Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1230: Strong rolling

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Ye Tian ate the blood phoenix fruit in one bite. The sweet juice was like a jade syrup, and it was fragrant, and after swallowing it, it would still linger.

An indescribable pure energy, like boiling magma, is hot and hot, erupting in Ye Tian's body, instantly filling the veins, rushing to the limbs, the internal organs, and the Dantian Qi Sea. Every pore of him was filled with fire, like a super volcano on the verge of eruption.

Only with his strong physique can he dared to swallow a blood phoenix fruit in one gulp and replace it with someone else, and his meridians would be instantly crushed, and his body would even be burned.


The rhythm of flesh and blood, the golden blood rushing into the sky, and the deafening sound from the body, this is the sound of the empty golden blood becoming full again, just like the roaring Yangtze River.

Strands of golden electric light crackled outside his body, the lingering golden light lingered, the dim golden body became shining again, and the eternal and immortal breath of divine gold diffused out again.

Even Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger, Xuanwu, and Chaos Golden Lotus, the five divine forms and phenomena, once again appeared around his body, the blooming brilliance, like the five pillars of the gods.

It can be clearly seen that every minute and every second, his physical body is getting stronger, climbing towards the peak. The wounds of the Golden Eucharist are also healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the magical effect of the blood phoenix fruit, which allows people to restore their combat power in the shortest possible time, and has an excellent effect on the healing of injuries.

"Take action, I can't give him time to recover." The old Immortal Master Haotian let out a thunderous roar, and the transformed humanoid lightning displayed a kind of thunder-escape magical power, and rushed towards Ye Tian at a speed almost like lightning.

Ye Tian was very calm, with cold eyes, his body suddenly soared, unfolding the golden body of the giant spirit body, transforming into a golden giant more than fifty feet tall, directly contrasting the ten feet high thunder method of Immortal Haotian. Small.


No matter what, Ye Tian stepped on the Immortal Master Haotian who had come from Lei.

This is an extremely arrogant gesture. Who dares to step on a golden pill? Step on a top sect master?

People were shocked to see it, as if they were watching a fairy tale, their mouths all opened into O-shapes for a while!

Immortal Master Haotian didn't even look at it, thinking it was an ant, he could trample to death with a single foot.

Immortal Master Haotian clearly saw the big feet that Ye Tian stepped on, but still thunderously rushed forward, his eyes were cold and cold, like a bottomless abyss.

Suddenly, he reached out a big hand, his palm glowed brilliantly, and an ancient scroll spread out, and the surface was painted with thunder runes. In an instant, there were thousands of thunders, scrolling the world.

This is a secret treasure of the Haotian Immortal Sect, comparable to the legendary holy soldiers. The internal seal has the power of thunder, and there is also a small internal space. It is like a small world in the Taixu thunder prison. It is extremely powerful and can kill the golden core. Mighty.


The ancient scroll sealed the sky, and Ye Tian stepped on it, just stepping on the unfolded ancient scroll, and the Shenlong was swallowed before he could wave its tail.

Everyone in the audience was once again confused, a little puzzled about this sudden change, and some couldn't believe it.

"This is my sect's Taixu Thunder Prison God's picture. The inside is a Thunder Purgatory, and Ye Xiao Devil is dead." Haotian Divine Son said with full confidence with his hands on his back.

Only then did people realize that this picture was extraordinary, and there were earth-shattering cheers.

However, Immortal Master Haotian didn't dare to be careless, calling the Virgin of the Jade Lake loudly, to seal this picture in the West Emperor Tower of the Jade Lake, with an extra layer of protection to prevent Ye Tian from slipping out of the ancient scroll.

However, Immortal Master Haotian was holding the ancient scroll, and before it could be rolled up, the ancient scroll was broken open, and a sword mark was cut out, and then a big golden foot stepped out of it, keeping the original posture unchanged. Strong, stepped on the old face of Immortal Master Haotian.

Accompanied by the sound of bone cracking, Ye Tian rushed out of the ancient scroll. This secret treasure was dimly light and wailed.


A huge khaki mushroom cloud rose from the ground and rushed straight into the sky.

Immortal Master Haotian not only cracked his skull by Ye Tian, ​​but also smashed to the ground like a meteorite, like the sky and the earth, and the mountains were shaking.

Ye Tian's foot really used a lot of power. After the human flesh shells transformed into by Immortal Master Haotian flattened a large mountain, they rolled and rushed out, pulling out a tens of thousands of meters long on the ground. Deep cracks.

When the dust settled, Immortal Master Haotian was lying on the ground and unable to move. He had only a weak breath, and was completely severely injured, no longer able to fight back.

This is a great golden pill. It is unbelievable to be trampled like this with one foot, and even more can't help but shed a bit of sad tears.

"The Immortal Lord!"

The people of the Haotian Immortal Sect were going crazy, crying loudly, yelling nervously, and rushed away wildly.


Ye Tian's eyes were indifferent, without sorrow or joy.

At this time, the aura on his body was still climbing. Not only did the god-like form appear, but the Chaos God Realm was also revealed. His body of golden brilliance was radiant, just like a **** standing in the heavens and the earth.

In the sky, there were bursts of rumbling noises, and the golden Xing Yuan Dan breath was complete, and the interaction between heaven and humans was once again produced.

This time, Ye Tian didn't restrain his aura. He was confident that he could crush all his opponents and end the battle before Thunder Tribulation descended.

"Fight or flee?"

The Shushan Sword Master hesitated.

"How can he be so powerful?" Mother Yaochi also looked shocked.

