Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2003: Gedai old man

When the white-haired old man arrived, he was hunting and hunting in an old Taoist robe, as if he had just crawled out of a pile of loess, coming from the ancient earth, an ancient aura filled his body, he did not look like a person of this age at all.

   His pupils are very deep, as black as ink, like a bottomless abyss, which can swallow all power, making people daunting, and instinctively feel fear.

   The leopard girl followed behind the white-haired old man, stepping on her slender and straight legs, her figure was undulating, and she came curlingly, except for the facial features of leopard print, almost all the characteristics of a human beauty.

   Similarly, she also gave people a bad feeling, with fresh blood stains on her body, and her hostility was very heavy, as if she had trampled on a sea of ​​corpses and slaughtered endless creatures.

   Brush Brush!

   Everyone came over by the prestige and looked at these two uninvited guests.

   The faces of the two are very strange, no one recognizes them.

   They can reach the bottom of the good fortune well, which shows that they are strong enough to break the defense line on the well, and they have golden cores in the realm.

   There are hundreds of elite disciples in Inoue, but they can't stop them. It's really frightening.

   Moreover, some people in Inoue may have suffered an accident and were buried in the hands of the two.

   "Who are you?" One of Haotian's protectors asked, full of vigilance.

   The leopard girl can see that it is a savage beast, and it is not difficult to guess that it is a spirit beast living in this world.

   The white-haired old man is a real human being, because the breath on his body can't deceive people.

"My guess is indeed correct. There is a great opportunity in this well. It is a dojo of a half-step Nascent Soul. I did not make a mistake this time. The last step may be taken here and become the first real one in all ages. Yuan Ying."

The white-haired old man didn’t pay attention to the question of the Taoist Guardian of Vast Sky at all, and ignored everyone else. With his hands on his back, he took a slow pace and approached the platform step by step, his eyes staring at the green gold on the platform first. Skeleton looked at it, and then at the heart-shaped light ball on the skull's head. His expression looked calm, but his heart had already been ups and downs.

   When he said this, everyone was terrified.

   From his words, it is not difficult to hear that he has reached the limit on the path of the golden core, and there is only an opportunity to prove Dao Yuan Ying.

   Obviously, he also saw that this platform was a starry sky teleportation platform, which could help him step into the void and find the opportunity to prove the Tao Yuanying.

This kind of existence also exists in the hidden gate, such as the ancestor of the Jinwu tribe, the Virgin of Yaochi, the sword master of Shushan, the immortal master of Haotian, all Jindan Dacheng, touched the power ceiling of this world, and made progress. , It is difficult to make further progress.

   And this white-haired old man can walk freely in the Fairy Ruins, without fear of the coercion of Yuan Ying's prohibition, and his Taoism is even higher than those of them, which is really terrifying.

   "You are..., who? Why have you never seen you? Why do you appear here?" Shushan's protector asked again, but he had lost the confidence he had just now, and his voice trembled slightly.

   "Hehe!" The white-haired old man seemed to be in a good mood, he laughed, and said, "Who am I, I almost don't even remember myself. Look at you, should it be Haotian? Is Guangxu old and okay?"

   Hearing this, the expressions of all people in Haotian changed drastically.

   The old Guangxu Dao is the real Guangxu, the last immortal lord of the Haotian Immortal Sect. He has been dead for four to five hundred years, and he has lived for more than 800 years.

"Return to seniors, I have been teaching Immortal Master Guangxu for 4,880 years. I don't know what senior is called? What does it have to do with my teaching Immortal Master Guangxu? Is it old?" Haotian's protector asked, cautiously. , I was so horrified that cold sweat came out of my forehead.

   Everyone else was also horrified, only to tell them that this one might be an old antique who lived more than a thousand years old.

"Haha!" The white-haired old man laughed again and said: "So the old is not counted, but if you really count it, it should be an enemy. I have been trapped in Xianxu for five hundred years, and I just worship him. I haven't gone out yet. I'm looking for him to settle the account, but he has already fallen, which really disappoints me."

   "Are you..., Nanli Taoist?"

   Haotian's guardian asked, suddenly thinking of something, his face was pale, and he went straight back.

   Nanli Dao Ren, that is a person recorded in the ancient history of the Inner Sect, an old sovereign of a second-rate sect that belongs to the Northern Territory along with the Haotian Immortal Sect. This person is extremely talented and is considered to be the only unparalleled arrogant talent in the inner hidden gate for millennia. He acts without scruples and can challenge authority.

   This second-rate sect was originally a subsidiary sect of Haotian, followers, but because of a Nanli, they didn't drop Haotian Immortal Sect in their eyes.

  The real man Nanli caused himself to kill himself because of an irreconcilable contradiction, he was killed by Old Immortal Haotian with great magical power.

   That shocking battle, not only the old Immortal Master Haotian, but also dozens of Jindan elders joined forces, and the sky was broken, the sun and the moon were gone.

  In the record, the Taoist Nanli was clearly killed by the town, and the bones were gone, turned into powder, and now he appeared in the fairy ruins. It was really strange and terrifying to the extreme.

   The others couldn't help but retreat, urging the soldiers, and even preparing to escape.

