Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2047: Successful test

One month later, the first extraterrestrial super energy cannon was finally repaired. The original spirit stone drive was converted to electric drive, supported by a large thermal power plant.

After all, spirit stones are still scarce resources on the earth. The secular world does not exist at all. They are only found in some secret realms. Super energy guns consume a lot of energy. Spirit stones cannot be used. All kinds of spirit stones can only be used with electricity. Meet its energy requirements.

   If only the scientists of the earth, after decades of research, I am afraid that they will not be able to find a single reason. Fortunately, there is Ye Tian. In his previous life, he was a great cultivator of immortals, and he was also a wise man. He had come into contact with various civilizations and had profound knowledge.

   Of course, it is mainly because the energy cannon reservations selected by Ye Tian are still intact, and it is more convenient to repair. Otherwise, no matter how talented he is, it would be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

   It is night, the bright moon is very bright, like a large silver plate hanging high in the night sky, with soft brilliance falling, the test base seems to be covered with a layer of light gauze, plain and hazy.


   Following the transmission of the launch command, the Super Energy Cannon immediately started to operate. A connected large-scale thermal power plant, the electric current is being drawn frantically, as if being swallowed by a whale.

   At the same time, the electricity consumption of millions of households and tens of millions of people was affected.

   Although the relevant personnel had considered in advance that the super energy gun would consume a lot of power in operation, they did not expect to consume so much power.

   The muzzle, which was several meters in diameter, unfolded like petals in full bloom, blooming for the second time, and then I saw the blue light shining in the barrel, as well as various mysterious runes shining out.

   This is not a purely technological energy cannon, it incorporates the Dao rune, but a perfect combination of the two.

   The azure blue filaments continue to converge, and in just a few breaths, it turns into an olive-shaped blue light cluster with a diameter of several meters, and the bright light is enough to pierce the eyes of people. The energy inside is highly compressed and almost turned into substance. Once exploded, it is comparable to a nuclear weapon with the equivalent of several million tons.


The energy light group with a diameter of several meters burst out from the muzzle. With a mighty power that is a hundred times more fierce than a rocket flying in the air, it tilts at an angle and soars up to the sky. The target point is a field battle three thousand kilometers away in the west. range.

   The speed of the energy light group was too fast, reaching an astonishing sub-light speed. From a distance, it was clearly a beam of light lifted into the sky, so fast that it was almost impossible to capture.

   In the whole world, no one has noticed at all, except for the relevant departments of the Great Eastern Powers of mine, and it is impossible for anyone to know that this is a super weapon test fire.

   After only ten seconds, the energy light group spanned a distance of more than 3,000 kilometers, and blasted accurately on a mountain in the shooting range.

This big mountain is hundreds of meters high. It is a hard granite mountain. First, a huge hole was drilled by the light group, which passed directly into the mountain, and then the energy of the entire light group poured into the mountain, following the cracks spreading in all directions. Going, it was like an old tree taking root in the ground, spreading crazily, and finally burst out.


   Accompanied by a huge mushroom cloud rising into the air, the 100-meter-high mountain disappeared from the place all at once, leaving only a huge crater.

   At the shooting range site and the test command center, all the relevant personnel who saw this scene took a breath and made their scalp numb.

   This is simply a weapon in sci-fi, true reproduction.

   The decadent old empire on the other side of the ocean has 20,000 nuclear weapons. We have super energy cannons, which means we have endless nuclear weapons. We will never play with anything.

  Imagine that a distance of 3,000 kilometers will be reached in just ten seconds, and it will only take a few tens of seconds to fly to the other side of the ocean, more than 10,000 kilometers, and the probability of being intercepted is zero.

   followed by a few more test shots, all of which were successful, and the relevant personnel became more and more comfortable with the control of the super energy gun.

   One of the cannons did not blast towards the land, but blasted into the deep sea.


   Hearing a loud noise, accompanied by a flash of electric light, a huge hole with a diameter of several tens of meters was directly exploded on the sea, which went straight to the seabed of one thousand meters deep, and finally turned the sand on the seabed into surging magma.


   Immediately afterwards, another screaming sound came out, and the seawater around the huge cavity returned, quickly filling the cavity that was directly more than ten feet deep and as deep as one thousand meters.

   The collision sound of the backflow of sea water, as if the sky broke and the earth cracked, forming a rapidly rotating torrent vortex, and finally set off a stormy sea.

The power that the super energy gun can explode in the ocean once again shocked everyone. It is hundreds of thousands of times more terrifying than deep-water fried eggs. It is used to bombard submarines. It is not a target for one bomb. It is hidden in hundreds of times. It's not good for meters deep underwater.

   As Ye Tian expected, this successful test shot strengthened the determination of the high-levels to go to war on the decayed old empire.

   Now that the decayed old empire is shattered and broken, it is really getting worse and worse, going further and further on the road of destruction. If it destroys itself, it's all right. What's cheating is that it wants to destroy the whole world together.

   If you can't be the world's boss, you will die together. Normal people simply cannot understand this brain circuit.

   Black clouds are pressing down on the city to destroy the city, and the mountains and rain are eager to come and wind all over the building.

   My eastern power is secretly deploying troops and generals to prepare for various possible situations.

   Actually, after being tossed back and forth by Ye Tian several times, the decaying old empire was like a tiger without minions, far less terrifying than before. Whether it is the army, navy, or air force, they have not yet recovered their vitality.

   Their only reliance, UU reading also released 20,000 nuclear weapons. There are no bombers and nuclear submarines in the number of delivery vehicles.

   With the help of super energy guns, our great eastern country is confident enough to shut down its major military bases, military ports, and nuclear weapons facilities before the decaying old empire is truly mobilized.

   Coupled with our excellent prevention and control system, they will eventually be able to hit me on land with very little nuclear weapons.

   After another period of time, Ye Tian left the secret base in Yancheng and returned to Tianhai City, the secret world of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect.

   In just a few years, Tianhai City has undergone tremendous changes. Although large and small construction sites are still blooming everywhere, the international metropolis has already taken shape. People from all over the world can be seen everywhere here.

   Only because the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect is located here, the Holy See has also moved here, and countless people are rushing to come here for pilgrimage.

   Although the spiritual energy of the world has not yet recovered, the atmosphere of martial arts has gradually flourished. As the base camp of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect, Tianhai City is even more so.

   Every day, many people come to the foot of the North Sea Immortal Sect, hoping to join the North Sea Immortal Sect and learn the earth-shaking power of Ye Tian.

   Although the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect also recruited some people, they didn't accept those who were not qualified, and the number was really pitiful.

   Of course, there is more than the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect in the world. You can't join the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect. There are other options, such as many martial arts sects, major martial arts halls, and so on.

   The whole world is gradually changing because of Ye Tian.

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