Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1987: Trample to death

This is an incarnation of divine mind, but it gives people the sense of sight like a real body, and the energy of the whole body is like a surging ocean.


   The sun **** disk flew over and turned into a huge mountain, cutting through the high sky, rushing straight to the top of Prince Jinwu, blooming endless sun **** light, guarding him in it.

   A ray of divine thought of the ancestor of the Golden Crow resides in the Sun God Disk, and has been in a dormant state, and now awakening, it is equivalent to a tool spirit of the Sun God Disk, which can be flexibly controlled by the Sun God Disk.

   Ye Tian had been prepared, threw the sky-shaking seal, and smashed the sun god. Then he sacrificed the purple warrior and beheaded the prince of the golden crow, while his deity rushed to the ancestor of the golden crow.


   A golden god's realm unfolded beside him, earth, fire, wind and water turned into a small god's realm. He was sitting high in the nine heavens like a **** king, accompanied by a golden lotus, surrounded by chaos.

   "You are here, and you can't save him." Ye Tian said sharply, exuding amazing blood, and the golden light burst out of the heavenly spirit cover, clanking, standing among the heavens and the earth, looking down on the eight wastes.

   "I'm here, you still want to kill him, what a big tone!" The ancestor of the golden crow roared, his figure flashed, and he intercepted Ye Tian and left.

   "Old ancestor Golden Crow, be careful, he has cultivated the Yuanshen Soldier, and it hurts his mind, which is very detrimental to you." A voice sounded secretly, reminding the ancestor of Golden Crow.

   Ye Tian's eyebrows glowed, just to kill the Golden Crow ancestor with the Yuan Shendao sword.

   The dharma body of the Golden Crow ancestor is essentially a divine mind, even if it has gone through thousands of tempers, it still cannot change this essence. And Ye Tian's Yuanshen Soldier, dedicated to hurting the soul and slashing the mind.

   As soon as the secret voice reminded, the ancestor of the golden crow was prepared, and opened his mouth a black light, like a black lightning, rushed towards Ye Tian's eyebrows.

In the middle of the journey, the black light transformed into this divine mind collided with Ye Tian’s Yuanshen Dao sword. Although it was broken, it also shook the Yuanshen Dao sword flying, and even caused Ye Tian to suffer a bit of backlash, his eyebrows stabbed, and his body violent. He shuddered and took a few steps back.


   After standing firm, Ye Tian's expression was extremely cold, and he looked at the crowd of onlookers.

   That voice deliberately changed the vocal line, and I don't know who made it.

   The crowd was in a commotion, everyone was silent, as if denying.

   "Something!" The words of the ancestor of the Golden Crow were cold, like a **** and demon from the nether hell.

   Even if this is just an incarnation of divine mind, it is terrifying, but it can be torn by hand.

   But Ye Tian was not afraid.

   "It's just an incarnation of divine consciousness, and it's not the real body that has come. Today I have decided the Golden Crow Prince." Ye Tian said with a firm expression, flashing his magical powers, and directly avoided the incarnation of the Golden Crow ancestor and rushed towards the Golden Crow Prince.

   At this time, Prince Golden Crow fell to the ground, like a meteor falling to the ground, smashing a large crater, very weak, and guarded by the divine light shining from the sun god's disk.

   The sky-shaking seal smashed in, only causing the sun **** disk to move horizontally by tens of meters, and the sun **** disk turned into a hundred meters large still lay above the head of the golden crow prince.


   Immediately afterwards, the Ziying Sword slashed down, slicing a solid on the Sun God's disk, and bursting out countless brilliance, which was dazzling.

   The vast sea-like energy shock wave swept across all directions, the Sun God Disk was finally slashed out, and the Ziying Sword also moved laterally.

   At this time, Ye Tian descended from the sky, a big golden foot smashed into the void, and stepped on the golden crow prince.

At this moment, everyone in the audience felt an unparalleled and powerful fighting intent from Ye Tian. This is a terrible belief that I will be the one who is the one who is the only one who is the only one who is the only one who is in charge of the whole world. Everything is in your hands. Mind.

   Even the ancestor of the Golden Crow has changed a bit. After all, he was just an incarnation of divine consciousness. Although he was swayed by the real body deity of the inner hidden door at this moment, the combat power he could exert was still only a small part, less than one-tenth of the deity.


   A big banner suddenly flew out of the Golden Crow ancestor, hunting and hunting, and the sky was overwhelmed in an instant, the fire was boiling, as if it had collected a sea of ​​fire.

   The banner of fire light rushed out quickly, like a big cloud of fire burning the void, exuding a powerful absorption power, and rolled towards Ye Tian.

   There is a small world in the big banner, and there is endless fire inside. Once absorbed, even the golden core will drink hate and will be refined into ashes.


   Ye Tian shook his fist, his movements were very slow, there was no domineering golden light training, but it was terrible to make the soul split, this world seemed to be beaten to sink.

   The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth was roaring, as if all the Dao were moved by this punch.

   "What kind of punch is this?" The ancestor of the Golden Crow was shocked.

   Following Ye Tian's fist, he found that the magic weapon of the flame banner he threw was cracking, and he couldn't restrain the terrifying young man among them.

   Ye Tian didn't have any words, and between his gestures, he seemed to be in harmony with the avenue, possessing incredible power.


