Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2017: The trial is over

In a skeleton, with the help of the origin of Jinxing, Ye Tian deliberately strengthened his hands, because his hands are mainly used in battle.

Every inch of the bones of the hands are crystal clear, imprinted with the Dao pattern, blooming with a bizarre treasure, indestructible, immortal and immortal, and exudes the breath of "life is endless, fighting is endless", as if these hands are born for Born to fight, live to kill.

   Now his hands are absolutely comparable to holy soldiers, able to wrestle magic weapons, flying swords, and other idle spells and supernatural powers, as well as hand fights, and even physical resistance.

   When he stood up, clenched his fists, he could really feel the endless power of the golden body, like a nuclear explosion.

   He even had an illusion, as if he could hit the sun, moon and stars in the sky with one punch, and he could critically strike the nine heavens with one punch.

   Although this kind of power is just an illusion, Ye Tian understands that with one punch, he truly possesses the ability to overwhelm the ocean. The level of power is absolutely comparable to a nuclear explosion. One punch can destroy a city and cause a big earthquake.

   Looking at a huge mountain in the distance, Ye Tian's clenched fist didn't go out after all, leaving his strength, let's go back and deal with the old monsters in the inner gate.

   He knew that there was a bad battle waiting for him, surpassing any previous one.

   Unknowingly, the one-year trial of the Fairy Market has reached the end, and the last day has finally arrived.

It was the place where the original domain gate appeared, more than ten kilometers outside the ancestral gate of Yaochi, a void suddenly turbulent and became unstable, and then a force penetrated, the divine light was shining, forming a domain gate, the disciples of the trial It rushed out like dumplings, wrapped in a ball of holy light.

   As long as the domain gate is opened, no matter where the tester is, he will be led by the Holy Light and forced to leave. Unless there is an incomparable extraordinary ability, like Nanli's old way, it is impossible to stay.

   And outside the domain gate, there are already a sea of ​​people, but as long as there are disciples under the gate to participate in the trial, there is no one who does not come. Many sects and even the sect master personally came to greet them, which shows the importance they attached to this trial.

However, unlike previous years, the atmosphere at this time in previous years must be hilarious, with noisy gongs and drums. Even if some testers fall, it is expected and known in advance. It will not affect the joyous atmosphere of the final triumph. .

   But now, the mountains and rain are about to come and wind all over the building, and there is a depressive aura permeating, murderous intent is everywhere, and some people with low cultivation bases will even be breathless.

   I saw that outside the domain gate, a group of more than a hundred golden cores stood proudly in the world and gathered into a wall of iron and steel, blocking all escape routes. All kinds of divine light bloomed on them, ups and downs, or blazing flames, or thunder and anger, or swords, or cold and cold,...

   This is an unmatched force, from the Golden Crow, Tyrant Sect, Shushan Jianzong, Ziwei Sect, Haotian Immortal Sect, and many other sects.

Except for the sacred place of Yaochi, and a few following sects under his command, almost all the sects left have made a statement, vowing to kill Ye Tian and defend the way. money.

   These more than a hundred golden cores came from this, and more than half of the golden cores of the hidden gate are here, and Ye Tian's fate is about to be fixed.

   More than a hundred golden cores gathered, and they were aimed at one person. What a terrible thing is this?

   Looking at the practice history of the hidden gate, this kind of thing rarely happens.

   It was the last time that he targeted the Gaidai Tianjiao, Nanli Taoist, and only the Haotian Immortal Sect contributed their efforts, and they crushed people. It was an accident that he didn't kill in the end.


  Although some golden cores have reduced their mana, but standing together with so many golden cores, a breath of breath overflows from everyone, they can gather into the ocean, let the void burst, and the mountains collapsed.

   The monks below the golden core all retreated to a hundred feet away, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the pressure of the breath.

   This area of ​​heaven and earth has clearly turned into a cage, if Ye Tian wants to get mixed up in the trial, and leave in a sneaky way, there will be no lesson at all. Even he couldn't change his appearance, because several of these golden core abilities possessed pupil skills, which could break through all falsehoods and look through the real body.

   Among them, the Golden Crow ancestor is particularly terrible, flying into the air, closest to the domain gate, and bursting out with endless energy, like a lofty day, so flaming that it is impossible to look directly at it.

Around his body, more than a dozen golden cores of the Golden Crow tribe surrounded the sky, and everyone was powerful, engulfed in flames, and the divine energy rushing out like a tsunami, wave after wave rushed around, shaking the sky. Move.

  The golden cores of other sects didn't dare to approach them at all, because the pressure was too high and the temperature was too high to get a foothold.

   The first time the domain gate was opened, it turned out that it was not the tester who rushed out, but the Golden Crow Clan’s Sun God Disk.

   This is a divine tool, possessing spirituality, and giving birth to the spirit of the tool. Under the call of the ancestor of the golden crow, it returned and fell into the hands of the ancestor of the golden crow.

After    took control of the Sun God Pan, the aura on the body of the Golden Crow ancestor rose a lot, it was like a magic mountain standing upright, oppressing people to suffocate and crack. Even the golden core great abilities of the Golden Crow tribe didn't dare to approach his old man, and they backed away again and again.

