Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2111: 8-gibbons snow monkey

To deal with intruders, the Snow Ape clan has always had only one way, and that is to kill them mercilessly.

In history, it is not that no human race has invaded the sacred land of the Snow Ape family, and as a result, they all returned and fled.


There were earth-shattering noises from the depths of the ice field, and more snow apes were coming, not many in number, but the momentum surpassed thousands of horses, and a mighty coercion was sweeping more like a tsunami.

"I'll say it again, I have no intention of being an enemy of the Snow Ape clan, but I just want to use the Magnetite Immortal Hole." Ye Tian said, very shocked, his will is as firm as iron, irreversible.


What the snow ape in front of him responded with a roar, all the hairs on his body exploded, blooming with splendid glow, **** vigor, and an immortal power permeating the sky.

It saw that Ye Tian was unusual, and he had to use his utmost strength at this moment.

This loud roar, which spread for hundreds of miles, shattered the icebergs, and the thick ice layer of the ice sheet underfoot spread large cracks.

Fortunately, there are no creatures here, otherwise, it is as strong as innate, and it will be shattered and blown away.

This battle is inevitable!

Ye Tian put away the Ziying Sword, lashed out with a soft fist.

The big fist of the grinding disc bloomed with immortal divine brilliance, like a **** looking down on the vast land, blasting forward forcefully.

This fist condensed all the strength of his golden body, the golden blood in his body was thundering, like boiling water, surging, shaking the world.

One after another, the golden divine light shrouded Ye Tian's body, as if clusters of immortal fires were burning, flooding him in, looking terrifying and mighty.

At this moment, he clearly transformed into a golden god, standing in a golden god's realm, driving the world with a punch, as if he was carrying the power of the entire Penglai ancient star to hit the front.

Facing Ye Tian's earth-shattering punch, Snow Ape was fearless, and a dazzling light burst out of his body, like a sun that made people unable to face it, and also slammed out a punch.


It swung out with this fist, the sky full of magneto divine light was attracted, whizzed down, and turned into a huge magneto fist mark on the tip of its fist, like a magneto sacred mountain, with a huge size of several tens of meters. , All kinds of runes are lingering, and all kinds of Dao sounds roar.

The creatures who saw this scene were all horrified.

The Snow Ape clan is really as powerful as the legend, and each one has the talents of Tian Zong.


There was a sound of cracking the earth, a golden war fist and an elementary magnetic war fist collided, bursting out a huge amount of divine light.

This was a catastrophic collision. It was supposed to be a confrontation of thousands of tricks. Under this peerless punch, the results were to be separated, and the horror was extreme.


The aftermath destroyed the mountains and the land, one after another icebergs turned into ashes, the thick ice layer at their feet was penetrated, and water jets like dragons spewed out.

The immeasurable light is surging, accompanied by the smell of blood.

In the immeasurable divine light, a huge figure flew upside down, puff puff puff, gushing out the sky full of blood.

The other figure stood in place, motionless.

The snow ape clan's army just came to the scene of the battle, about a dozen or so, when they saw the result of the battle, they were all frightened and furious at the same time.

It was their species, a mighty snow ape, who vomited blood and flew out.

The figure of a human man has become a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

"The despicable human race is small, and came to my Snow Ape Ancestor Land to grab the opportunity. Do you really think my Snow Ape clan is good for bullying?"

Suddenly, a louder roar came over, and the reckless aura shocked the world, like a torrent rushing through the sky and the earth, making people's ears humming.

Even the ten or so Snow Apes who had already arrived in the field were stunned by this momentum, and they stepped aside from both sides, giving way to this stronger being.

This is a group of junior snow apes, whose height is only about ten feet, and the roaring snow ape is like an iceberg rolling over again, at least thirty or forty feet tall.

Ye Tian was frightened. This is a powerful being, and even the first one. There are eight arms on his body. The big tendons are entwined like dragons and snakes. They are high and bulging, strong and powerful, and their thick hair is countless. Rice, each one is tougher than steel wire, and its eyes are like magic lamps, emitting two cold and faint rays of light.

It roared loudly, the sky rumbling, the sun, moon and stars in the sky seemed to be shaken down, and the sky spirit covered with a burst of blood and rushed into the sky, shattering one after another of the magnetic primordial light.

This is an extremely terrifying eight-armed giant ape, the best among the golden cores, and is about to go to the extreme on the path of golden cores.

Ye Tian was certain that on this ancient star, the Nascent Soul could not come out, and rare creatures were its opponents.

"Do you really want to force me to take action? I just want to borrow the Magnetite Immortal Hole for a use!" Ye Tian said, still in danger, only a surge of fighting spirit on his body.

"I want to borrow my clan's Magnetite Immortal Hole, you can, defeat me first!" The Eight-armed Snow Ape roared, like an iceberg, already rushing to the vicinity.

