Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2044: 1 palm completely wiped out


   Above the mountain gate of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect, Mengyao was already crying into tears.

   When Ye Tian's figure appeared, she recognized it and knew that it was the teacher who had returned.

"It's Sect Master Ye who came back. He opened the gates and killed them all for me. They killed these grandsons without leaving them!" The old man Jiu Jue roared, and the first one jumped out from the gate and flees upwards. Of the people.

   For a period of time, the Beiming Xianzong has been bullied, but dared to be angry and dare not fight back. The disciples of the Beiming Xianzong have been fed up for a long time. After the return of the Sect Master, they can finally breathe out a bad breath without any scruples.

   Ye Tian wanted to kill people to death, so he took the sword and kept the people, letting the disciples of the Northern Ming Dynasty Immortal Sect kill him.

   Luo Feng, Zhao Qingyi, and several other Beiming disciples were all seriously injured, and Ye Tian used the Qingmu Divine Art to heal them one by one.

   Then, Ye Tian didn't stay in the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect for a long time. After learning about some of the circumstances, he went to the Ten Thousand Fasect Sect.

   Wanfazong was originally one of the most powerful sects of the Waiyin Sect, even second only to the Nine Li God Sect, possessing an artifact of the Great Dao, the Nine Fire Flame Dragon Chariot.

   This time, the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect is attacked, and Wanfazong is the biggest mastermind.

   Ye Tian couldn't slaughter the entire Outer Yin Sect, so he would simply destroy the Ten Thousand Fasects and kill the chickens and monkeys.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the tall gate of Ten Thousand Fazong collapsed, and a huge metal plaque flew out, with the three bronzing characters "Ten Thousand Fazong" written on it, like a cannonball out of the chamber, bringing the gate to the sect. A hall inside penetrated.

   "Who is it? It's so bold!"

   Inside the hall that was penetrated, an older figure rushed out, holding a plaque flying out of the gate in his hand, full of anger.

   The mountain gate is the facade of a sect, and it is even more symbolic. It is related to the life and death of a sect, but it is now broken by others. It is the provocation of the most ten thousand Dharma sect.

   In the entire Ten Thousand Fa Sect, tens of thousands of disciples and elders rushed out, all furious.

   There hasn’t been such a thing for many years, when someone stepped through the mountain gate and killed him inside the sect. It's too unscrupulous.

   Naturally it was Ye Tian who came, and everything was done by him. He came from inquiring about crimes. He was vigorous and resolute, simple and rude, without scruples.

   As one of the top sects of the Outer Hidden Sect, the ancestral land of the Wanfazong naturally has no place. It is said that the mountains are beautiful, the vegetation is prosperous, the birds and flowers are scented, and it is full of vitality. It can be called a pure land treasure.

   When the Elder Earth Immortal who was holding a plaque flew up, but was slapped to death by Ye Tian's palm, Wan Fazong realized that the situation was not good, and the person who came was incredibly powerful.

   "Stop!" Another great earth fairy shouted.


   Ye Tian flicked his sleeves directly, and the great earth immortal immediately flew out thousands of feet away.

   "This is the ancestral land of my Ten Thousand Fasects. Fellow Taoists should not be presumptuous. If we have something to say, we can speak well." An veteran said, not aggressive and wanted to delay time.

   Boom boom boom!

Ten thousand Fazong’s guardian array was finally activated. Divine lights rushed into the sky, like blooming fireworks. After falling down, they formed a guardian light curtain. There were nine layers inside and out. It is Jindan that may not be able to break with one blow.

   But, in Ye Tian's hands, this protective array was like paper, and it was smashed with a single sword.

   Even Ye Tian, ​​the protection of the Yaochi Holy Land of the Inner Gate, could easily break open, not to mention the Ten Thousand Fazong of the Outer Gate.

   "It's a magic soldier, so familiar, are you...?"

   "This is the Ziying Sword, I see, this is the Ye Demon King. Didn't he die in the realm passage? Why did he come back again?"

   "Devil Ye, you can't deceive people too much, do you really think that no one can check you?" An elder of Wan Fazong shouted wildly, holding a rod of long hair in his hand, still trying to fight back.


   A purple big sword ran across the sky and fell directly. The huge sword light not only smashed the elder to death, but also smashed a tall hall behind him.

   This is the most sacred hall of Ten Thousand Fazong, the dojo of the sect master, and the place where the sect is discussed.


   Just in the split hall, suddenly rushed out of a chariot, no more than a foot tall, with nine flames, and making a terrible deafening noise, crushing it against Ye Tian.

   Ye Tian's eyes sank, and he naturally recognized this chariot, Wan Fazong’s Zhenzong artifact, the Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot.

   Boom boom boom!

   The chariot zoomed in quickly, reaching three feet long, with nine fire dragons inscribed on it. The whole body was red, like a flood, with terrible murderous intent.

   Ye Tian did not retreat, but directly shook his fist and blasted the Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot.

   Red fists forcibly shake the Dao's artifact, which, in the eyes of the disciples and elders of Ten Thousand Fazong, is like a fantasy.

   But what they couldn't believe was that Ye Tian actually shook the Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot with one punch, and it flew backwards, but Ye Tian only backed away a few steps.

   "Sect Master Ye, you may have some misunderstandings about my Ten Thousand Fazong, so take your time."

   In the hall that was split apart, a stalwart figure wearing a Nine Dragon Robe came out, the new lord of Ten Thousand Fazong.

