Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2100: Purple Night God

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In the mountain and river map, in the crack that had just cracked and was still filled with the blood mist of the red-haired man, suddenly a big hand stretched in, and it continued to expand. Snapped down suddenly.

Ye Tian and the two living golden cores of the Dragon King Palace were shocked. This big hand was really terrifying. It seemed to be shattering the sky, with a piece of rune flickering between the palms of the fingers. It was a chain of laws, like one hundred thousand. Dadao, ten directions of the universe are all grasped by this palm, giving people a magical feeling.

This is a supernatural power with amazing power.

Yuan Ying's breath is pervasive, making people's hearts throbbing, fear from the soul. The prohibition in the mountain and river map did not restrict this big hand, but was constantly obliterated.

Ye Tian had fought against the old Peacock King, and it was certain that this was a completely different way and method from him. It was not his hand, but another person, another Yuanying.

"Who is making the shot?" Ye Tian panicked.

With his keen sense of spirit, he immediately sensed the murderous intent, and felt it more than others. Then he moved sideways and rushed into the distance, leaving only an afterimage on the spot.

The war puppet also followed him like a shadow, and followed him to another mountain a thousand meters away.


The huge palm covered the sky, and it smashed several large mountains below, leaving a huge palm print.

Ye Tian changed color, Jin Dan's Taoism was really terrifying, once the mana was released, it could almost shatter the world. Even a quasi-yuanying can't be compared with it, the difference in combat power is by no means only half a step.

The two golden cores in the Dragon King Palace were very sad, but they couldn't escape and were photographed into blood mud.

The internal space of Shanhe Tu has also become unstable, and the boundary membrane rattles and violently deforms.


In the next second, the landscape of mountains and rivers was torn apart by life, a small world was shattered, and Ye Tian returned to the big world, inside the ancient city of Donghua.

The voices are still full here, just because a Yuanying Tianjun suddenly appeared, causing the scene to be a little turbulent.

I saw an old man wearing a gossiping robe standing above the sky. His beard and hair were all white, his body was withered, and he was very old. An ancient breath permeated up and down.

Although the Qi machine is ancient, it is incomparably terrifying, like it has the power to destroy the sky and the earth. He took the palm just now, and he tore the mountain and river picture.

Yuan Ying Tianjun's arrival, the entire ancient city was alarmed.

Even the people at the Tianbaoque auction site couldn't calm down anymore. They swarmed out, very enthusiastic, like attending a celebrity meeting.

It’s just because Yuan Ying’s shots are rare, and many people have never seen Yuan Ying in their lives.

When Ye Tian came to Penglai Ancient Star, he only offended two Yuanying clan, one is Peacock clan and the other is Zixiao Holy Land.

Since this person is not the old Peacock King, his identity has already been revealed, the Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land.

According to rumors, the **** of the Purple Night Holy Land is about to come to the end of his life, coincidentally with the old **** in front of him.

"Mad, Tianbaoque's light gate is indeed fraudulent!" Ye Tian cursed inwardly, and hurried away into the distance.

The white war puppet turned into a war puppet again and was put away by him.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land discovered that he was by no means accidental. The first thing he thought of was the light gate of Tianbaoque. The light gate is not only as simple as understanding a person’s cultivation base, it is very likely to break through the illusion His true face thus summoned the ancestors of the Holy Land.

"Junior, kill my Zongshengzi, do you still want to leave? Use your father's blood and bones to atone for your sins!" The **** of the Zixiao Holy Land took a step step by step, all kinds of Dao patterns are intertwined, the laws of heaven and earth are flying, almost a step Just caught up with Ye Tian.


Like a stream of light, he arrived in a flash, and his five fingers slammed apart, shooting out five thick black lines, evolving in the void, and instantly turned into a cage of black light, and fell down.

The cage is so huge that Ye Tian, ​​the hundreds of houses below it, and the tens of thousands of people who don't know it, are all shrouded below.

Of course, the Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land was not going to kill him, he just didn't want Ye Tian to escape.

Ye Tian has the world's fastest speed, the old Peacock King of the Peacock tribe has been chased several times before allowing people to escape. He has heard of deeds, and he dare not take it lightly.

"It's not that I want to kill him, it's that he is seeking his own death. What is it to do with me?" Ye Tian roared, the light in his eyes disillusioned.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land came prepared, Ye Tian rushed for a while, but in the end he couldn't escape and was suppressed under the cage.

Fortunately, there are tens of thousands of innocent people under the cage, and God seems to be embarrassed. He didn't close the cage, otherwise all the people inside would be crushed to death.


Ye Tian stretched out his palm, and his golden fist gleamed with blazing light, blasting towards a cage column.

Now, with the power of pure flesh, he can hardly shake the sacred weapon.

Then, the result was beyond his expectation. The column was not too thick, just the thickness of the bucket. The whole body was jet-black and the runes were intertwined. Under his punch, it was not destroyed, only slightly distorted.

"Is that tough? Come again!"

Ye Tian used his divine power again. Although he did not use the power of the five yuan pill, he raised his spirit to the extreme. The golden flesh was as clear as glass, and his pores were swallowing the glow, blooming brilliant brilliance.

This punch was several times more powerful than the first round. The force was huge and it shattered the vacuum. It hit the pitch-black pillar, but still only twisted the pillar. Between the shining runes, all the scars were swift. heal.

"What a powerful body, it's no wonder that the imperfect saint of our sect will die in your hands. With your body alone, as long as you grow up, it is impossible for anyone in the same generation to be your opponent. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com" The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land opened his mouth and gave Ye Tian a very high evaluation. It resembled the sound of Dao Lun, resounding through the heavens and the earth, making millions of people in the city feel deaf and deaf. .

At this time, many people from Tianbaoque rushed out, including Princess Seventeen and her party.

When they saw that Ye Tian was controlled by the magical prison of the Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land, they were very surprised.

"Why did the **** of the Zixiao Holy Land say that he killed the son of Zixiao? It's obviously another person." Princess Seventeen said in surprise, her eyes were big, flashing, filled with puzzles.

"Yeah, did God make a mistake?" Liu Yunjie was puzzled.

"Joke, how could Tianjun be wrong? If I'm not mistaken, this person and the man who killed the Zixiao Shengzi in the Penglai Divine Land are mostly the same person, but with a certain magical power, he changed his appearance. "The second prince said, in a word.

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