Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2042: Portrayal

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Ye Tian also suddenly came up with the idea that this time the coronation ceremony of the Lord of the Immortal Gate, not only the people of the inner hidden door, but also the people of the outer hidden door and the secular world should also participate. It is not like Lele to be happy alone, listen to him together. road.

He is now not only the master of the immortal ruins, but the master of the entire star, so he can't be biased.

When he became the master of the Wai Yin Gate, he said that he would prepare for the coronation ceremony and give back to everyone by preaching and chanting. As a result, everything was ready, but he broke his promise and failed to participate.

This is a pity of Waiyinmen, he wants to make up for it.

In the future, not only the internal and external hidden gates should strengthen exchanges, but the secular world and the internal and external hidden gates should also strengthen exchanges, especially in the cultivation of Beiming disciples.

However, if you want people from the Outer Hidden Door to come in, you must have a teleportation array.

The original transmission channel, including the transmission formation on the side of the outer hidden gate, has been destroyed, and even the golden core may not be able to pass through, obviously it can't be counted on.

Ye Tian was going to re-portrait the transmission array disk, connecting the inner and outer hidden gates.

Based on the transmission array plate of the inner hidden door, Ye Tian could fully guess the pattern of the transmission array of the outer hidden door.

As for the materials used to describe the formations, he has collected a lot of it for a long time. Not to mention the description of a transmission formation, it is enough to describe three or four.

He urged the golden pupils in the fire eyes, and an inch of crystal light appeared in his pupils. He carefully looked at the pattern on the teleportation disk, and then based on this pattern, outlined the pattern corresponding to the outer gate teleportation disk.

If in the past, even if he could understand the teleportation pattern, he could not successfully engrave because of his insufficient cultivation base, but now he has a cultivation base that is close to the golden core of Dacheng, and has mastered part of the void avenue, it is not difficult to depict the teleportation pattern. .

After understanding the pattern pattern, Ye Tian began to polish the stone base.

These stones are all special materials and have extremely tough characteristics. Ye Tian directly uses his palm fingers to make a knife, and a golden light bursts out from his fingertips, as if he is performing a laser cutting technique. The tough stones are cut like melons and vegetables, and they are fine. Be careful and control every detail very well.

In this way, after a busy day, Ye Tian prepared all the materials and finished polishing.

This is just the basics, and then we have to portray the transmission pattern on the formation.

This step is very critical, not only the pattern of the pattern cannot be on business trips, but also the thickness and depth of the pattern lines must not have the slightest error.

Ye Tian, ​​who worked slowly and carefully, had always been vigorous and vigorous, also had to cheer up his spirits, portraying bit by bit. Each pattern is very mysterious, some sun, moon and stars, yin and yang, five elements, twelve o'clock, and so on.

Ye Tian almost crouched on the table, using his fingertips as a knife, and his pupils were shining brightly, portraying them very carefully.

At this time, the coronation ceremony of the Lord of the Immortal Gate was also in full swing, and the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect was in full swing.

Xiao Yue'er has never experienced such a big scene, but fortunately, with the help of the saint of Yaochi, everything is in order.

In the North Mingxian Palace.

After drawing for three days and nights, Ye Tiancai stood up sweating profusely, smiled tiredly, and said, "The drawing is complete, there is no difference."

I saw that the originally smooth and flat, empty teleportation platform was densely packed with various runes, lines, and patterns.

Even people who don’t know anything about the teleportation formation can feel a void of power in the formation. If they look at it for a long time, it will make people feel like they are going to be sucked away by the teleportation formation. .

Then, Ye Tian summoned Xiao Yue'er in and told her that he was going to the Outer Enclosed Gate and the secular world for a period of time.

The portrayed formation will be placed in the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect of the Outer Hidden Gate, and will be used to connect the inner and outer hidden gates in the future.

After another warning, Ye Tian teleported and left. Instead of coming directly to the outer hidden gate, he entered the broken void passage. He had to pass through this passage and place the teleportation disk to the outer hidden gate. , In order to construct a new transmission channel.

In the broken void passage, there are void fragments everywhere, and even some stumps with broken arms and blood that has not yet dried up.

During Ye Tian's trial at the Fairy Ruins, the Inner Gate must have tried to open up this passage in order to retaliate against Ye Tian by going to the Outer Gate.

In front, a fragmented corpse came oncoming, Ye Tian did not dare to neglect, urging the Heaven-shaking Seal, rushing out a chaotic energy to crush it.

There is no place to focus on the void channel, and with Ye Tian's cultivation base, he can't fly freely, adjust the position, and can only barely avoid a little when encountering danger.

Soon, a dull thing came again in front of him, Ye Tian's pupils shrank, and he took another breath. These are some crystal-like fragments, containing the law of the void, it is the fragments of the void, looking beautiful, in fact, each piece contains a powerful force of destruction.

The last time Ye Tian passed through this passage, he was stabbed into a hedgehog by the Void Fragment, but in the end, because of a blessing in disguise, he refined the Void Fragment and mastered part of the Void Avenue.

Ye Tianxian used the Heaven-shaking Seal to shake away some of the void fragments, and the remaining part directly resisted with his body and survived.

Contrary to his expectation, except for some bruises, his body was fine. Those void fragments merged into his body, probably because the body already had resistance, and the realm was not weakened.

This allowed Ye Tian to increase his self-confidence, face the difficulties, and finally rushed through a terrifying void storm, successfully rushed out of the void passage, and came to the Outer Hidden Gate, the old land of the Sun Moon Sword Palace. The trauma he suffered was much smaller than he originally thought.

The setting sun is sorrowful and beautiful, and the setting sun is like blood, dyeing the sky red.

In the distance, UU看书 is a huge mountain, as if it is spiritual, beating in the afterglow of the setting sun, the mist is like smoke, and it is also dyed with dazzling brilliance.

But looking closer, there is another feeling. The ruined walls and the rubble in one place seem to be telling a bleak past.

The old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace was originally a piece of sacred soil, shrouded in a golden core array, but then there was an earth-shattering battle here, the large array was broken, the sacred soil was also beaten and cracked, and several years passed. , Have not been able to regain vitality.

Under the setting sun, this place looked extremely desolate. In the past, this place should have been a stretch of magnificent palaces, but now it is a bleak scene.

"Who? Come out!" Ye Tian suddenly shouted.

He didn't even find out his spiritual thoughts, only a mysterious intuition, he felt a person hidden under a piece of rubble not far away.

However, after he uttered a loud drink, there was no movement under the rubble.


With a flick of his sleeves, a gust of wind shook the rubble away. Sure enough, there was a figure hiding underneath. It was a young man with blood stains on his body. He was seriously injured, as if he was frightened. The young deer looked at Ye Tian tremblingly.

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