After swallowing a blood phoenix fruit, Ye Tian seemed to be alive again. If he wanted to defeat him, he had to go through all the previous battles again. Thinking about it was enough to make people feel scared.


When the Shushan Sword Master and Our Lady of Keys hesitated, Ye Tian had already slashed down with a sword and slashed straight towards the Shushan Sword Master.

An unimaginable bright fairy light emerged from Zhuxian Broken Sword. The tragic aura spread over the sky, and the strong murderous intent shocked the ancient and modern, like the gate of **** opened, and like a wild beast rushing, the billowing sword aura rushed into the sky. The time, the sky and the earth were cracking, and the sun, the moon and the stars seemed to be smashed down.

If the general Jin Dan was able to go up, it would be shredded into powder by the sword qi in an instant, which is not an exaggeration.

Everyone in the audience was suffocated, shocked by the power of Zhuxian Broken Sword!

This kind of weather, this kind of domineering, this kind of murderous intent is truly earth-shattering, rare in ancient times.

It is the real Nascent Soul resurrecting, holding the supreme magic weapon to slash out a sword, and its power is nothing more than that, right?

The Sword Master of Shu Mountain was frightened for a moment, but he was locked by Zhuxian Broken Sword's Qi, and there was no escape, so he could only bite the bullet and swung a sword.

The Qinghong sword cried out, on the verge of the danger of life and death. The sword master of Shushan didn’t use his sword. It could almost be said that he had cut the pinnacle of life, and the bright sword light reflected the vast void. Become a blue gold. As if opening up the world, a new world was cut out with one sword.

However, the next moment, the blue-golden world was shattered and was broken open by a broken sword. Then the sword master of Shushan was smashed into the ground by Ye Tiansheng with his sword. He did not know that it was hundreds of thousands of feet deep, and a large crack spread out. It's like a gorge.

"Two!" Ye Tian said in a deep voice again, as if the supreme power that the hidden gate needs to look up to is just a number for him.

Fengshui takes turns, everyone has a share.

Just now, Ye Tian was smashed into the ground by the sword master of Shushan, hitting a bottomless pit. Now the protagonist has been replaced by the sword master of Shushan.

After a while, when the Sword Master Shu Shan rushed out of the huge pit, he had already turned into a blood man. He didn't know that a great seal was waiting for him, just like a mole, just showing his head. With a bang, he slammed him down, bleeding from his head.

Then the Great Seal turned into a hundred-zhang ridge, pressing on the huge pit, blocking the Sword Master of Shu Mountain firmly below it.

An elder from Shushan rushed over, trying to shake the Heaven-shaking Seal and rescue the Sword Master of Shushan, but Ye Tian turned his hand and slapped him to death.

Seeing this, the people in Shushan no longer dared to act rashly, and all of them were shocked.

With Ye Tian's gaze, he looked at Our Lady of Yaochi.

"Mother, you disappointed me too much. I didn't even bother to do this as the lord of the immortal market. I wanted to give it to you. But you..." Ye Tian looked disappointed, with sharp eyes. Old, blooming with cold murderous aura, like a **** of killing who was born to kill.

The eyes of the Virgin of Yaochi flickered, and her intestines were remorseful, and she couldn't wait to draw her hundreds of big ear scrapers, obviously a good set of cards, but the game was sloppy.

"Uncle, don't kill the Virgin, she has taken good care of Yue'er during this time." Xiao Yue'er's voice came, and her immature little face was full of begging.

Ye Tianxunsheng glanced at Xiao Yueer and cast a sunny and bright smile.

He also didn't want to leave Xiao Yue'er with a cruel and bloodthirsty impression. However, people are really involuntarily in the arena!

He could see that the saint of Yaochi was standing behind Xiao Yue'er, holding the incomplete divine weapon, the Western Emperor Bell, which was already activated by magic, fluctuating with strands of divine might.

The little girl was so innocent, she became a hostage without knowing that she was still begging for others.

As long as Ye Tian dared to act on the Virgin of the Jade Lake, the Western Emperor Bell in the hands of the saint would be ruthlessly covered on Xiao Yue'er's Heavenly Spirit.


Our Lady of Yaochi escaped unexpectedly, and rushed back to the holy land of Yaochi. The magnificent mountain protection array, above the holy land, bloomed like a lotus flower.

For a time, I saw all kinds of divine lights shining, all kinds of beasts roaring, and countless runes and visions were intertwined, chaos permeated, as if opening up the world.

As an immortal sect that has been handed down since time immemorial, the Jade Lake Holy Land has been continuously improved from generation to generation, and the degree of sturdiness needless to say. Although not long ago, the mountain guard formation was breached, but it was also a combination of several top powers and used several artifacts.

It is impossible for anyone to break open even if he is as strong as the ancestor of the Golden Crow and holds the artifact.

The only thing that Yaochi feared was Ye Tian's Zhuxian Broken Sword. This magical soldier was too terrifying and could not be saved by an ordinary magical soldier.

However, I saw that Ye Tian did not use Zhuxian Broken Sword at all, and his right hand suddenly clenched into a fist. This fist seemed to have drained the five Yuan Dan in his body, and the five gods appeared outside his body suddenly. Make a dazzling five-color ring around the tip of the fist.

Then, he punched it out, and the bright five-color divine ring was like a chariot of the supreme god, and the endless void was shattered in front of this punch. Yaochi's mountain protection formation was torn apart layer by layer.

In the end, this fist hit the sacred mountain in the sacred place of Yaochi, exploding the magnificent Temple of Our Lady on the top of the mountain into a cloud of dust. The holy mountains shook for a while, amidst the earth-shaking sound, they were a bit short.

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