Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2098: Mountains and rivers

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The red-haired man lost his patience, a light flashed in his hand, and suddenly a war spear appeared. The spear was only an inch long at first, and it quickly zoomed in. It reached more than ten feet between his fingers. The coldness and brilliance were all around, and there was a tragic and fierce air. It diffused out, as if an ancient beast was resurrected.

"I'll do it, no need for the Young Master to take action."

The elder Jin Dan, who was called Elder Wu, said that the red-haired dragon-horned man took the shot first.

His cultivation level has also reached the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his combat power is not much weaker than that of the red-haired man.

At this moment, his body suddenly shook his body. His thin and somewhat rickety body was straight like a gun barrel, and his shriveled muscles were also inflated. His body was like a stove, with red glowing red clouds, emitting a billowing heat wave. Surprisingly, a fire golden pill in the body was erupting.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, Elder Wu dare not care, facing a little monk whose whole mana is imprisoned, even the power of the golden core is used, and he must be able to defeat the enemy with one blow.


A long sword in his hand was slashed out, and it came up as a ruthless sword. It was a mysterious sword technique. The sword light was like a rainbow, and the sword aura was magical.

For a time, the sword light in the sky became a piece of light, like a comet passing across the sky, hitting the earth.


Facing this fierce and fierce attack, Ye Tian only raised one hand, and the crystal palm was completely metalized, like a cast of **** gold, giving people a sense of immortality, indestructibility, and a touch of nothingness. , All the sword light actually dimmed, like a candle in the wind, quickly extinguished.

Then, his feet slammed on the ground, and a force that could shake the mountains crushed the ground. The streamlined body was like a catapult electromagnetic cannon, rushing straight towards Elder Wu at several times the speed of sound.


One of his golden hands fell like a golden grinding disc. Although there was no brilliant light, it was terrifying. The void rumbling and shaking, as if it could shoot the sun, moon and stars in the sky.

Elder Wu was shocked. He didn't expect that a person's physical body could be so strong that it was comparable to a legendary holy soldier, and even the sword aura swayed by the holy sword could not hurt. Moreover, Ye Tian's speed was beyond his reach, and he deceived himself in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Elder Wu had to fight back quickly, abandoning the long sword that could not be swung up close, and while retreating, he quickly blocked the enemy with both hands to buy time for himself.

He was also in the middle of the Golden Core anyway, and his physical body was definitely not idle, and he was blessed by the divine power of the mountain and river formation, which was a bit higher than the combat power that can be exerted in the normal world outside.

Puff puff!

However, as soon as he lifted his hands, he was beaten to pieces by Ye Tian, ​​like an egg hitting a rock, and both his arms were broken every inch and turned into a large piece of blood mist.


In the end, the big palm of Ye Tian's grinding plate fell down like a golden grinding plate. Elder Wu couldn't stop it at all. It seemed that there was a Taishan mountain pressing on the top of his head. His body was short at the time. A pool of blood mud, completely vulnerable.

Everything happened in the electric flint flower, and the other four golden core statues could not do it with help, because the war started quickly and ended quickly.

Ye Tian's five golden cores were originally in a state of imprisonment. In order not to generate interaction between heaven and humans, thunder was lowered. Now there is an additional layer of restriction of the mountain and river map, which is not harmful at all.

Only relying on the physical power of the Golden Eucharist, he was confident that he could also sling the five golden cores in front of him.

His golden sage is embodied in the fact that it is close to Dacheng, and can receive the sage with bare hands, which is comparable to the legendary sage.


Everyone in the field was shocked and did not react at all.

When they reacted, their hearts were shaken and their faces pale.

Elder Wu's power was second only to Young Hallmaster Red Hair, and the gap would not be very large. It was really terrifying that it would explode in a single collision.

"Damn ants, I'm going to tear you to dust!"

Accompanied by a earth-shattering roar, the red-haired dragon-horned man shot, and also used the power of the golden core. With a bang, it instantly broke through seven or eight times the speed of sound, and pulled out a long golden tail flame in the air, like It was the light tail of a comet, and at the same time the war spear in his hand pierced straight out, stabbing to Ye Tian's heart.

This was an extremely fierce attack, a war spear rushed out an extremely tragic breath, like a murderer, can't wait to drink blood and eat meat.

Ye Tian did not dare to neglect, did not hit the red-haired man’s muzzle, moved his feet, and instantly swelled faster than the red-haired man, blasting a golden core monk who was still in a daze on the spot, even an indestructible one. Jin Dan was broken into powder.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to the third golden core monk again, and if he wanted to repeat the old tricks, he was also hit.

"The second one." Ye Tian said loudly, his words were round, without the slightest panic, as if everything was under control.

"You're looking for death!" The red-haired man's eyes were cracked, and he shouted.

Just when Ye Tian rushed to the third Golden Core, the war spear in his hand was like a javelin, and he threw it fiercely. With the terrifying power of a meteor across the sky, he intercepted and killed Ye Tian halfway.

This war spear not only has a strong inertia, it can open mountains and cracks, but also his power and immortal will, and a dragon chant that vibrates nine days is heard, and the aura is locked on Ye Tian's body, not stabbing. Never give up in China.

Ye Tian's expression was stern, his eyes dazzling, and at this moment he shook his fist and directly faced the war spear with a monstrous killing intent.

The brilliance of the Golden Fighting Fist is restrained, but there is an invincible fist surging.

"Is this guy crazy?"

"Are you looking for death to shake the Saint Soldier with your fist?"

Several golden pills in the Dragon King Palace exclaimed in their hearts, unable to understand.

How powerful is this battle spear of the young palace master with red hair, that is, a mountain of thousands of feet can explode. If you want to shake it hard with your fist, it is idiotic to dream, unless it is a great golden core, there is only one possibility.


Immediately afterwards, UU read www. There was a big collision in, and Ye Tian's fist did not turn into blood and mud in a blast that shook for nine days, but the red-haired man's war spear was knocked upside down and flew out.


A large mountain in the distance was hit by an inverted war spear, and a large transparent hole was penetrated.

This is not a rockery evolved from illegal power or moral power, but the real mountain is imprisoned in the formation, the whole body is branded with runes, and the strength is far better than before.

In other words, the world in this landscape map is more stable than the outside world, and every tree is tougher than the outside world. To destroy the world here requires greater power than the outside world.

Therefore, this inverted war spear only pierced the mountain through a large hole, rather than being razed to the ground like the outside world.

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