All the snow apes were in awe. This eight-armed snow ape was their patriarch, and even went out in person.

"Okay, this is what you said." Ye Tian said.

This is an almost invincible existence under a Yuan Ying, he dare not take it lightly.

Bang, bang, bang,...

Five successive seals were lifted from the five Yuan Dan.

At that moment, an unimaginable wave of terror erupted from Ye Tian, ​​as if to crush the heavens, causing the ancestral land of the Snow Ape family to tremble.

Outside the ice wall, many alien creatures were suspended in the void, watching the battle scene inside the ice wall.

Although this terrifying wave spread from Ye Tian's body and swept in all directions, this group of alien creatures actually fell to the ground like dumplings.

The snow apes in the field were also shocked, looking at Ye Tian like an invincible demon god.

The sky rumbling, thunderclouds began to gather.

Ye Tian must fight quickly!

Bang bang bang!

Ye Tian was bathed in divine brilliance, walking calmly, the golden light was bright, the chaotic air was surging, the blue dragon, the white tiger, the red finch, the basalt, and the chaotic golden lotus, five visions lingered around his body, setting him off as the same god.

His body is also growing taller, and the giant spirit body is moving out, and finally turned into a golden giant spirit **** who is bigger than the eight-armed snow ape.

"court death!"

Eight-armed Snow Ape held a weapon on each of its eight arms, and as soon as it rushed in front of Ye Tian, ​​a giant mountain-opening axe smashed down like a galaxy. The axe's blade was dazzling with cold light.

Immediately afterwards, its other arms waved, a huge halberd, a bright sword, a sledgehammer surrounded by magnetism and divine light, and other weapons. Of escape.


Ye Tian roared, at this moment, the spirit, energy and spirit are united, like the reincarnation of heaven and earth, the intent to fight can split the sky, and there is an invincible belief.


A big axe broke open and broke into the void.

A golden fist, destroys everything.

Ye Tian attacked forcefully, he had no reservations at this moment, he had to fight quickly, otherwise the tribulation would land.


Ye Tian unfolded the giant spirit body, one head higher than the eight-armed snow ape. The golden body is the most terrifying weapon. The sharp halberd, bright sword, magnetism warhammer, and other weapons that reached more than ten feet in length, under his golden flesh, broke and turned into powder.

This was an extremely shocking scene, and all the creatures in the audience were dumbfounded.

Ye Tian's body was stronger than the sacred artifact, full of immortal power. Finally, he threw a punch, and the fist pierced the sky, piercing the eight-armed snow ape's last weapon, the Magneto Divine Shield.

This is a sacred instrument of Magnetism, made from a piece of Magnetism Divine Stone, but it is torn apart under Ye Tian's golden fist, making people thrilled.

"It's impossible? How could you be so strong? The humble human ants have always been defeated by my Snow Ape?" The Eight-armed Snow Ape was also shocked.

The Snow Ape clan was born strong and always conceited. Now one of its patriarchs took action, but was repeatedly beaten by others, and the glory of their ancestors was completely defeated.

He had to admit that this was a human strong man who was even more terrifying than his Snow Ape clan. His golden blood and vitality were overwhelming. His physical body had reached the extreme state of the Golden Core Treasure Body, and could even compete with the Yuan Ying Treasure Body.


The eight-armed snow ape was furious to the extreme, and let out a earth-shattering roar, and its eight sturdy arms danced out of thin air.


A field of magneto-magnetism unfolded, covering a space of several thousand meters in radius, and wanted to enclose Ye Tianzhen in it. Inside, magneto-magnetism divine light fluttered and turned into giant magneto-magnet dragons.

However, in the field of Yuanmagnetism, Ye Tian is still calm.


Void was directly torn apart by his hands, then his figure shook, and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already ten feet behind the Eight-armed Snow Ape.

"Damn it!"

The eight-armed snow ape was frightened, turned around and shot it with a palm. At the same time, hundreds of yuan magnetic dragons in the magnetic field rushed out, UU reading www. winds to Ye Tian.

"It's useless."

Ye Tian stepped out in one step, with hundreds of magneto-magnet dragons all over his body, just like plastic, easily broken away.


The mountain shook for a while, and Ye Tian took the initiative. A golden fist pierced the sky and the earth, and shook a giant palm of the eight-armed snow ape. In the sound of a huge explosion like a meteor hitting the earth, a whole furry palm was torn apart. , Scarlet blood splashed around.

The Eight-armed Snow Ape flew upside down, screaming in pain.

All this happened so quickly, the opponent was devastated, and it was a series of critical strikes that swept all obstacles.

The flesh body was as strong as the Snow Ape clan, it was not enough to see, the palm broke, the arm cracked, and even the cracks spread on the flesh.

All the creatures in the audience were shocked, this was an invincible existence under a Nascent Soul!

Ye Tian didn't hurt the killer, and after flying the Eight-armed Snow Ape, he stopped in time.

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