Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1864: On the way

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call out!

A light arrow flew out, more than a hundred meters long, and marked a terrible big crack in the sky. It was as dark as an abyss and could not be seen to the bottom at a glance, as if it had penetrated a different world dimension, with chaotic air surging out.

The golden arrow is like a **** born, invincible, and everything is broken.

The masked figure on the top of the mountain didn't dare to challenge at all. It should have known Ye Tian's strength and knew that he was invincible, so he ran directly to the foot of the mountain. There was no trace on the snow, the wind screamed, and the speed was extremely fast.


The ground is shaking, the mountains are shaking, and the rocks and clouds are falling.

As soon as he left with his front foot, the top of the mountain was shot by a light arrow, and it was several tens of meters short.

Ye Tian hated this kind of person who stabbed the knife the most, and a wave of anger came out, abandoning the trial disciples who hunted and killed the so-called squad of demons, and chased the person in the direction of escape, wanting to kill him. Kill it to avoid future troubles.

At the same time, he continued to draw his bow and shoot arrows, and the Long Jiao Divine Bow ignited flames, shooting one arrow after another.

Each arrow is formed by Ye Tian's vigorous true essence, mixed with the essence of heaven and earth, which is extremely terrifying and can kill the pinnacle innate.

Ye Tian's wisp of spirit and energy turned into an indestructible fighting spirit, leading the light arrow, locked on the person just now, and would never stop if he didn't catch up.


The sky seemed to be collapsed, and ten consecutive light arrows crossed the sky, like ten changhongs joined together, superimposed in power, that is, the golden core did not dare to smash the front, and the momentum was earth-shaking, tearing all obstacles apart.

Although the speed of the masked man was very fast, he rushed to the foot of the mountain 10,000 meters under a few breaths, but he was quickly overtaken by the arrow.

He had to shoot, holding a big sword, and slashing horizontally and vertically.

His skin is very fair, his figure is long, strong and heroic. Even if he is covered by black gauze, he can still make up a beautiful man in the wind.

However, his eyes were very cold, like the eyes of a **** of hell, without a trace of emotion.

I don't know if he has always been like this, or if he has a deep hatred with Ye Tian.

Qiang Qiang!

The masked man acted mercilessly, and even possessed Jindan-level combat power. Every swing of the big sword in his hand seemed to be able to split a mountain.

The big sword slashed in rage, the sword light was like a dragon, and the sharp blade of the sword flashed scarlet blood, shocking mind, with extremely powerful lethality, and quickly smashed three light arrows.

The masked man came up and used the power of the golden core to the extreme. The whole body was full of blood, and every pore was surging with terrible divine power. The whole person was like a war **** Ling Chen, with cold electricity in his eyes and thick hair. Flying, the sharp blade is breathtaking.

Puff puff!

Almost every snap finger had a light arrow that was smashed into pieces.

In the end, only ten flicks passed, and all the ten light arrows shot by Ye Tian were broken, turning into a shining brilliance, dissipating the world.

In the process, although the masked man also suffered some injuries, splashed with blood, and even got a blood hole in his belly, it was not fatal and no serious problem.

At this time, Ye Tian's figure also appeared on the ten thousand-meter high mountain, rushing down.

If he wants to hunt down the masked man, he must climb this mountain.

The masked man did not dare to stay for a minute, his gloomy eyes looked back at Ye Tian and plunged into the jungle at the foot of the mountain.

The environment here is extremely complicated, the mountains are undulating, the mountains are like dragons, and there are jungles at the foot of the mountains. It is really difficult to find them by hiding alone.

Ye Tian chased here, searched for a while, but found nothing, and finally let this person escape.

It doesn't hurt that this person has failed this assassination, maybe he will do it again, and some have the opportunity to kill him.

Next, Ye Tian continued on his way to the forbidden area in the center of Xianxu.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent and the aura is very strong. Ye Tian really felt the extraordinary of this ancient land. He heard many divine sounds of the Great Dao from the ages, and watched many remnants of the Dao marks from the ages, which gave him a deeper understanding of this world. understanding.

He was walking on foot, and saw some precious places. The spiritual energy was steaming and the essence was overflowing. It was very suitable for cultivation, but most of them were occupied by people, and some were practicing in them.

Ye Tian didn't occupy the magpie's nest, and forced to fight for it.

After all, he still has his own bottom line: people don't offend me, and I don't offend people. Gentlemen love fortune, in a proper way.

In an inconspicuous cave, he even saw the evolution of the spirit stone. The aura of heaven and earth was rich and liquid, dripping and forming crystals, one after another.

Of course, this is a very long process, and it is impossible for the spirit stone to crystallize very quickly.

It's a pity that this cave was occupied by a wild fox, and it was wise, and didn't attack Ye Tian, ​​but had a sad look in his eyes, begging to let it go. Ye Tian could do anything better, and he left after looking at it for a while.

The wild fox didn't let Ye Tiantian leave, and gave him a few spirit stones that had just been transformed.

In another nearby cave, Ye Tian didn't expect to meet people from Lihuo Sect.

There are blood stains in front of the cave, it should have just dripped, and it is still fresh, the mercury slurry is thick and shiny, and there is still the magical power of the golden core.