   The golden fist finally blasted on the flame banner, making a deafening noise. The banner was pierced like thin paper, and then torn apart, turning into a sky full of flames, burning into the void.

   "It's useless, I want to kill him, no one can stop it!" Ye Tian then made a sound, like a heavenly drum beaten by the ancient gods, shaking the mountains and rivers, and the world trembling.

   The void around him was slightly distorted by a terrifying breath.


   He took a big stride, straddling the void of a hundred meters, and stepped on Prince Jinwu.

   A protective light curtain held up by Prince Golden Crow's expression was suddenly stepped on and exploded.


   Prince Jinwu spit out a mouthful of old blood, like a bug, struggling violently at the feet of Ye Tian.

   "Boy, if you dare to kill, I will break your corpse to pieces!" The ancestor of the Golden Crow panicked a little.

   In an instant, his old man also seemed to be sublimated to the extreme. The divine mind body first transformed into a three-foot-long purple-gold **** chain, and then this purple-gold **** chain turned into a purple-gold **** knife.

   An aura of great destruction permeated out, as if it could crush everything in the world and destroy all vitality.


   With a sound of a knife, the purple golden sword flew out and turned into a brilliant rainbow light, shining out the eternal light, and evoking the power of the avenue.

   The audience was silent, and everyone changed their colors.

   Awesome, this is also a forbidden mystery, detaching oneself from oneself, and combining divine thought with the chain of order.

   The purple-gold order **** chain, branded with many Dao marks, is clearly a piece of purple-gold **** mark that intercepted the sun **** disc. The ancestor of the golden crow combined with godly thoughts, and then tempered into a war soldier, a purple-gold **** knife.

   Almost in an instant, a divine rainbow formed by the Zijin Divine Sword rushed to Ye Tian, ​​slashing towards the forehead and forehead.

   Ye Tian changed color. From this chain, he felt a terrible forbidden power, which could hurt the soul of a person, and also dissolve a person's mana.

   He first confronted him with the Yuanshen Dao Sword, but failed to break the chain. Instead, the Yuanshen Dao Sword was shaken out.

   This chain is definitely related to the purple and gold scars of the Sun God Disk, it is unmatched, and it is filled with an eternal and immortal breath.


   Ye Tian shook his palms hard, like iron strikes, bursting out a string of sparks, but the purple golden sword was unharmed, but his palm was injured, and golden blood poured down.

   "No matter how much you resist, it's useless? I fit the Dao with my body, and this Taoist soldier can destroy all qi, but all creatures can't escape it."


   This purple-gold divine sword is essentially a purple-gold divine mark, a chain of order, and a roar of laws. It is truly immortal and can crush everything in the world.


   Purple gold magic sword sometimes turns into a ruler-long magic sword, sometimes into a chain of order, shuttles through the void, slashing horizontally and vertically, dancing around Ye Tian almost impenetrable, like a killing storm.


   One accidentally, Ye Tian's chest was pierced by the purple gold chain, and even the soul was fierce, and there was a painful feeling of being torn.

   Then this chain was like a snake, shuttled through his body, and the wounds formed had devastating traces left behind, which were extremely difficult to heal.


   Ye Tian let out a painful roar, pulling on the chain with both hands, trying to break it, but he couldn't. The chain was too tough.

   "Boy, let you be the arrogant prince, you can hardly escape death today." A cold voice came from the chains of order, accompanied by a terrible clattering sound, like the soul of hell, making the scalp numb.


   The purple-golden chain pierced the void and pierced Ye Tian's eyebrows.


   Ye Tian made a knife with his palm fingers, and slashed on the chain, and actually cut the chain off.

   Between Ye Tian's palms and fingers, a chain also emerged, turning it into a blade of law. UU reading www.uukā

   Use the blade of the law against the chain of law, and the chain is vulnerable to a blow.

   Ye Tian was also in a hurry, and suddenly thought of his blade of the law of void, it really worked.

   Click, click!

   Next, Ye Tian even split his subordinates, smashing a whole chain of laws into fine pieces.

   "The law? You actually master the law?"

   The ancestor of the Golden Crow screamed in pain, the chain of the purple gold scar was broken into several pieces, and his spiritual body was taken off eight pieces.

   Ye Tian ignored him, and stomped on it again.


   The ground shook and the mountains shook, and a bottomless pit of footprints was stepped on the ground, and a large area of ​​blood mist was shaken out, and there seemed to be a stern roar resounding in the sky and the earth.

   When Ye Tian raised his big feet, there was still the shadow of Prince Golden Crow, only a pool of blood mud remained.

   "Ah, Xiao Jiu, you actually killed Xiao Jiu!" Jin Crow ancestor shouted, his grief and anger to the extreme.

   Prince Golden Crow was really dead, and even a golden pill was crushed, and his soul was destroyed. The place was only filled with blood and red soil.

   At this moment, everyone in the audience was also moved, as if they had experienced a dream, it felt very unreal.

   Jinwu's ten Highnesses, all of them are talents, but they all died in the hands of the same person. If the rumors go out, no one will believe it.

In the position of    Ye Tianao, his clothes were stained with blood, his hair was dancing, his expression was neither sad nor happy, as if it was just a bug that had been trampled to death, and his heart was calm.

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