   However, the leopard girl unkindly blocked the direction of the exit, and her eyes looked at everyone unkindly. Especially Haotian Shenzi and Shushan Jianzi, who received her longest attention gift, couldn't help but licked their red lips, swallowing, as if they had seen two delicious dishes.

   "Let's go, let's all go, the opportunity here is not yours. Since the old Taoist Guangxu is dead, I will not pursue it anymore." The white-haired old man waved his hand and urged everyone to leave.

   He won't tell anyone that he once occasionally found a void beast, the corpse of a millipede in the void passages of the Inner and Outer Hidden Gate, and cultivated a void magic weapon.

   In the battle at that time, the Void was already very unstable under the concentrated fire attack of the Old Immortal Master Vast Sky and dozens of Jin Dan elders. He broke through the space with Void Magic Weapon and happened to arrive at the Fairy Ruins.

   Void Secret Treasure can only isolate part of the Nascent Soul's prohibition. At the beginning, it made him live very hard every minute and every second in the Fairy Ruins, and he nearly survived countless times. Fortunately, he finally survived, and got a lot of tempering, and his cultivation continued to improve.

   Now, even without the help of the Void Secret Treasure, he can withstand the Yuan Ying ban of the Immortal Ruins, and he is completely used to this world.

   has lived to the present age, his cultivation has reached the end of the golden core, and his life span is also approaching the end, unless he can find Shen Zhen to continue his life, or to prove the Dao Yuan Ying.

  The heart of the wood spirit, the condensed infinite principles of heaven and earth, taking one, can make an initial golden pill stand to perfection, and can prolong life for hundreds of years. It is not a magic medicine, but is better than a magic medicine.


   Leopard Girl looked towards the heart of the wood spirit, her eyes were also full of greed. After eating this thing, she can completely transform her body, not to mention her cultivation base, the golden core is complete, plus the starry sky teleportation platform, and go outside the domain, maybe she can also fight for a Yuanying Tianjun.

   "Ah, don't hurry up, wait for me to eat you?" The leopard girl opened her mouth wide, showing her sharp fangs to a group of people, eagerly.

   A group of people moved stubbornly, and they couldn't help retreating in the direction of the exit.

"Senior, this big formation was broken by us. After putting in so much effort, we didn't get any benefit. Now you want to drive us away. Isn't it too unsympathetic?" Shushan's protector was uncomfortable, loudly Said.

   Peerless Shenzhen is right in front of me, if I leave here, I am really unwilling.

   Although the white-haired old man named Nan Li is very powerful and the golden core is perfect, they are not at all dependent. You know, all of them add up, but there are four magic soldiers.

   When the protector of the Shu Mountain spoke, the Azure Rainbow God Soldier was already urging, and if necessary, he did not hesitate to fight to the death.

   Haotian and Yaochi two sects also made preparations, urging magic weapons and artifacts. They also don't want to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed.

   They secretly transmitted the sound of spirit and thought, and they have reached an agreement. After the heart of the wood spirit is obtained, the three sects are divided equally.

   "You helped me break through the big formation, and I let you go alive, it has already given you enough affection." Nan Li Taoist said, his words were low and there was no trace of emotion.

"It's really a strong reason. We can break through the big formation, but you can't do it alone. This is enough to explain the problem. We are not soft persimmons that you can handle. You can take this platform, but the wood spirit. The heart belongs to us," said the protector of Shushan, with a strong tone.

   "Are you going to disobey my will?" Nanli Taoist turned his head violently, and glared at the protector of Shu Mountain. UU read www.uukanshu. There is a scene of star destruction in Com's dark eyes, as if a piece of time and space have been imprinted.

  The protector of Shushan's heart palpitated. For a moment, it seemed as if ten thousand mountains were pressing on his heart, and he almost collapsed to the ground.


   The sword shook the sky, and the ocean-like sword energy fluctuations rushed out of the Qinghong sword and turned into a monstrous coercion, which offset the coercion of the Taoist Nanli.

   At the same time, the surging sword aura turned into a small world of swords, guarding the three of Shushan.

   Haotian and Yaochi also urged the artifacts in their hands, the Haotian Mirror was brilliant, and the West Emperor Bell was radiant and radiant, shaking out wisps of bells, like a sea of ​​Han.

   The three forces are in a tacit understanding. At this moment, they are united together to fend off the enemy.

   But Nan Li Lao Dao narrowed his gaze and was fearless at all.

   Suddenly, he took a shot, raised a big dry hand, shook slightly in the void, and an invisible mana rushed out.

The protector of Shushan immediately screamed. It was not that the old Nanli Dao’s mana was attacked, but the green rainbow divine sword in his hand trembled. Some of them were out of their own control. They opposed the Haotian Mirror of the Haotian Immortal Sect Hacked past.

   The mighty power of the gods is undoubtedly, two resurrected gods collide, and the aftermath of the shaking alone can destroy the mountains and sink the earth.


   Immediately afterwards, the sage of the Yaochi saint also screamed, the West Emperor's bell trembles, and she wants to break away from her own control, and also blasted away from the Haotian Mirror of the Haotian Immortal Sect, with thousands of rays of light, dazzling.

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