Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2021: Kill the ancestor

"The divine tool that the body shakes the divine scar and revives, this is recorded in my Tyrant's ancient books. The Tyrant's combat body is cultivated to the ultimate realm of Dacheng Consummation, and the terrifying power can be possessed!" The overlord of the Southern Tyrant screamed in a low voice. Dao, his mind was dizzy for a while.

   This can only show that the golden body of Ye Tian's cultivation is far above the overlord body of the Overlord Tianzong.

   He has always been complacent with his domineering combat body, but now he finds that he is not enough to look at Ye Tian's golden body like a chicken. The death of Ba Tianye in his hands was not injustice at all.

   The ancestor of the Golden Crow was also shocked. He was stunned on the spot for a while, and it was not until Ye Tian punched him in front of him that he came back to his senses.

   Among the electric flint flowers, the golden claws of the ancestor of the Golden Crow only had time to reach out with a pair of big claws, each of which is as huge as a mountain and has endless power, which can easily tear the aircraft carrier.



   But under Ye Tian's fist, these two powerful golden claws exploded out of thin air at that time, like paper paste. The rain of blood sprinkled in mid-air, and countless flesh and blood flew across.


   The ancestor of the Golden Crow screamed, flapping his big wings, trying to escape from Ye Tian, ​​and flew towards the sky.

   In close hand-to-hand combat, his Golden Crow body is only for being hung and beaten, and it is not on the same level as Ye Tian's Golden Eucharist.

   But I saw Ye Tian stomped his foot abruptly, his body resembling a rocket rising from the ground, and he swayed up several kilometers in an instant, and jumped over the body of the ancestor Golden Crow.


   Then Ye Tian stepped down suddenly, and a golden foot swelled like an inflatable one, and instantly turned into the huge and towering mountain, like the weight of a Taishan mountain, the sky trembled, making a thunderous sound.

   "Ma De, do you think I am a soft persimmon?" The old ancestor Jin Crow roared, because he was too angry, swearing.

   "Look at my Golden Crow breathing, the fire and the sky burning Dafa."


   The ancestor of the Golden Crow opened his mouth and vomited, and indeed a sea of ​​flames burned into the void and swallowed Ye Tian.

   However, Ye Tian in the sea of ​​fire is like an immortal god, true gold is not afraid of fire, not even a strand of hair is burnt, and the flames of the burning emptiness can do nothing about him.

   Ye Tian just now on the unknown ancient star, the golden body has withstood the refining of the seven-color flame. The kind of sacred flame is not comparable to the flame of the ancestor of the golden crow.


   On the contrary, Ye Tian's golden giant feet only shook slightly, and the sky's flames stood apart for a long time, splashing against the surrounding void, as if a void had been trampled to pieces.

   "The Golden Crow is immortal!"


   "Golden Crow Curse!"


   "The Golden Crow Refining God Dafa!"



   Everyone only saw that no matter what kind of magical powers the Golden Crow ancestor displayed, Ye Tian just stepped on it with one foot, and the giant golden foot was like a golden sacred mountain, breaking all his attack methods.

   This is the real one force to break the ten thousand magic!


   In the end, Ye Tian stepped on the back of the ancestor of the Golden Crow and made a loud noise, as if a sledge hammer hit a bronze bell.

   Then, the ancestor of the Golden Crow was like a meteorite falling to the ground, falling from a height of 1,000 meters, accompanied by a scarlet rain of blood, and the Golden Crow feathers falling like snow flakes, and finally hit the ground.


   A piece of land at the entrance of the Yaochi Holy Land burst open every inch, and the big earth and rock waves that were set off were like a tsunami.

   The terrifying and monstrous energy storm shocked many spectators to vomit blood, and back again and again. If it weren't for a group of golden core powers to shoot at the same time, smashing the rushing earth and rock waves to pieces, many people would definitely die.


   As soon as the big waves of earth and rocks were broken, everyone saw an incredible scene.

   The ancestor of the Golden Crow disappeared from the ground, and there was only a bottomless giant pit at the impact point.

"too strong!"

   Countless people screamed, and even Immortal Master Haotian's gaze condensed. They and the ancestors of the Golden Crow are strong at the same level, even if there is a difference in strength, it is very small.

  In other words, they would be beaten in this way.

   "You just asked me how He De can, I don't know you are satisfied with this answer?" Ye Tian proudly stood in the air, and his torch-like eyes released two golden rays of several meters long, facing a group of golden core powers.

