Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1962: Overlord body falls

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Qi Yunfei directly sacrificed the Zhenzong's treasure of the Misty Sect, the Zijin Bagua furnace, with gossip runes engraved on it, manifested in the form of Dao marks, revolving around the Bagua furnace, and overwhelming tens of thousands of times, agitated and magnificent. Vast.

This is a legendary sage soldier, transformed into a hundred meters large, covering the world, gossip runes like the earth, fire and feng shui in the rotation, surging out a chaos, as if opening the world, the power is truly terrifying.

At the same time, a huge suction power came from the mouth of the tripod again, and he wanted to absorb Ye Tian and refine it into pus and blood.

Ye Tian's eyes were cold, his expression unchanged, and he pointed out like a sword.


There was a sound of piercing the gold and cracking stone, and Ye Tian waved a bright sword light between his palms and fingers, like a golden storm, suddenly cut off a corner of the purple gold gossip furnace, and one missing gossip rune.

Without a gossip rune, the Dao Mark will not run smoothly, and the pressure of the gossip furnace will drop sharply.


When a group of people were surprised, Ye Tian slammed out of the Zijin gossip stove with a fist.

He was full of gold and blood, and with one punch, the world was eclipsed, and the golden fist imprint was like a small sun, dazzling, becoming the only one in the world, and the only focus in the eyes of everyone in the audience.


The Zijin Bagua furnace was torn apart, exploded by Ye Tian's fist, and shattered between heaven and earth.

Qi Yunfei also flew out, qi and blood in his body surged, and several mouthfuls of old blood came out.


All the people in the room took a breath, their calves cramped and they were shaking constantly.

What a terrifying combat power is that a blow to the legendary sage soldier?

Even the ordinary golden core may not be able to do it.

Being bullied to the top of his head, chasing and killing him under the banner of Tianxingdao, at this moment, Ye Tiansi did not conceal his powerful fighting intent and killing intent like a turbulent ocean.

His hair is like a waterfall, and his eyes are cold and electric. Although he is independent, he has the power of swallowing mountains and rivers for thousands of miles. He is invincible in the world.

"What are you doing in a daze? There is only one person. We shot together. If you don't believe it, you can't kill him. Have you forgotten how the son of Ziwei died? Have you forgotten how His Highness Jinwu died?" Qi Yunfei lay horizontally on the ground Go up, yelling loudly, pulling hatred, and urging the people of the Jade Demon squad to take action.

This group of people was dumbfounded, a little frightened.

Hearing such a loud yelling, several of them woke up suddenly and were about to move.

Including the Overlord of Tianzong's Overlord, also clenched the big sword in his hand.

However, Qi Yunfei yelled for others to take action, but he even crawled into the distance and rushed away, and at the same time signaled the people of Misty Sect to leave together.

With just this fight, he knew that Ye Tian's combat power had not only not weakened, but had become stronger instead. Just relying on this group of people, wanting to win, it is as difficult as the sky.

At least two golden cores are required to have the capital to fight him.

But if you want to kill him, I am afraid that three golden cores will join forces.

But they now only have one golden core, that is, the tyrant body, the tyrant.


Ye Tian only stepped out, his body disillusioned, and Qi Yunfei was stepped under his feet like an ant.

"I have spared your life time and time again, but you don't know how to cherish it. That's it, just kill you." Ye Tian said in a deep voice, with no sadness or joy on his face, but a breath of death surged out.

"Ah, don't kill me, I'm wrong, please spare me one last time." Qi Yunfei shouted heartbreakingly, struggling desperately at the same time.

Although he was trampled under his feet, he was a condensed pill after all, his physical body was extremely strong, he was not dead for a while, and he fought desperately.

As he roared, a wave of blood rushed out of his body, like a **** dragon, killing Ye Tian.

At the same time, he has a strange protective magic weapon activated. It is the fire-preventing bead used in the brimstone swamp before, forming an oval protective mask outside his body. The runes are densely covered with metallic luster and shine from the beginning. Keep him in it to your feet.

This fire avoiding bead is not an ordinary fire avoiding bead, but a comprehensive defensive magic weapon. It is handed down from the misty ancestors and has a history of a thousand years. The formed light shield can not only block flames, etc. Energy attacks also have a very good defensive effect against physical attacks. It usually takes some effort for the golden core to break open.

I saw that the soles of Ye Tian's feet were stretched a bit by the protective mask, and he could not be trampled to death.

Qi Yunfei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his life was temporarily saved.

"What are you doing in a daze, let's shoot together?" Qi Yunfei shouted again.

He knew that the Fire Avoiding Pearl could only protect him for a while, not his entire life, because Ye Tian had a magic weapon on his body, and as long as he used it, he could break the Fire Avoiding Pearl with his fingers.

He needs other people to take action to buy him time to escape.

The disciples of Misty Sect were the first to take action to save this big brother.

For a time, swords and swords cried, all kinds of magic weapons were flying, the sky umbrella covered the sky and the sun, the big seal sank the earth,...

"Brother Ba, you are already a golden core now, so why are you afraid of him? Could it be that your golden core is smashed? Have you forgotten how he beat you Southern Tianjiao?" Qi Yunfei was right again Ba Tianye shouted, trying his best.

This group of Jade Demon squad only dominates the Tianye horse head, and even some of them are the disciples of the Tyrant Sect. They will only make a move if the Tyrant makes a move.

Sure enough, Ba Tianye was hesitant, but after hearing his words, a wave of blood rushed up.