Ye Tian walked in following the bloodstains and saw a Wang Lingchi, only six or seven feet in diameter. The spiritual liquid inside was boiling and radiant, and there were some elixir around him.

The spiritual fluid in the spiritual pool gurgled, bursting out a string of bubbles, this is the spring pool formed by the underground spiritual vein overflowing the spiritual energy, the psychic energy is vast and surging, extremely rare and rare.

There is a similar spiritual pond on Penglai Fairy Island, but it is smaller than this one.

In the spirit pool, Qin Yan'er was sitting cross-legged, wearing only a light gauze dress on her body, her graceful body looming, her curves were extremely moving, her black hair draped between her snow-white neck, her skin as gelatinous.

At this moment, she closed her eyes, bathed in the spiritual fluid, and was meditating and practicing, and her snow-white body was glowing with a fascinating charm.

"Brother, is that you?"

Qin Yan'er said when she heard the footsteps, there was a hint of excitement and expectation in her voice, her cheeks were red, but her eyes were still closed.

Obviously, Qin Yan'er and senior brother Zhang Daochen are doing double repairs here, mistakenly thinking that Zhang Daochen is here.

Ye Tian was suddenly covered with black lines, and he never dreamed that he would meet Qin Yan'er, and it was in this state.

He didn't dare to stay for another second at all, and quickly stepped back, leaving the cave for the first time.

Fortunately, Qin Yan'er opened his eyes after he left the cave, and did not find any trace of him. Otherwise, Ye Tian's fame would be unclear if he jumped into the Yellow River.


In the mountains ahead, a Jinpeng bird king and a black python king are fighting for the battle, fighting for a rare elixir. The Black Python King is very familiar, and it was the one that had looked at Ye Tian before.

A small tree only three feet high, the whole body is crystal clear, like a blood diamond, bears three fruits, shaped like a phoenix, each one is full of vitality, the gods are flying, and it emits a rich fragrance, very The dazzling and brilliant.

This is the blood phoenix fruit, a kind of heaven and earth treasure.

This is what Jinpeng Bird King and Black Python King compete for.

Ye Tian moved his face: "This land is really extraordinary, even the blood phoenix fruit has a precious medicine. According to legend, this is the precious medicine born from the essence and blood of the true phoenix in the world. The precious thing about this medicine is, It can make people rebirth from the fire. As long as they don't die completely, they can quickly heal their injuries and return to their peak state, which is equivalent to coming back to life. It is more effective for people with the blood of True Phoenix and can evolve the blood. "

Two dogs fight, play off!

Ye Tian finally couldn't stand by and watched. He suddenly took advantage of the battle between the two beast kings and snatched three Blood Phoenix Fruits.

He didn't take it by himself, he planned to save it to Xiao Yue'er.

Of course, if necessary, he would not rule out taking one or two.

The two beast kings were furious, they fought so hard, but they let others get on the ground first, and Qiqiao was so angry that they would smoke.

They stopped the fight and attacked Ye Tian.

But Ye Tian didn't fight with them and fled quickly.

The Black Python King was quickly thrown off, but Jinpeng Bird King possessed lightning-like speed and always followed Ye Tian's back. Although he could not catch up for a while, the distance would not be pulled too far by Ye Tian.

Although the Black Anaconda King was distanced, he did not give up and was still chasing after him.

The blood phoenix fruit not only allows the creatures of the true phoenix bloodline to evolve, but also has effects on other bloodlines. For example, if the black python king is swallowed, it can transform into a dragon, and it will continue to evolve, and it will become a real dragon in the future.


Jinpeng Bird King yelled, with a loud voice, shocking the sky. The two wings that add up to a hundred feet long will set off a hurricane-like storm between the sky and the earth. The bird's beak is like a divine cone that can directly pierce the air and tear. Void. It opened its mouth to highlight the sharp killing lights, like a golden war spear. After Ye Tian staggered past, it pierced the mountains or exploded.

"Who is this grandson? Really strong, faster than Jinpeng Bird The testers on the ground exclaimed, all of them evaded and left far away for fear of being accidentally injured.

Many spirit beasts are also running away, far away from Ye Tian's rushing path.

"So familiar!"

"I see, it is Devil Ye Xiao. How did this grandson offend King Jinpeng Bird?"

"There is also a black python king behind, is it also chasing him? As expected, it is Demon King Ye, it is so kind, dare to offend two golden core beast kings at the same time."

"He is going to die. The road ahead is the forbidden area in the center of Xianxu. There is no escape for him."


In the front, a misty earth looming, it is the central forbidden area of ​​Xianxu.

From a long distance, you can feel a coercion rushing toward your face, full of solemnity, which makes people feel terrified, as if there is a demon dormant in front of them.

There was no grass growing on the ground, and it was anxious, and there were broken stones everywhere, and occasionally rotten iron and bones of remnants could be found, even more desolate than the wilderness of the secular world.

This was caused by the great war eternally ago, which wiped out the vitality here, but the vegetation could not grow here.

And here is only the periphery of the forbidden area, there is only some coercive coercion, and there is not much danger.

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