   "Ye Xiaoer, get out of here!" The ancestor of the golden crow roared, and the sound of anger followed the sound, which alarmed the world. Everyone on the scene felt a sense of fascination, and a surge of energy and blood.

   bang, bang!

The voice of his old man was shouting in the direction of the domain gate. The voices wrapped by two holy lights just flew out of the domain gate, and then they were sadly reminded. He was born and killed by the sound wave, and his body was torn apart. In the end, only two were left. The incomplete body fell to the ground.


   A second-rate sect leader in Zhongyu screamed and cried bitterly.

   These two trialists belonged to their sect, and one of them was a true biography. He survived the trial and never thought that he would eventually die in the hands of the Golden Crow ancestor. It was really bad luck for eight lifetimes.

   The ancestor of the Golden Crow didn't even look at it, and didn't say a word of nonsense, as if it was two ants who were killed. It was irrelevant, and there was no need to pay attention.

   "Ahhh, Jinwu clan, you are deceiving too much." The second-rate sect leader of the Central Territory yelled, at the ancestor of the Jinwu, he was also confused for a while.

   "What did you say?" The ancestor of the Golden Crow glanced sideways, his eyes full of murderous aura like a golden lantern.

   The head teacher of the second-rate sect of the Middle Territory shook his heart.

   "That's it, you step back, the ancestor of the Golden Crow didn't mean it," said the Sword Master of the Shushan Sword Sect.

   This second-rate sect is the follower sect of Shushan, and belongs to the middle domain.

   The second-rate sect master clenched his teeth angrily, but also dared not to speak, and could only leave with two corpses. If it hadn't been for the Sword Master Shushan to say a word for him, the ancestor of the Golden Crow might have shot him and slapped him to death.

   Trial people constantly rushed out from the domain gate, falling like dumplings, but Ye Tian's figure did not appear for a long time.


   In a shining light, a man in Tsing Yi appeared, his hair was light, and every inch of his skin was glowing. He looked very refined and handsome, and he was called abundance like jade.

   "The Son of God is back."

   The welcome team of Haotian Immortal Sect burst into cheers immediately.

   This handsome young man is the son of Haotian, Xia Yiming.

   Two old guardians of the Jindan tribe followed him, and further behind were Haotian's other trial children.

   In this trial, the Haotian Immortal Sect had almost no losses, and it can be said to be one of the biggest winners.

   "How many gold cores have you proved?" Immortal Master Haotian asked thousands of people.

   This is also the common concern of all members of the Haotian School.

   Everyone was still a little disappointed when he learned that the God Child Haotian had only proclaimed the third-grade golden core.

   A moment later, Shushan Jianzi also came out, tall and straight, wearing a sword robe, and his eyes were like sharp swords, shooting out two bright lights.

  In this trial, Shu Shan didn't lose much, and he gained a lot like the Haotian Immortal Sect. In addition to Jianzi, there were two disciples who proved the golden core.

   Immediately after the trial disciples of Yaochi came out, like a group of fairies, each of them gracefully and elegantly out of the dust. They did not stay in the field, they were taken away by the Mother of Jade Lake as soon as they came out, and returned to the ancestral land. Then the gate was closed tightly, and even the Zongmen Grand Formation was opened.

   There will be a fierce battle next, and the Mother of Jade Lake does not want the Jade Lake to be affected.

   "Mother, you worry too much, there will be no war. Ye Tian, ​​he, has already died in the fairy ruins, and will not come out." The Yaochi saint said to the mother.

   "What? Dead?" Our Lady of Yaochi was shocked. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

   "Yes, he died. It was killed by an old man named Nan Li Dao Ren. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, Ye Tian and Nan Li Dao Ren were in the well of good fortune, and they definitely couldn't survive...."

   Next, the saint of Yaochi said what happened in the good fortune well.

   When knowing that the Taoist Nanli hadn't died, Mother Yaochi was also surprised.

   But right now, he doesn't have the mind to pay attention to the Taoist Nanli. She has a bad premonition that Yaochi may face a crisis next.

   "How can it be? The wrongdoer, the debtor, since Ye Tian is dead, will the hatred be resolved unnaturally?" said the sage Yaochi, very incomprehensible.

"Little girl, you are too naive." Mother Yaochi shook her head, with a solemn expression, and said: "During your absence, several big sects often attacked my Yaochi and forced me to hand over your junior sister Xiaoyue'er. . But I am afraid that my sect has a magical weapon and a mountain protection formation, so I didn’t dare to do it. If Ye Xiaozi is not dead, they will kill him personally. After a fight, the anger in his chest will be almost vented, maybe let it go. But now that Ye Xiaozi is dead, and their anger has nowhere to vent, it will inevitably be burned to my jade pond and take Xiao Yueer to start. And the trial is over, all the Zhenzong artifacts are back. , They don’t need to worry about my sect’s artifacts anymore."

Yaochi Mother's guess is correct. When Jinwu, Haotian, Shushan and many other sects knew that Ye Tian had fallen, and waited until the domain gate was closed and no one came out, the focus of revenge was on Xiao Yueer, a large team of people, Haohao killed him in a soupy way.

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