He will never forget the embarrassing scene of being struck by lightning and the humiliating scene of being robbed.

He once swore a poisonous oath, after proving the golden core, he must cut Ye Tian by hand.

He bit his teeth, raised the big knife in his hand, and shouted, "Kill!"

At this time, Ye Tian also stepped on it.


An unrivaled force came from under Ye Tian’s feet, and the soles of his feet were glowing. The oval protective mask, which was known to be able to defend against Jin Dan’s attacks, was stepped on and broke apart in an instant, like It's papery, vulnerable.

"Oh no!"

Before his death, Qi Yunfei only let out a scream, and immediately afterwards, his powerful body was directly trampled and exploded.

A pool of bright red blood overflowed from under Ye Tian's feet, shining with a faint luster. When he lifted his foot, a proud man of heaven had already turned into a pile of blood and mud, and his flesh, along with his soul and essence, were all trampled to pieces.

"Ah, Senior Brother Qi, you actually killed Senior Brother Qi, and I fought with you." A beautiful female trial disciple of the Misty Sect drank tenderly, her palms glowing, and two fire dragons rushed out, strangling towards Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't have any feelings of pity and jade, simple and direct, a golden fist blasted out, the mighty power of three thousand realms, the hurricane roared, uprooted the roots of the big trees in the valley, and the uncountable rocks collapsed and shattered.


First, the two fire dragons were shaken apart, and then the female trial disciple who took the shot split apart, and the magic weapon with her body exploded into a **** mist, which was penetrated by the golden fist.

Not only she was alone, but all the attacks in the sky were overturned by this fist, and all kinds of magic weapons were either shattered or blown away.

Puff puff!

Several disciples of the Misty Sect's trial were all swept by their fists, and their bodies were torn apart.


Between Ye Tian's gestures, there was the sound of landslides and tsunami, and the golden blood was like a dragon, lingering outside his body. He is like an incomparable **** of war, punching one after another, showing the true meaning of boxing. In each punch, one or more trial disciples were bombarded and killed. Except for a few who could leave a fairly intact corpse, most of their bodies were torn apart and shattered into blood fog.

The sky was full of blood, and the sky was stained red, and it was bloody.

Even the holy artifacts couldn't hurt him, and he was shattered by his fists.

"Damn, is this guy still a human? You can destroy the sacred artifacts with bare hands, even Jindan dare not do it." Everyone was surprised, as if facing an invincible demon god, with a sense of powerlessness.

In just a few rounds, a group of more than a dozen disciples of Misty Sect almost died, only two legs quickly ran away, almost annihilated.


A great seal of the Tyrannical Sect fell down, and it was also a sacred weapon. Although it did not have the power to shake the sky, it could also crush mountains and rivers, leaving a prestigious name in the Inner Gate.

However, Ye Tian's fighting spirit was surging, and the golden body was invincible. A big golden slap was pulled out and the big seal was directly drawn away, and several cracks appeared on it.

"Keep out of everything! Ye Xiao Devil, today I will fight you out. See if my golden core is muddled." The overlord roared wildly, and a burst of blood came out of the heavenly spirit cover, a mighty nine-layered sky.


The saber in his hand was swung violently, like a silver mountain patted down, and the stigmata revived, with as many as eight ways. In an instant, the tragic atmosphere overwhelmed the sky, causing the sun, moon, mountains and rivers to lose their color.

The earth was cracked by the pressure and spread to the distance.

The Tyrant Ye didn't make a move, he would output the power of the Golden Core to the extreme as soon as he made a move, and wanted to overwhelm Ye Tian with a fierce offensive.

The light of Ye Tian's golden sacrament dimmed a little, and he was astonished by this coercion.

But he quickly stabilized, his expression calm, and said mercilessly: "You have proved the golden core, and I will kill you like a chicken."

It was insulting, bloody, and without any emotion.

The Tyrant was mad and angry.

He is also a talented arrogant. He proclaimed Golden Core at a young age. He was destined to be a figure named in the annals of cultivation in the inner Yinmen. Has he ever been so insulted?

"Ye Xiao Devil, no matter who you are, I swear to destroy your whole family and slaughter you all over the house." Tyrant Ye roared, full of strands of hair standing upside down, a golden pill in his body was urged to the extreme, and every pore in his body was stunned. Glowing.

A sharp war knife, like it came from the time and space of the earth's shattered time and space, UU reading is majestic and mighty, just to harvest a life.

However, no matter how vicious and cruel he was to say, his combat power was used to the extreme, but he couldn't change the outcome.

Ye Tian took out a cutting blade, only two or three feet long. It was jet-black and rusty. If you didn't look carefully, he thought it was a fire stick, which was very inconspicuous.

"What kind of stuff is this? He won't be able to break the sky with this thing, right?"

"It seems to be a broken sword, I can't feel any fluctuations in mana, even the most common magic weapon."

"I heard that he has a magic weapon on his body, is it possible that he is this thing?"

The discussion sounded, full of ridicule and sarcasm.

But the next second, all of them shut up.

This half-burning fire-stick-like broken blade actually blocked the Ba Tianye's shocking sword, and even broke a big gap in the blade.

Then, Ye Tian threw the half-cut blade like a spear, emitting wisps of black light, like a **** or devil awakening, shattering the sky, and bringing up a chaotic energy.

The Ba Tian Ye Heng Sword was in front of him and blocked it, but the broad sword was broken into two pieces.


The cold sword edge penetrated his body and brought up a bunch of blood.

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