confident in his sect's disciples, and he will be able to return safely without damaging any of them.

The saint son of his Ziwei Cult can be said to be the strongest existence among all trial disciples, and he is even more equipped with the Zhenzong gods. Even if he can fight against the old gold core, who can kill it?

"If you can't cultivate, you can't blame others."

Hearing other people's comments, the elder of the Ziwei Cult couldn't help but interject, his eyelids were not opened, and his tone was indifferent.

When he said this, it was tantamount to sprinkling salt on someone else's wound. Several other sect elders in the field immediately cast resentful eyes, and there was anger burning in his chest.

But considering that he is an elder of the Ziwei Sect, has a noble status, and is a golden pill, everyone dares not to speak.

"Sit and talk don't hurt your back." Someone whispered.

"If it is your trial disciple of the Ziwei Cult who fights against Demon King Ye Xiao, he may not be able to win, and most of them will be killed without leaving a piece of armor." Another person whispered.

The elders of the Ziwei Cult are powerful golden cores, so keen ears, even if the voices of a few people are like mosquitoes, he can still hear them clearly, saying: "If that little Devil King Ye dares to be an enemy of my sect's trial disciples, I will let him go and never return."

The elder Ziwei speaks sonorously, revealing full self-confidence, and he still hasn't opened his eyelids when he speaks, as if he is defiant.

Some sect elders were not upset, but they stopped speaking too much because they couldn't provoke them.

At this moment, a celestial cloud appeared suddenly, like a flash in the pan, and then suddenly disappeared, adding a corpse on the ground.


In the crowd fryer, almost everyone moved awkwardly, rushing to see if the deceased was a trial disciple of his own sect.


The elder of the Ziwei Cult remained unmoved, his eyes finally opened, and he glanced at the crowd of people, let out a cold snort, expressing disdain, and then continued to close his eyes.

"It's the son of Ziwei, am I right?"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd.

The corpse is still intact, except for the chest and abdomen with a big blood hole, the facial features are clearly distinguishable, and the appearance is beautiful.

The name of Saint Ziwei, who can be called a peerless Tianjiao level, has long been spread throughout the inner hidden gate. It can be said that no one knows, no one knows.

As soon as his body fell on the ground, it was recognized.


The elders of the Ziwei Cult heard the exclamation, but expressed disdain and disbelief, thinking that someone was deliberately messing up and sitting cross-legged with the old god.

"I'll go, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is really the son of crape myrtle, dead?"

"No way?"

"This is the son of Ziwei, my God."


"Who killed it?"

The crowd fry the pan, exclaiming one after another.

There was disbelief in all the voices.

"Elder Liu, the saint son of your sect is dead, why don't you come and have a look?"

"If you don't look at the corpse, there will be no more."

Several voices shouted to the elder Ziwei, very anxious.

There were two cynical voices in it, very low, worried about being heard by the elders of the sect crape myrtle.

The elder surnamed Liu, who taught by Ziwei, was finally unable to remain calm. He brushed his eyes and opened his eyes. He bounced from the cow rock and sprinted a hundred times faster than the Jamaican black Bolt’s 100-meter sprint speed. It broke through several times the speed of sound, and rushed to the corpse between two or three breaths.

The moment he saw the corpse, his pupils shrank suddenly, his figure stiffened, and the whole person almost turned his back.

Wearing a purple gold crown, wearing a Nine Dragons robe, his face is beautiful and strange, who is not the Son of Crape Myrtle?

The elder Ziwei teacher never thought that the retribution came so quickly after stepping on someone else's foot.

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