Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2023: 1 palm 10 kills


   In the void, a golden palm that was tens of meters in size crashed down. Above the giant palm, the five-color thunder throbbed with the roar of wind and thunder, and the brilliant light throbbed like a divine flame. It was Ye Tian who urged the blood to the extreme, leaving no hand at all. He wanted to kill with a palm. All Jinwu people are old.

The five gods surround his body, and the five essence pills are all being urged, and the five elements are regenerated. The power is not simply one plus one equals two, but an increase in geometric multiples, allowing his power to reach in an instant At the level of the Dacheng Golden Core, there is even a past and no less.

   Because his Jin Xing Yuan Dan was consummated, he would have a relationship between heaven and man, but now he deliberately urged him to use the power of the Jin Xing Yuan Dan as much as possible.

   With the shot of his palm, the Jin Xing Yuan Dan shrank a little, and the interaction between heaven and man disappeared.

   "No, run away!"

A group of old Jinwu tribes looked terrified. They could clearly feel what terrible divine power Ye Tian's palm contained, like the seal of the heavenly turning gods sacrificed by the ancient gods. Collapse, the universe galaxy will be swept away.

   The golden palm that fell down is only tens of meters in size, but it seems to be a hundred and thousand times heavier than the ancient sacred mountain. Even if the Dacheng Golden Pill stands here, it may not be able to bear it.

   "Stop it!" Immortal Master Haotian yelled, and finally couldn't bear to make a move, because the ancestor of the Golden Crow had fallen.

   One missing ancestor of the Golden Crow, plus ten His Highnesses of the Golden Crow clan have also fallen. Among the four top sects, the Golden Crow clan is destined to be delisted, and it will be difficult to return to vitality for hundreds of years.

   And Haotianxian mainly builds prestige, establishes the prestige of Haotianxianzong, and prepares to dominate this world!


Suddenly, the five-color divine light rushing out of the Haotian mirror became even more flaming, and its power exploded to the extreme. The divine marks resembled purple and gold dragons, and they suddenly tore open the Chaos God Realm that shrouded Ye Tian's body. .

   The terrifying five-color light rushed towards Ye Tian's body.

   "Uncle be careful, hurry up and receive the seal!" Xiao Yue'er yelled anxiously, and found that the situation was not good, and hurriedly threw the earthshaking seal floating above her head at Ye Tian.

   She knew that this was an extremely powerful protective magic weapon, and Ye Tian needed it more than she did.

   However, she only has the power of the **** realm, and she has difficulty in urging the earthshaking seal, and the speed of her throwing is also extremely slow.

   "Little girl, you still dare to be stubborn and behave like a tiger. It seems that you are forgiven."

   As soon as the big seal was thrown, someone yelled at him and blocked him, not wanting Ye Tian to get the seal of the sky.

   For example, God Child Haotian and Jianzi Shushan both shot, each attacked and intercepted the Heaven-shaking Seal.


The eyes of Our Lady of Jade Lake became cold, and a surging mana shot out from her raised hands. Like a divine light, she rolled up the sky-turning seal and turned into a stunning rainbow. It rushed towards Ye Tian at a speed dozens of times faster than before. .

   If it weren't for the asylum of Our Lady of Yaochi, someone must have taken action against Xiaoyue'er.

   "Well, it seems that Our Lady is determined to fight against my inner door." Immortal Master Haotian yelled angrily.

   "I just can't understand that so many of you bully a junior." Mother Yaochi said sarcastically, ignoring the accusation.

   She was also betting that Ye Tian could win out of instinct.

   Of course, no matter whether Ye Tian can win or not, the inner hidden gate will undergo a drastic change that has not been seen in 10,000 years. Yaochi is fearless and will stand proudly on the tide.


When the Haotian Mirror's five-color divine light was about to rush to Ye Tian, ​​the chaotic golden lotus divine appearance suddenly blazed, swaying the brilliance of a tree, and swept out a chaotic divine light, containing the principles of heaven and earth, as if from before the opening of heaven and earth. The land of the primordial primordial rush came, and it suddenly blocked the five-color light, making it difficult to get close to Ye Tian's body.

   Immediately afterwards, the Heaven-shaking Seal also arrived, hanging above Ye Tian's head, and the Chaos Qi fell down, giving Ye Tian another layer of assurance.

   "Shake!" Ye Tian suddenly shouted.

This roar, he did not use a trace of true essence, purely relying on the physical power of the golden body to shout, but it was like a hundred thousand days of thunder roaring, shaking everyone in the field with a burst of blood and blood, and some surrounded them. The golden core even backed away again and again.

   A dozen elders of the Golden Crow and Jindan clan under the giant palm were shocked by the sound waves and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

   Before everyone in the audience had time to shake Ye Tian's terrifying body, they saw the golden palm that resembled a sky-turning seal, crashing down, sinking the ground with a radius of hundreds of meters, revealing a huge palm-print deep pit.

   Some people with sensitive ears can even hear a faint clicking sound, which is the sound of broken bones.


   In the end, Ye Tian's chaotic golden light also shattered and turned into a storm of vitality, sweeping across the world.

   After the giant palm disappeared, everyone was silent.

   In the huge palm print deep pit, where is the figure of an old man of the Golden Crow tribe, and only a pool of scarlet blood remains.

