Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2096: Successful bidding

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"Brother Dao, you have a big deal. Those in the Dragon King Palace are the most cruel. If you bid up with them, they will definitely not let you go." Liu Yunjie said with a smirk.

"Dragon King Palace? Does the sect have Yuanying Tianjun?" Ye Tian asked lightly.

"It used to be, but it fell three thousand years ago." Chu Xuanfeng said.

"There is no Yuanying Tianjun, it's a fart! If they don't agree, just come to me." Ye Tian let out a chuckle, not caring at all, full of confidence.

"Hehe, you are too happy too early. As long as a sect has been born to Yuanying Tianjun, even if it has fallen for thousands of years, the background is not what you can imagine, and it is not something you can provoke." Liu Yunjie sneered and said to Ye Tian. The calmness is very incomprehensible.

What he said is very good. The changes Yuanying can bring to a sect are unimaginable. For example, in the Dashang Dynasty, the ancestor of Yuanying has fallen for almost ten thousand years, and the Dashang Dynasty is still flourishing.

If it weren't for some of the ancestors left behind by the Emperor Yuanying, the Dashang Dynasty would have been destroyed long ago.

The ancestor of the Dragon King Palace has only died for three thousand years, and he will definitely leave a lot of heritage. It is more than enough to deal with Ye Tian alone.

"If I were you, I should leave as soon as possible to avoid being intercepted by others." Chu Xuanfeng warned Ye Tian.

Even the seventeenth princesses are a little worried, the people in the Dragon King Palace are really not easy to provoke.

But Ye Tian ignored him, fearless, and he didn't declare war on the Dragon King Palace to attack their mountain gate. The Dragon King Palace has the background, and it is impossible to be carried by these people. If you dare to stop him, kill him.

Now he is not afraid of a living Yuan Ying, and he is confident enough to escape, let alone a Yuan Ying who has been dead for three thousand years.

Next, he still went his own way, raising the price of auction items.

The curses in the audience became louder, and they were all scolding him for help.

Amid these curses, finally ushered in the final item of the auction, the fragment of the ancient map of Penglai Xiandao.

However, not many people are interested in this finale auction item, most of them are some very powerful forces.

First of all, a fragment of a map is of no value in itself, and it is neither good nor useful.

Secondly, some small forces and individuals, even if they have taken this fragment, I am afraid that they will be snatched away, and may even lead to murder.

Because all the map fragments are to be unified after all, and the other fragments are in the Yuanying clan.

Therefore, it is not enough to have money alone. You must have enough strength to protect this fragment. Even if it can't compare with the Yuanying family, it can't be too far behind. Otherwise, in the future, negotiating bargaining chips will not be equal to the Yuanying family.

It was a jade fragment with the size of a palm. It was irregular, with rust on the surface and some pits and pits, which looked very inconspicuous. Only by standing close and watching carefully will you find some hidden runes, as well as carved pictures of the sun, moon, stars, earth veins, mountains, and so on.

A fragment has only a part, and nothing can be seen at all. Unless all the fragments are gathered together, there is no possibility of cracking.

In the sound of the wind released by Tianbaoque, it was said that this fragment was found in an ancient cave by a tester during the trial that had just ended, and most of it would not be fake.

Ye Tian asked Dashang brothers and sisters, and both of them nodded, very similar to the fragment of Dashang.

"I wonder if the auction house will accept bartering?" Ye Tian asked the brother and sister again.

There are less than 400,000 spiritual crystals in his body, and it takes 200,000 spiritual crystals to travel to the Arctic Continent with the help of the ancient city's teleportation array, and there are only less than 200,000 spiritual crystals at his disposal.

With this amount of money, it is unlikely to bid for a final piece of goods.

"Generally speaking, it is not allowed, unless your items are precious enough and someone is willing to pay to buy them on the spot." Princess Seventeen said to Ye Tian.

"How much can a one-stop loach cost? Under normal circumstances?" Ye Tian asked again.

There are still two dragon loaches on his body. If the money is really not enough, he might not be able to auction them on the spot.

When he said this, the people in the box were all startled.

"You have a loach on your body?" Princess Seventeen asked, her eyes widening.

Even the calm second prince looked over.

Dragon loach is a rare and rare creature, and a drop of dragon loach is even more effective than a superb dragon marrow.

"No, I just ask casually. I saw it in the swamp a few days ago, but I didn't catch it. It's a pity," Ye Tian said.

He knows the character of the seventeenth princess, if he knows that he has a dragon loach on his body, he will definitely pester him until he promises to sell it to him.

"If you have a dragon loach, I am willing to pay 200,000 yuan, oh no, 300,000 spirit crystals, and buy one of you." said the seventeenth princess.

Ye Tian nodded, smiled again, and did not answer.

At this time, the audience had already started quoting, and the starting price of the fragments of the ancient map was fifty thousand spiritual crystals, which soon exceeded one hundred thousand spiritual crystals.

"Two hundred thousand spirit crystals."

At this moment, Ye Tian spoke suddenly with a firm tone, but to everyone, it sounded like a support, deliberately setting the price too high.

The auction hall became quiet for an instant, and then a curse sounded.

"Deal, too wicked, disgusting."

"We are not shooting anymore, let him play by himself."

Even Ye Tian himself didn't expect that his clearly serious offer was considered to be a trust, and it attracted so many curses.

He called two hundred thousand spirit crystals because there were only so many on him. If the price was exceeded, he would discuss the purchase and sale of dragon loach with the seventeenth princess.

The auction house was also very confused. Ye Tian shouted out the price. Although it had doubled, the total price was not high, and no one made an offer.

"One time for two hundred thousand lingjing, two times for two hundred thousand lingjing..." the old auctioneer said reluctantly, deliberately slowing down his speech, and scanning the audience, hoping that someone could continue to increase the price.


In the end, when UU read, he hit the hammer down, the sale was finalized, and no one was bidding.

The auction house's psychological expectation for the fragments of the ancient map was 500,000 spiritual crystals, but only 200,000 spiritual crystals were sold, which was unexpected.

"Certainly, I didn't expect it, it's pitted on me, see if you can take out so many spirit crystals."

"I guess I haven't covered my heat yet, I'm going to be snatched away."

"Yes, this is a hot potato. Not everyone can get involved."

When Ye Tian walked out of the box and went to pay for the goods, there was no congratulation. He cursed or ridiculed, and some people couldn't help but want to make a move.

Many eyes stared at him, all showing bad intentions.

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