Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2118: Break the sky

The breath is so depressing that people will suffocate. Even if they are far apart, some creatures can still feel it, as if there are hundreds of mountains pressing on their hearts, and their hearts sink.

The vast ice field was riddled with holes, and the icebergs were all turned into dust, and there were no objects that could exist under the world-destroying thunder catastrophe.


Chaos was surging, the sea of ​​thunder was boiling, and the scene of opening the world reappeared. In the shocked eyes of the onlookers, Ye Tian ushered in the seventh thunder catastrophe.

The seventh thunder calamity is already the ceiling of the heaven and earth golden core calamity. It can prove the seventh-grade golden core at most, and no matter how high it is, it will be suppressed by the heavens. Because the ancient star of Penglai is still a world of incomplete law and path, it's just a little more complete than the earth.

This thunder catastrophe, unparalleled horror, the sky full of divine thunder turned into a thunder waterfall, bombarded down, boundless, vast, and the tide of the catastrophe seemed to destroy the entire Arctic Continent.

The creatures who saw this scene were all horrified and horrified to their bones.

This was the most terrifying catastrophe that Ye Tian had encountered since his rebirth. It was truly dangerous to the extreme.

The thunder light was so heavy that it flooded the world, and nine kinds of divine thunder descended, which was greater than all the calamities before, and filled the void. The breath of peerless great horror is permeated. In this situation, it is a Yuan Ying who comes here and will slap his tongue. Lei Jie is really terrible.

"This is a symbol that is not recognized by the heavens and the earth. Thunder Punishment does everything possible to exceed the limit and destroy it." The onlookers said, very optimistic about Ye Tian, ​​thinking that he might be wiped out in this seventh thunder catastrophe. .


Suddenly, a bolt of thunder from the sun **** smashed down, a ball of lightning, which was as red as a newborn sun, blazing with flames, and struck Ye Tian at once.

Suddenly, energy burst out like a nuclear explosion, and a flaming mushroom cloud appeared between the sky and the earth.


Ye Tian flew out, a large piece of flesh and bones splashed, a bloody, even the mark of the sky was cracked.

"It's terrible, the seventh thunder catastrophe is really not made by humans." The creatures onlookers smacked their tongues secretly.

In history, the creatures on the ancient star of Penglai who can survive the seven thunder tribulations are all the unparalleled geniuses born in a thousand years, and they are the strongest seed choices for the Dao Yuanying.

"Without diamonds, I'll stop you from working on porcelain. Honestly, after six thunder tribulations, you have to fight for the seventh thunder tribulation." A creature shook his head, thinking that Ye Tiantuo is big, and the ending is likely to be very sad.


Ye Tian’s body heard the sound of the beating of the heavenly drum, bursting out golden divine brilliance, and then igniting a golden flame. The whole person turned into a colorful Suzaku. The broken body and broken bones were reorganized again. , Continue, into a whole.

Ye Tian endured a great deal of pain, and refurbished the cracked Heaven-shaking Seal. The dense Dao Marks were clear and engraved. Although it hadn't become a legendary sacred artifact, it surpassed the ordinary legendary sacred artifact.

The seventh thunder tribulation is really terrible, lasting longer than the other six times, as if being controlled by the will of heaven and earth, and will not stop if Ye Tian is not smashed to death.


A hanging thunder waterfall rushed down again, and the bright thunder light illuminates the sky, as if a star field explosion has occurred, shining the Arctic continent hundreds of thousands of miles as bright as day.

Hongmeng purple air is permeated, and the Hongmeng **** thunder is here!

Ye Tian’s golden sacred body exploded again, and the flesh and blood flew across, and the body as strong as the sacred body was also dead for a lifetime. I don’t know how many bones were broken, and it can no longer maintain the integrity of the body. The veins and veins also burst, blood splashing, shocking. .

The Heaven-shaking Seal broke apart again, this time directly turning into pieces, floating in the thunder sea.

"The seventh thunder catastrophe is really not covered. It's terrifying. It's no wonder that there are not many people who have successfully survived in history. They are as rare as Yuan Ying."

In the shocked eyes of all living beings, Ye Tian once again used the Suzaku's Nirvana technique to heal his wounds, and the golden Eucharist, and the Suzaku's Nirvana technique, ensured that his body will not be destroyed. Every heavy injury is A baptism is a transformation.

At the same time, the Heaven-shaking Seal has been tempered through thousands of years, and it is also undergoing transformation, branding the Law and Dao of this world.

As time passed, the terrifying seventh thunder robbery gradually came to an end.

The world was bleak, the boundless ice field was once again shrouded by night, and only a thundercloud storm was raging in the sky, but the eighth thunder tribulation was not brewing.

"has it ended?"

"He managed to survive the seventh thunder calamity."

"We have witnessed history, we have witnessed miracles."

The onlookers were moved and couldn't keep calm.

Although Ye Tian was only proving the golden core, but their eyes clearly showed the enthusiasm of witnessing the birth of the Nascent Infant.

Ye Tian looked up at the sky, a tyrannical coercion enveloped his whole body, and he clearly felt the suppression of the heavens.

It seems that there is a pair of eyes watching him invisibly, watching him.

"I have worked so hard, and I have accumulated up to now, but I don't want to prove a mere seven-rank golden core." Ye Tian said to himself, his eyes suddenly widened, shooting out two bright lights.

"Break it for me!"

In the shout, an extremely bright purple sword slashed through the thundercloud storm.


Suddenly, an earth-shattering aura swept across the entire world, like a peerless demon awakening, and the sun and the moon trembled.

The purple sword light was ten thousand feet long, and it cut through the thick ice layer, and a large crack spread to dozens of miles away.


A hundred miles of thundercloud storm, before this sword, all cracked.

Because of the endless black clouds, a big crack suddenly appeared in the middle, as if the entire void had been cut open.

"What is he going to do?"

All the creatures were surprised.

You know, in the dark, heaven and earth have their own will.

His operation like this is swinging his sword at the will of heaven and earth, which will cause trouble for himself.

"Drive me!"

He roared like a devilish hair, full of strands of hair standing upside down, endless killing intent.

It wasn't enough for a sword to split the thundercloud storm. He ignored the **** golden body, and rushed up to the sky, swinging a big fist with a sand bowl, to critically hit Jiuzhongtian.


Several thunder-lined golden cores had been branded in his body, and the energy like a tsunami surged out.

This punch is indescribable, dominating the world.

Click, click!

Large voids appeared one after another, this piece of heaven and earth seemed to be disintegrating, a terrible sound erupted, and it was blasted open by Ye Tian with a golden fist.

"What kind of boxing is this?"

"What the **** is he going to do?"

In the incredible gazes of all the creatures, Ye Tian punched through the world, and the thundercloud storms all over the sky were almost swept away.

This is absolute power, breaking all obstacles!


An invisible Heavenly Dao suppression was broken, and a huge mountain-like thunder fell directly.

The eighth thunder robbery is here!

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