   He sacrificed the Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot just now, and found that he couldn't even hurt a single hair of Ye Tian, ​​so he immediately persuaded him.

   In addition to the new lord of Ten Thousand Fasects, there are dozens of other lords and elders of other sects in the hall, who have come to discuss major issues together. And this so-called big event is about how to target the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect.

   Seeing Ye Tian's return, this group of people were all astonished.

"Misunderstanding? I thought I was dead in the realm passage, and repeatedly provokes me the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect, dare you not admit it?" Ye Tian's eyes flashed coldly, without giving him a chance to explain, he slashed out with a sword. The new Sect Master of Ten Thousand Fasects smashed to death on the spot.

   The blood mist exploded in the hall, bones and pieces of meat flew across, the hall was stained with blood, and the rune formations were wiped out.


   Very desperate!

   All the elders and disciples of Wanfazong were almost petrified, and they were dumbfounded on the spot.

   This is their suzerain. Although it is incomparable with the ancestors of the ten thousand pharaohs, it is also an extremely powerful existence, but it was killed in this way, and there was no resistance at all.


   I don't know who yelled for a round, and then the crowd in the hall rioted and rushed to flee.

  Because Ye Tian is too powerful, his combat power far exceeds that before he disappeared. Don't say that the current outer gate is the outer gate of the peak period before. Together, it is impossible to be his opponent. If he does not leave, there is no chance of survival.


   Ye Tian slapped it down with a palm. In the rush of the true essence, the golden palm of the chaotic golden light appeared and turned into a hundred meters large, covering a large area of ​​the cage, and violently suppressed it.

   In the palm of the giant palm, a small world like a black hole appeared, sending out an extremely powerful absorption power, and the range of radiation reached a radius of thousands of meters.

   The entire hall is under this palm.

   Someone rushed out of the main hall, but they did not escape the palm of the chaotic golden light.


Seeing this scene, the thousands of elders and disciples of the Ten Thousand Fasects all took a breath, no matter how arrogant and violent they usually are, how fierce they are, how fierce and vicious they are, at this moment, all their breathing is stagnant. Heart trembling, sweating like rain, trembling.

   Plop, plop!

   For an instant, I don't know how many people knelt down, tremblingly begging for mercy and begging to let them go.

   Although Ye Tian's palm was not aimed at them, it gave them an unparalleled shock.

   "Fight with you!"


   Suddenly, an Earth Immortal elder from the Pavilion of Heavenly Kings took his hand and slapped his palm violently. Amid the earth-shaking sound, a cloud of thick black fog burst out of his palm.

   This black mist is icy cold to the bones, and contains highly toxic. It can easily poison or freeze an innate.

   However, the chaotic golden light palm was not a major problem, and a chaotic golden light burst out, and the icy poisonous mist dispersed in all directions.

Then, a powerful suction came from the world in the palm, and the elder of the Heavenly King Pavilion was sucked into the world in the palm, as if swallowed by a swallowing beast, and turned into a ball in the world in the palm. The blood mist, the mana of the whole body is absorbed by the palm of the chaotic golden light, making the palm more terrifying.

   "We surrendered, let us go."

   "Ye Xiao Devil, if you destroy my Ten Thousand Fasect, are you not afraid of being condemned by the heavens?"

   "Damn little devil, stop!"


   An unwilling roar sounded, full of resentment.

   They thought that Ye Tian had fallen, and the opportunity of Ten Thousand Fazong came to become the top sect of the Wai Yin Sect. But I didn't expect that the dream was only half done, and I was in trouble.

Facing a clamor and an unwilling roar, Ye Tian only snorted, and then Zhang Lie shook his palm. The palm of the chaotic golden light was like a golden mountain, crashing down, facing dozens of people from various sects below. Sovereign and elder of the door.

  Since you want to kill the chicken and the monkey, you have to be a little bit ruthless.

   A huge shadow fell from the sky, emitting waves that ruined the sky and the earth, and the sky seemed to be collapsed.

   Under the general pressure of the sky, some weak elders were just covered by the shadow cast by the palm of God, and their bodies suddenly disintegrated and turned into blood mud on the ground.

   "Spell it!"

   In the time of life and death, some people chose to resist, not hesitating to burn their essence and blood, and exploded with their utmost combat power.

   For a time, countless flames, storms, poisonous gas, ice..., all kinds of magical powers and secrets, magic weapons and soldiers, soared into the sky, and slammed into Ye Tian's chaotic golden palm like a mountain.

   Boom, boom!

   Under a loud noise, sparks formed on the palm of the chaotic golden light, and all the attacks were intercepted, in vain.

   In the end, Ye Tian's earth-shattering palm still fell fiercely, and dozens of elders and earth immortals from the various major sects of the Outer Hidden Sect were wiped out by a net, and all were wiped out.

   In the last battle, Ye Tian had already killed the Earth Immortals of the Outer Hidden Gate almost, and these were just some fish that slipped through the net.

   If Ye Tianzhen's killing of the Sect Master of Ten Thousand Fazong just now wasn't enough to show his power, then now a palm to kill dozens of earth immortals should be enough to show his power.

   Plop, plop!

   Thousands of disciples and elders of Ten Thousand Fasects, all knelt down on the ground, not even daring to breathe a breath.

   Some of these people deserve to be killed, but I have to admit that there are some good people, and Ye Tian couldn't bear to kill them all.

   "From now on, Ten Thousand Fasects do not exist, and everything belongs to the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect." Ye Tian issued orders.


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