Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2005: Scramble

The bones are crystal clear, showing a blue-gold color, like a cast of blue-gold glaze, giving people a very unreal feeling.

"Sure enough, it is the body of the wood spirit. I grasped this great opportunity and took half a step ahead of others." Ye Tian muttered to himself, from the cyan bones to make the judgment, just as he had guessed before. of.

   Of course, this person must have been a peerless arrogant, talented far beyond ordinary people. Otherwise, even if the great opportunity is in front of you, it is impossible to grasp it.

   This bone looks very fragile, but in fact it is harder than adamantine steel. It can be called a kind of heaven and earth treasure, which can be used to sacrifice all kinds of magic weapons.

   However, even if the Yuan Ying falls, it is not something that the world can humiliate. If you want to use his corpse for training, you must be at least one Yuan Ying, otherwise you will be killed by the remaining Qi in the corpse.

   Above the skull, there is a striking blood hole, the size of a fist, and it looks very hideous.

   If an ordinary person sees it, they will definitely think that the person was injured by an external object and penetrated the Tianling cover, so that his life would not be saved.

   Only Ye Tian knew that this blood hole was not injured by a foreign object, but was caused by the failure of coagulation of the infant.

  Bro Dan Ning Ying, Yuan Ying can only be eternal and immortal when he leaves the flesh, just like feathering, nirvana, otherwise it is bound to the flesh, and will only decay with the decay of the flesh.

   This corpse had already condensed into the infant in half a step, and the Yuan Ying had initially condensed, but at the stage when the Yuan Ying was separated, it fell short.

   This is the case, he is also the supreme existence on this star that is closest to Yuan Ying since the ages.

No wonder he was able to tear the boundary membrane by hand, freely enter and exit the immortal ruins and the hidden gate, and even wiped out the power established by the Golden Crow tribe on the old land of Penglai three times in a row overnight. There is no time to inform the ancestral land of Zongmen.

This kind of cultivator who failed to condense the infant, Ye Tian had seen too many in his previous life, some of the bodies collapsed, some of the heads exploded, and the soul was destroyed. In comparison, this person only left a hole on the top of his head. , It was already a little better, at least one corpse was still intact.

   After the golden core, every big realm is a great ridge, and it is a big ridge, and it is getting more and more, and it will stop many people.

   This is the monk's road, difficult and bumpy, comparable to climbing to the sky, knowing that in the end only a very small number of people can reach the top, but those who walk on the road are still like crucian carp who cross the river.

   "Boy, let's see where you are going this time." Leopard female **** came over, with a bloodthirsty smirk on her face, and her wild aura was very strong.

   She can be on the Taoist platform, which is enough to show her strength and should not be underestimated.

  In other words, in the existence of the Beastmaster level, which one is weak?

   was at least the middle stage of the Golden Core, and the realm far surpassed Ye Tian.

"Kneel yourself and say a few good things to make my sister happy, maybe my sister can let you go." Leopard said as she walked, ten slender, white fingers popped out of her nails that were inches long. When they collided, she said. The sharp clank sound, like ten metal knives.

   At this moment, Ye Tian didn't have any fear. After squinting at her, he said, "How far will I roll before I am not angry."

   "If you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

In the roar of   , the leopard girl rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​her fingernails grew wildly, and she grabbed Ye Tian like ghost claws, only a few thunder lights were beating.

The suppression on the Taoist platform has weakened, the feeling that the mountain is pressing on the top disappears, and there is no longer a chaotic spirit rushing wildly, but there is still a restriction invisibly, which acts in the body and makes people unable to exert their magic power at all. How much, even the magic weapon can't be moved.

   Fighting here, all you can rely on is pure physical power.

   Leopard girl is born with Lei Ling roots, her body has been tempered and tempered, and has already reached the level of solidity and immortality. She fights physically and boasts that she is not weaker than anyone.

   Wu Ji Shenquan!

Ye Tian still has the squinting eyes, using the power of the unparalleled golden eucharist, to spur this world-class fist, and violently punch it out. Although there is no special effect conferred by mana, it is just a sonic boom that breaks through the speed of sound. It is shocking enough.


   There was a strange sound, followed by broken bones and blood splashing.

   Leopard girl let out a painful scream, a white jade hand was soaked in blood, it was broken completely, and it was as fragile as tofu.

   And Ye Tian's golden palm is not a big deal.

All this happened so quickly, even Nanli Lao Dao, who had just ascended the platform, was shocked. He thought that Ye Tian would be torn apart by the claw of the Leopard Girl, but I didn't expect that the Leopard Girl would be blown by Ye Tian's punch. palm.

"The immortal golden body of the human race?" Nan Li Lao Dao shot two sharp divine lights from the depths of his pupils, with a very scary look, and said: "I haven't seen it in many years. I thought this physique would not reappear. I can't think of it again. Was born."

   Indestructible golden body, a kind of strong physique. People who possessed this physique in history are all supernatural beings, and many of them are Yuan Ying.