   His body bloomed with dazzling brilliance, the golden vitality was extremely exuberant and enveloping, and the whole person was submerged in it. The golden eucharist was almost transparent, clean and unsullied like a **** of gold, and looked like a god.


   All the people in the audience took a breath, and then realized that Ye Tian was not talking about it, but really wanting to dominate the inner hidden fairy gate alone and make all the sects yield.

   The Immortal Master Haotian had a solemn expression and did not speak, but the Haotian mirror in his hand made it brighter.

   Everyone else is also eager to try.

The reason why they did not take action at the beginning was because the ancestors of the Golden Crow made a ruthless statement that they wanted to fight Ye Tian alone, and secondly, because they also wanted to evaluate Ye Tian’s combat effectiveness through the battle of the ancestors of the Golden Crow. To know yourself and the enemy, you will win all battles.

   Now, the ancestors of the Golden Crow are obviously not opponents, it is time for them to take action.


But at this moment, in the bottomless pit on the ground, there was an earth-shattering roar, and a figure surrounded by flames rushed out of the ground, like a rocket ignited to the sky, soaring above and behind him From a long light tail.

   who is not the ancestor of the Golden Crow?

   I saw him reinvented into a human form, with a disheveled hair, a ragged shirt, covered with dust, and a clear big footprint on his body.

Ye Tian’s kick was too cruel just now. If it weren’t for the several exercises and skills of the Golden Crow ancestor that weakened a bit of his foot strength, he would probably step on him half-dead, or even fall. It would never be like this. It's still alive and kicking.

   But this also gave the ancestor of the Golden Crow an illusion that Ye Tian could hang him, but he could not kill him.

"Ye Xiao Devil, no matter how strong you are, my golden crow body is one of the strongest physiques in the world. It has already reached the level of immortality and immortality. After all, you can't kill the ancestor me." Ascends to the sky like a battle dragon, and wants to continue the **** battle with Ye Tian.

   "Really? The world is the strongest?" Ye Tian put his hands on his back and let out a chuckle, showing contempt.

   In the shocking eyes of countless people, he punched it far away and blasted it out again.

   An olive-shaped fist print, about the size of a grinding plate, directly tore through the void, and was sent by Ye Tian with a flash of magical powers. When the ancestor of the golden crow realized that it was not good, it was too late to avoid it.


Accompanied by a sound of earth-shaking sound, this time the Golden Crow ancestor was like a heavy artillery shell out of the chamber. It was bombarded ten thousand meters away. Dozens of hills along the way were knocked down and eventually plowed out on the ground. A gully several thousand feet long.


   "I'm going, it's too cruel!"


   The uncountable number of monks were terrified, almost frightened.

   Among the hundreds of golden cores who were waiting in full battle, there was no lack of those who retreated, their calves were cramping, and golden cores trembled.


   This time, after blasting away the ancestor of the Golden Crow, Ye Tian also chased after him, trying to sling the ancestor of the Golden Crow in a series, and finally kill him.

   If you don't kill a few top powers to frighten you, how can the fairy gate surrender?

   At his speed, it is impossible for anyone to catch up.

   "Look for death, stop!"

Below    a group of more than a dozen Golden Crow elders were furious, roared loudly, and then all rushed up.

   Others can sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, but they can’t, because it was their ancestor who was hanged and beaten.

   But, Ye Tian's speed was too fast, like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye, he left them out of sight, and caught up with the golden crow ancestor who was flying backwards.

When the ancestor of the Golden Crow was blown away again, the body of the Golden Crow was so hardened and scarred that it was about to explode. Finally, he couldn't take care of the upper part, and shouted to the sect masters of the other sects: "What are you guys still doing? Are you ready to shoot? If my ancestor is killed, you will not be better off."

   He recalled the Sun God Pan, with the rungs in front of him, and resisted stubbornly.

Then, he said to Ye Tian: "Little beast, I admit that you are very strong, my ancestor is old and weak, and my body is not as good as you. But you are the enemy of the entire hidden gate, and today you are doomed to fall, nine deaths and no life. In the future, when I open up the void passage between the inner and outer hidden gates, I will surely kill all your relatives and destroy your nine tribes. All those who have a relationship with you will be killed without leaving a piece of armor."

   Boom boom boom!

   Hundreds of golden cores came from the sky and stepped on the empty space, gradually encircling Ye Tian to besiege Ye Tian in the middle for a gang fight.

   At this moment, even if Ye Tian knelt down and begged for mercy, no one would let him go. Because he is too strong, only killing can make everyone feel at ease.

