Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2032: Vassal clothes

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How terrible is the explosion of the golden core?

The worst Jin Dan can also be comparable to a tiny nuclear weapon, turning the vast land into ruins and dying the Jedi.

The explosion of the Jindan clan elder of the Jinwu clan was not only aimed at Ye Tian, ​​but also put many people in Yaochi into danger.

In the stunned eyes of countless people, Ye Tian didn’t evade, and only put out a big hand. His five fingers slammed apart, and he rushed towards the rapidly expanding fireball. go.

Then, his five fingers suddenly closed, and the power of the void in his palm swept across, the huge golden core fireball, and the surrounding void, collapsed, collapsed, and finally turned into a blazing white light spot.


All the people in the room took a breath of cold air. This is the first time seeing this supernatural power, and it is so shocking.

Even the Golden Core blew itself to no avail, so how can people beat them back? It's so desperate!

There was a burst of exclamation, all full of awe.

Some Jindan powers who were ready to move, immediately died down.

At this moment, the blazing white light ball burst out suddenly in Ye Tian's hand, turning into a long beam, and finally condensed into a flame spear.

Ye Tian twisted his waist and shook his arms, and suddenly threw the spear, piercing a flying boat in the sky. A sword-shaped flag was erected on the deck, and the word "Shushan" was written. It was undoubtedly the warship of Shushan.

The first of this warship is a hundred feet long, comparable to the size of a secular aircraft carrier. The whole body is pitch black, like a cast of tungsten steel, giving people a sense of indestructibility, and even more protective arrays are opened to form a road. The protective light curtain shrouded the warship, with more than a dozen layers inside and out.

This is not a pure immortal warship. There are many black technologies derived from the immortal ruins, such as a large-caliber main gun standing on the bow of the ship. The barrel with a diameter of more than one meter is shining at this moment. With the azure blue silk, it quickly condensed into an olive-shaped light group, the divine power is like a sea, like a nuclear explosion light ball, locked on Ye Tian's body.

This is obviously the technological rune weapon of Daxi civilization!

Although the energy light cluster was condensed, it did not emit to Ye Tian, ​​but it made Ye Tian aware of the danger.

There were more than one battleship in the void, there were dozens of ships in total, of which more than half were owned by the Haotian Immortal Sect and the Shushan Sword Sect. All kinds of weapon systems were locked on Ye Tian.

Only the top sect, with rich wealth and strong strength, can afford such a shocking weapon.


The flame spear turned into by the golden core of the Golden Crow tribe was thrown out by Ye Tian raising his hand. It was imprinted with the law of the void. It was so fast that it directly tore the void and swept across the void almost instantly, piercing the black battleship. , In contact with the protective light film.

At this time, the olive-shaped energy light group in the main gun was also launched, just outside the protective light film, and met the flame spear in a narrow path.


The nuclear-explosive olive-shaped energy light group was suddenly pierced, and then burst in the air.

The flame spear is undiminished in power, dozens or hundreds of times stronger than the most powerful super ground penetrating missile in the world. The layer is torn apart.

In the end, the spear pierced all the protections and pierced deeply into the tungsten steel hull, not even the tail.

Everyone in the audience was surprised and moved.

The hundreds of Shushan children on the battleship were even more frightened, rushing to abandon the ship, jumping to the ground below like dumplings.

However, no matter how fast they move, it is still a shot late.


The huge steel ship of Baizhang suddenly shook, and its size suddenly expanded, and the thick deck exploded rapidly, bursting with dense cracks, and countless white rays of light gushing out from the cracks.

This state only lasted for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a violent white light burst out from the inside of the battleship, and the huge steel giant ship burst instantly, turning into countless fragments, mixed with torn flesh and bones, accompanied by scarlet blood rain, throwing in all directions.

But soon, those battleship fragments and broken flesh and blood were overtaken by the blazing white light, and turned into masses of ashes.

The hundreds of Shushan disciples on the entire battleship all fell, and no one escaped.

Gudong, Gudong!

Countless onlookers swallowed wildly, their souls trembled, and their scalps burst.

Plop, plop!

Many others couldn't help kneeling on the ground and worshiping Ye Tian.

The dozens of warships in the sky were also in a panic, rushing in all directions, and all the guns that were ready to go turned around or turned off directly, so as not to be regarded as unfriendly and **** by Ye Tian.

At this point, no one dared to make a move anymore.

Our Lady of Yaochi was stunned again.

As one of the most powerful sects in Yaochi, with a heritage of hundreds of thousands of years, how can it be possible that Yaochi does not have some killing background? The back hand left by Jin Dan, and even the back hand left by Yuan Ying?

It is no exaggeration to say that the moment Ye Tian entered the Jade Pool, he entered the cage, and danger was everywhere.

As long as the Mother of God Yaochi is willing, he will face life and death in an instant.

But the Mother of Yaochi didn't dare to do this rashly, because any mistakes would make Yaochi face the situation of deceased clan and clan.

Until, two figures walked in the distance, and the debate about whether to fight or not to fight resumed.

Boom, boom!

The sky was shaking, and both the Shushan Sword Master and the Haotian Divine Master were stained with blood. They took heavy steps and walked towards Yaochi step by step, one holding the Qinghong sword and the other hanging from the Haotian mirror. Although their body looks very embarrassed, their auras are getting bigger and stronger every minute and every second.

The panacea is not only for Ye Tian. These two top powers are only a lot more than him. At this moment, they are madly taking drugs, their breath is full, and their injuries are quickly healed.

Behind them, UU Reading followed a group of people. They were the strongest of the two sects, and the weakest also had the realm of immortality, maintaining a strong combat power.

These two sects are too powerful, and there are tens of thousands of disciples under the clergy. Just now, hundreds of disciples died all at once, which is nothing at all.

Boom boom boom!

The dozens of flying boat warships that fled just now, unexpectedly flew back again, following Immortal Master Haotian and Master Shushan Sword, the naval guns turned again, and one of their guns pointed at Ye Tian.

The atmosphere at the scene was once again suppressed to the extreme, causing people to breathe shortly, suffocating for a while, and the onlookers were frightened. They originally gathered outside the gate of Yaochi, scattered like birds and beasts.

Will the war really continue?

Xiao Yue'er also panicked, clutching the corner of Ye Tian's clothes tightly.

She was not afraid, but really didn't want the war to go on anymore, because the fighting had been bleeding enough now.

Just outside the gate of Yaochi, the flying boat battleship of Shushan stopped, and all the power that followed it stopped. Only the sword master of Shushan stepped into the sacred land of Yaochi.

In countless stunned eyes, the Sword Master Shu walked to a hundred meters in front of Ye Tian, ​​kneeling down on one knee, and bowing:

"The Sword Master of the Shushan Mountain in the Middle Territory, pay respect to the Master of the Immortal Gate!"

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