   Ye Tian ignored him, but looked at the heart of the wood spirit, his expression gradually becoming solemn.

   "Indestructible golden body?" The leopard girl was startled, her eyes suddenly red, and said: "No matter what physique you are, if you hurt me, you will be torn apart and eat your flesh and blood."

   Leopard girl seemed to be crazy, and attacked Ye Tian again.

   Ye Tian was furious, and said: "This seat has given you a chance to escape, but you don't know how to repent and you have offended me again and again. That is, you should die."

   In a physical fight, the Leopard Girl could not be Ye Tian's opponent at all. A sacred product that was thrown out of a broken copper furnace was smashed by Ye Tian's punch, causing the Leopard Girl to burst into blood and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

  If the mana is not imprisoned, Ye Tian would like to defeat her, it may take some time, and now the pure physical fight is like ant abuse.

   Then, Ye Tian bullied himself up, raised a big foot high, and stepped it down, like a **** of heaven, unrivaled.

   "Old way, save me!" Leopard girl yelled.

   Nan Li Lao Dao pointed out, and a finger light shot Ye Tianji out.

   After all, he is the power of the peak of the golden core. Although there are restrictions and additions, he can't confine all of them, and can exert a little mana.

   is this little mana, it is also terrifying enough, killing a condensed pill is like cutting melons and vegetables, easily.

   But, the target is different this time, Ye Tian is no ordinary condensed pill.


   Ye Tian only threw a punch, and the golden fist ran across the sky. Even without all the special effects, just a single fist gave people the illusion that it could explode into the nine heavens.


   A spear-like finger light was pierced by Ye Tian's fist from beginning to end, and it was blasted to pieces.


   Then, Ye Tian stepped on it, like stepping on an ant, and stepped on the Leopard Girl.

   The leopard girl's body trembled, and soon turned into a leopard, struggling violently, but a golden big foot was like a golden mountain, pressed on her body, and couldn't get rid of it at all.

"This Leopard has some fate with me, let her go. I allow you to practice on this platform until your trial is over." Old Nan Li said lightly, his words were low, not very aggressive, but Contains an irreversible will.

   When Nan Li Lao Dao first came to this world, he had gone through many hardships and survived countless times. This Lei Leopard provided him with some help.

   While Lei Bao can successfully transform into a human being, Nan Li's advice is indispensable.

"She has a relationship with you, what does it have to do with me?" Ye Tian said coldly, not intending to give Nanli Lao Dao face at all, and then said: "I got on this Taoist platform first. How long do I want to practice here? , How long do you practice, what qualifications do you have to promise me?"

Nan Li Lao Dao's face was immediately pulled down, almost blackened to the bottom of the pot, saying: "What an arrogant junior, I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Don't think that you are an immortal golden body and an extraordinary physique, so you can do whatever you want. There is no depth. Your cultivation base, your immortal golden body is nothing at all, it is still a thousand miles away from immortality. Even if my mana is imprisoned here, killing you is like killing an ant. I am Pity the indestructible golden body, only ten thousand years will be able to come out, I can’t bear to kill you. I will now give you one last chance and let go of the leopard girl. If you are willing to follow me, I may not be able to point you to one or two, so that you can grow up soon . When the deity proclaims the Nascent Soul in the future, he can also help you."

   Nanli's old ways intimidated and lured, and promised Ye Tian many benefits.

   He was wearing an old Taoist robes, his head was full of silvery white hair dangled, and his eyes were like a deep pool, dark and deep, which made people afraid to face him.

   If it is an ordinary monk here, UU reading www. Even if is as strong as the Haotian God Child, Shushan Jianzi and his ilk, after hearing Nanli Lao Dao's words, he might bow down.

   However, Ye Tian was indifferent, even a bit joking.

   It is impossible for him to be deceived by Nan Li's sophisticated rhetoric.

   At this moment, there must be a battle between the two. Either you die or I live.

   Even if the opponent is very powerful, Ye Tian is fearless. It is impossible for him to give up the opportunity that he found after stepping through the iron shoes, a chance to return to the world of cultivating immortals in his previous life.

   You must know that Ye Tian still has the advantage under the same imprisoned mana. Not only is he possessed of a sacred body of refined gold, but he is also young.

   And Nanli Lao Dao lived more than a thousand years old, and his life was almost at the end. The Jindan Treasure Body was already on a downhill road.


   Nan Li Lao Dao actually took the lead in taking the shot, a ray of divine brilliance overflowed between his palms and fingers, and he slapped Ye Tian with a palm.

   Although the mana fluctuations are very weak, it is only on the surface. There are hundreds of lines in the dark. This palm can easily slap a main battle tank into iron mud.

   "Hmph!" Ye Tian snorted coldly, kicking the leopard girl with one kick, and the shells smashed into Nanli's iron palm.


   Nanli Lao Dao didn't evade at all, and regardless of his affection, he slapped the leopard girl to pieces with one palm, shattering it into **** mud, and then continued to kill Ye Tian with one palm.

   An unwilling scream echoed in the world for a long time, stern and ear-piercing.

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