   Awesome, a total of a dozen golden cores, under Ye Tian's palm, were all photographed into powder and died.

  Without these ten golden cores, the Jinwu clan has completely finished its calf, and it has plummeted from the top sect. Even in the future, other sects may join forces to retaliate against the hatred that was previously oppressed. In the end, like Penglai Xianzong, it will become a piece of history.


  Everyone, all sucked in cold air.

   Killing a dozen golden cores with one palm, this level of cultivation, this level of strength, can definitely aspire to this small world. Looking at tens of thousands of years of history, it can't be found in half a step, and no one can match him.

   "Outside the hidden door, the inspiration and the avenue are inferior to my inner hidden door, why is there such a horrible existence? I don't understand, I really don't understand." Some onlookers shook their heads.

   Other people also looked like they had seen a ghost, and there was a mess in their hearts.

   They originally thought that Ye Tian said that he would dominate the hidden gate, but they were not embarrassed, but now they believe it a little bit.

   "What are you still doing? Let's shoot together, kill the little devil, and defend the way!"

   The Immortal Lord Haotian shouted, like a Thunder God descending to the earth, surrounded by thunder, watching the world, with nine heavens and ten earthly self-exalted spirits.

He quickly squeezed a magic seal with both hands. The five-color light that rushed out of the Haotian mirror suddenly turned into five war spears, each containing a purple-gold divine mark, which pierced Ye Tian with the power of piercing the heaven and the earth. Of the heart.


   The green rainbow sword in the hand of the Shushan Sword Master slashed out, and a stunning sword glow appeared, like a mighty galaxy.

   The dragon-cutting knife in the hands of the old sage master of Ziwei also slashed out, and the divine mark had already been urged out.

  The overlord of Tianzong screamed loudly, his right hand was bloodshot, and it was magnified dozens of times at once, like a monument, surrounded by golden runes, turned his hand and slapped it down, and smashed the sky-turning seal on Ye Tian's head.

   Other people also shot one after another, each hitting their own peak blows, killing Xiang Ye Tian together.

   The entire void seemed to be shattered for a while, and it was flooded with terrifying energy.

"Well, since you are stubborn, then I will kill you today to let you know what I am Ye certain!" Ye Tian was full of fighting spirit, blood and energy running through the sky like a big dragon, there is a kind of battle across the nine days and ten. Determination of the land.


   After he finished speaking, he blasted out with a punch.

   The dazzling fist light, the entire sky shining brightly, exploded with a nuclear explosion-like power of destruction, and all of a sudden, the energy frenzy gathered by the combined attacks of more than 100 golden cores was dispersed.

   Boom boom boom!

The surging energy rushed in all directions like flooding Yellow River water. The void confined by more than a hundred golden cores immediately fell apart. Some golden cores even flew upside down. The large formation formed was the same as a virtual one, and was defeated by Ye Tian. .

   Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian stepped out and stepped into the void. The sky was like a thick earth, bearing Ye Tian's footsteps, rumbling and shaking.

  Behind him, the blue dragon danced in the sky, the red bird neighed for nine days, the white tiger smashed the world, the black sky roared, and there was a chaotic golden lotus, which seemed to open up the world, setting him off like a god.

The dazzling golden light filled his body, every inch of flesh and blood, every bone, even hair and hair are rooted in gold, exuding an eternal and immortal breath, the golden body Close to Dacheng.

   This is the real golden body, this is the real immortal golden body.

   The physical body is cultivated to the apex, and the power of the five divine forms is superimposed, and finally an invincible golden body is achieved.

   This golden body surpasses the golden core body, and is only one step away from the body of the Yuan Ying.

   The great golden crow body of the ancestor of the Golden Crow, UU reading in front of his golden body is nothing more than a chicken.


   Ye Tian shook a hand knife directly, and a sharp blade of a hundred feet long rushed out between the crystal fingers of the palm, and directly cut the five golden cores into two sections, screaming one after another.

   bang, bang, bang!

   Ye Tian shot one after another, at least one gold core fell or was severely hit with each blow.

   In the end, he felt that the speed of killing the enemy was slow, so he jumped out directly, turned into a golden rainbow, and rushed into the golden core group.

   Without any mana blessings, and without performing any divine channel spells, he just smashed into a pure physical body, like a sharp to the extreme knife, cutting a piece of tofu.


In just one traverse, more than a dozen golden cores were blasted into the void by Ye Tianshengsheng, or turned into a cloud of blood, or turned into bones and mud, dyeing the sky a bright red, with a strong **** smell. It is pungent, as if it turned into a Shura field.

   After a few more rampages, Ye Tianmeng looked back, half of the golden core of the sky has disappeared, leaving only the blood and bones in the sky.

   Everyone in the audience looked at him with horror, like a ghost.

   This kind of murderous combat skills, the hidden door is rare, simple and crude, and truly interprets the aesthetics of violence to the extreme.

   Many Jin Dan was so scared that they peeed their pants and fled in all directions. They didn't want to stay as cannon fodder, and died worthless.

   It's like in a flat wilderness, the tank soldiers encountered the infantry, crushed and crushed the ground, and the dimensionality was reduced. There was no suspense.

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