Ye Tian didn't even look at the hundreds of golden cores that came across. A pair of golden lamp-like eyes stared at the golden crow ancestor, with a smile but a smile, and said: "You think they can save you. Is it? I just used 50% of my skill just now. Since you don't think it is enough, then I will try my best to explode."


As he spoke, the aura on Ye Tian's body shook suddenly, and five yuan pill erupted one after another, like a super volcanic eruption. The aura shook the sky and the earth, transforming into five gods, blue dragon, red bird, white tiger, basalt, chaotic golden lotus, all Vivid and vivid, transformed by the law, wrapped around the body, straight to set him off like a god.

   Among them, Jin Xing Bai Hu Yuan Dan had a touch of celestial and human interaction, and the void rumbled, as if thunder was about to fall.

   Five yuan pill blessings, at this moment, how powerful Ye Tian's physical body is, even he himself could not imagine, and even approached the golden body.

   When he clenched his fists with both hands, the whole world was silent, and even the air stopped flowing.

   The expression of the ancestor of the Golden Crow suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank into needle-eyes, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing in the world, and his body trembled involuntarily.

   "Escape!" Old Ancestor Jinwu only had this idea in his heart.

   But, it's too late!

   Ye Tian's fist, along with his body, rushed over, transforming into a dazzling rainbow, tearing the void.

   "Stop, boy, dare you!"

   More than a dozen gold cores rushed from the Golden Crow clan roared, and they shot at the same time, launching a variety of attacks and intercepting Xiang Ye Tian, ​​but in the end they couldn't even touch a corner of Ye Tian's clothes.

   The Immortal Master Haotian found that the situation was not good, so he resolutely sacrificed the Haotian mirror, rushed out a five-color divine light, and blasted away at Ye Tian.

   The speed of light is naturally unparalleled, and it caught up with Ye Tian in an instant.

   However, Ye Tian disappeared from the place as soon as he shook his figure. With great void magic powers, he broke through a void passage, and the whole figure got in like a loach.

   The five-color divine light rushed out of the Haotian Mirror was indeed strong enough, containing Dao marks and laws, shining through the place, and the void channel shattered every inch and collapsed.

   However, Ye Tian's flashing speed was obviously faster. When the void passage was completely disintegrated, he had already rushed out of it, and he was already close to the Golden Crow Ancestor.

   The Shushan Sword Master gave out the Qinghong Flying Sword, which was as fast as a meteor, but obviously couldn't catch up with Ye Tian.

"Child, it's useless, you can't kill me. Patriarch I am destined to cramp and peel you today and imprison your soul..." The ancestor Golden Crow roared, the flames surged wildly, and the sun **** stood in front of him. , Like a golden wall, gives a sense of indestructibility.

   Facing the Sun God Pan, Ye Tian blasted out.

   At that moment, the world is silent, and time seems to have stopped.

   Countless people held their heads high, their eyes widened, and they saw a golden fist print across the sky, like a round of gods, bright to the extreme.


   In the next second, it was like a supernova explosion, and it was like the big bang of the universe. Time was born, space was born, and the universe started to revolve again. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

   In the dazzling bright light, I saw that the Sun God Pan had withstood Ye Tian's shocking punches and flew out with the God Pan.

   Just when everyone thought that Ye Tian's fist was blocked by the Sun God's plate, and it was in vain, there was a sudden clicking sound.

   The disc of the sun **** broke open, and there were tiny cracks. Although it was not broken in the end, it was enough to shock the world. This was the first time in eternity that someone could shatter a divine tool with a physical body.

   Immediately afterwards, the ancestor of the Golden Crow suddenly burst into a crackling sound, as if a string of firecrackers exploded in his body.

   Shockingly, Ye Tian's fist strength penetrated the Sun God Disk, acting on the Golden Crow Ancestor, and penetrated into his body.

   bang, bang, bang!

   First, the chest cavity of the ancestor of the Golden Crow burst, and flesh and bones flew across, revealing a blood hole that was transparent before and after. This is where the boxing power penetrates the most.

   Immediately afterwards, centered on the blood hole in the chest cavity, cracks radiated out, spreading to all parts of the body between the fingers.

   Even a golden pill in the depths of the pubic field is scarred and the golden light is dim.

   "No!" The ancestor of the Golden Crow roared, roaring earth-shaking.

   However, this can't change anything.

   In the horrified eyes of countless people, the monstrous fist strength exploded in the body of the golden crow ancestor, and the physical body disintegrated in time, split into pieces, and shattered into the sky.

   The power of a punch, terrifying!

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