Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1983: Invincible

The collision of the gods and soldiers, even the slightest aftermath, is enough to destroy the mountains and tear the earth. Any creature entering it will feel as small as an ant, and it will turn into ashes in an instant.

   Since the war, many onlookers have been affected, and at least a dozen people have been killed or injured, although they have retreated far enough.


   The sun **** plate flew back, hanging above the head of the Golden Crow Prince, and the endless divine light of the sun fell, setting him off like the same god, eternal and immortal, immortal.

"Ye Xiao Devil, you are really beyond my expectation. There is more than one Yuan Dan in your body. No wonder you can fight against me. If I'm not wrong, you have four Yuan Dan in your body. The attributes are gold, earth, water, fire. The five elements have not been consummated because of the lack of a wooden line elementary pill." Prince Jinwu said loudly, his eyes bursting with torch-like light.

  Although Ye Tian only used one Yuan Dan in the battle, the other Yuan Dan was always restless, and the Golden Crow Prince could clearly feel several different powers.

   He knew that Ye Tian didn't try his best, but he never broke out with all his strength?

   This battle is destined to be very difficult, but he will never lose, nor can he lose.

   If even he was defeated, it would be a huge disaster for the Golden Crow.

  I saw it and heard the words of Prince Jinwu. The onlookers were all horrified, with their eyes wide open, looking at Ye Tian.

Someone has just guessed that Ye Tianxiu has produced more than one yuan pill. Now he has not only confirmed it from Prince Jinwu, but also guessed the number and attributes of the yuan pill, which is really shocking, because in their cognition, the yuan pill can only There is one, and the golden core can only prove one.

"Fortunately, your five yuan pill is missing one link. Otherwise, the five elements will grow together and the strength will increase sharply. I really may not be your opponent." Prince Jinwu said coldly, his voice seemed to come from an ice cellar, giving people a kind of icy cold. sense.

   Above his head, a bright divine light suddenly burst out of the sun **** disk, and the dense avenue runes intertwined in it, turning into a crystal chain of purple gold order, which is the purple gold **** mark in the **** disk.

   This divine light is very strange, shining on oneself, can make oneself immortal, shining on the enemy, will cause the enemy's strength to be lost sharply, and eventually decline.


  Some onlookers screamed, and at a distance of several thousand feet, just looking at this divine light, the eyes bleed, and the divine soul felt a sense of tearing, which was extremely painful.

   Just looking at it is like this, one can imagine how terrifying this divine light is, and what kind of damage it will suffer if it is irradiated.

   "Now, Devil Ye Xiao, bear my anger!" Prince Jinwu shouted, struggling to activate the Sun God Disk.

   A pillar of blood-colored air rushed out of his sky spirit cover. It was his whole body, connected to the sun **** disc. At this moment, man and the sun **** disc were united.


   Ye Tian was in disillusionment and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

   "The divine light of the sun shines through the world and everything, you can't avoid it!" Prince Golden Crow drank low, hung the sun divine disk with his head, the sun divine light shining across the world, and the void constantly shattered wherever he passed.

   "Where did I evade, just to kill you better." A voice sounded in Prince Jinwu's ear, very abrupt.


   Suddenly, a sword light slashed out of the void, cutting the void into a crack, and then slicing it to Prince Golden Crow's body, and one arm snapped.

   Ye Tian also appeared immediately, flashing his supernatural powers, unexpectedly rushed to the side of the Golden Crow Prince, and struck out this fierce sword.


   An arm fell, red blood gushing, but the Prince Jinwu didn't care.

   The sun **** shines down, every drop of blood is shining, and the heaven and the earth are suddenly full of blood, like a sea of ​​blood, which encircles Ye Tian.


   The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the nine golden crows rushed out of the sun god's plate one after another, exuding a wave of majestic power, as if nine ancient demon gods were born.

   This is the spirit of the sun **** disc, a total of nine golden crows, flying out, each with a wingspan of a hundred feet, weighing the sky and the earth, swallowing the gods, the vast expanse is as turbulent as the vast sea, boundless and endless.

   This is naturally not the vast sea, but the boundless sun and fire spirit, and the scorching temperature melted the ground below to form a large magma lake.

   Nine Golden Crow Artifacts are arranged in nine positions, forming a Golden Crow lore array, which encircles Ye Tian. Viewed from a distance, it looks like a melting pot of heaven and earth, with flames burning for nine days.


   The boundless sun and fire spirit, accompanied by the ten directions of heaven and earth spirit, is like a hanging waterfall falling from the sky, crushing the sky and drowning Ye Tian in it all at once.

   The Prince Jinwu bathed in the light of the sun, like a sun god, peaceful and sacred, with hair flying, his two eyes shining like stars in the sky, spurring the sun **** disk to refine Ye Tian.

   At this moment, everyone in the audience was freezing their breath. This is a lore.

According to the rumors, if all the sun fire essence contained in the sun **** disk is released, it can evaporate the ocean and burn thousands of mountains. Although the legend is a bit exaggerated, it is really terrible. It's not a problem to burn the golden core. .

   After all, this big killer was made by Emperor Golden Crow in the sun, where the sun is inexhaustible, not to mention that the whole earth can be burnt to ashes.

   Ye Tian turned the sky up and down on his head, floating in the sun and fire, his whole body was shining, resisting the pain of crushing bones, and fighting the extreme heavenly majesty.

   He wanted to rush out, but he felt like he was trapped in a mud, and his strength was being constantly squeezed out by the fire.

"Human power will eventually be exhausted. Even if the crown of Ye Xiaomo is absolutely contemporary, he is only a man of flesh and blood, not the immortal immortal in the legend. And as long as he is a human, he can definitely be killed." A trial of onlookers The person said coldly, thinking that Ye Tian might be dying.

   "If you want to refine me, it's so easy."

   Ye Tian was bright in body and mind, and soon calmed down, without fear in his heart, taking the sun's fire as a kind of temper.

   A golden lotus swayed, rooted in the sea of ​​blood, bathed in the divine light of the sun, and accompanied by Ye Tian, ​​the three leaves were like a metamorphosis of Tao, dazzling the chaos, drawing the power of the sea of ​​blood, strengthening the body, and in turn refining the Golden Crow Prince.

After a period of time, everyone was dumbfounded and saw Ye Tian float up and down in the sea of ​​blood and flames. Although the flames were surging to the sky, Ye Tian was always immortal. Every inch of his skin was crystal clear, as if in a sacred fire. Gained immortality in it.

   Ye Tian's heart is extremely empty, he just wants Prince Golden Crow to burn the flames more vigorously, and better temper his body and soul. As long as he can't kill him, it will definitely make him stronger.


   Prince Jinwu snorted coldly, holding the sun **** plate with both hands, shining the immortal light, and oppressing Ye Tian, ​​the ten square heavens seemed to collapse, and the rumbling sound was endless.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, a ghost of a demon suddenly appeared behind Ye Tian. It was a hundred feet tall, as if it could stand upright, with no gods, looking down on the vast earth, and hurriedly stretched out two big hands and grabbed the sun **** disk. Nine Golden Crows rushed out in the middle.


   The sword shook the sky, as if there were a hundred thousand heavenly swords, and Ye Tian struck out with the sword, splitting the sea of ​​blood and the sun's fire that had imprisoned him, and accompanied by a chaotic golden lotus, he slammed into the sun **** disk again.

   This hundred-zhang-tall phantom of the gods and demons is no other thing, it is the quasi-yuanying soul of the first blood ancestor, and is now the spirit of the Ziying Sword.


   Thousands of swords sounded, and the golden crow divine feathers were flying all over the sky, each of them looked like a sharp divine sword, all of them penetrated the phantom of the gods and demons at a height of hundreds of meters.

   Facing this fierce blow, the **** and demon ghost of the first blood ancestor hit with only one punch, the sky broke and the earth shattered, Cang Yu trembled, and all the **** feathers were shattered into the sky. Then, the punch of the **** and demon ghost hit a Baizhang Golden Crow even more, and the Baizhang Golden Crow was blasted to pieces.

   Next, the gods and demons shadow iron fist in succession, each blow has the power of shaking the sky and the earth, exploding the nine golden crow artifacts one after another, turning them into divine light, and escaped into the sun **** disk.

  The spirit of the instrument was wounded, and the disc of the sun **** was also dimmed, and a whine was heard.

   At this time, Ye Tian struck again with a sword, and cut a solid on the sun god's plate.


   The Sun God's Disk did not collapse, but a gap was cut by Shengsheng, and a subtle and undetectable crack emerged. Then the sun **** plate flew out horizontally.

   Ye Tian took advantage of the momentum and continued to rush towards Prince Jinwu.


   Prince Jinwu roared, his body burst out with immeasurable light, and turned into a world of enveloped a 100-square-meter space. Everything here is dominated by him, and the world must listen to his orders.


   Ye Tian didn't care, he smashed it down with a sword. The star-like sword light directly smashed this small flame world, the infinite flame disappeared in an instant, and the awkward figure of the Golden Crow Prince appeared.

  In the distance, everyone's hearts were throbbing, and the Prince Jinwu was crushed and beaten. This is about to fall into the wind.

   Ye Tian's eyes became deeper and deeper, shocked, and he played calmly.

   Looking back at the Golden Crow Prince, all of his golden crow feather suit was torn, and the hair was soaked with blood and sweat, condensed into a lock.


   Prince Jinwu growled low, exuding an ocean of blood, causing the world to vibrate. He is like a demon rushing out of hell, breaking free from the shackles, terrifying.

  Wujin's spear was held in his hand, as if it could hit Nine Heavens, down town Jiuyou, horizontally above and below ground, and suddenly split the chaotic energy protection of Ye Tian's body, and stabbed Ye Tian's heart.

   At this moment, his eyes were blood-red, he looked mad, like a mad dog, and he wanted to fight Ye Tian desperately, even if he caught himself.


   Ye Tian directly smashed with his palms and fingers, and Wujin's spear broke in two, and it was actually split.

   The prince Jinwu was tingling half of his body, and he couldn't believe it. Blood stained from the corner of his mouth, and he backed away.

   "It's over!"

   Ye Tian wielded the sword, and rushed forward again, trying to slash the Golden Crow Prince.

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