Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2122: Old Ape Sneak Attack

The catastrophe is gradually coming to an end.

Ye Tian's skin was open and fleshy, and his vitality had not had time to recover. It was the most vulnerable time.

But at this moment, suddenly a magneto divine light shone, illuminating the sky, a large magneto seal came out of the void, the incomparable magnificence and atmosphere, a mighty breath of Yuan Ying Tianjun, shaking the square circle Hundreds of miles in the sky smashed down from the top of Ye Tian's head.


The sky is rioting, the big seal is like a mountain, and it is simple and majestic.

"It's the old ape!"

People exclaimed and saw the one who shot, it was the old ape who shot Ye Tian before but escaped.

This seal is also the treasure of the Snow Ape clan, the Pyramid Magneto Seal.

The old ape is really too good at picking the time. When Ye Tian is most vulnerable, he is really likely to kill him.

Ye Tian just tried his best to resist the four true forms of thunder tribulation, and he almost overdrawn his whole body's strength, and was scarred, it was really difficult to make effective resistance.

In the Great Seal of Magneto, the Divine Light of Magneto dropped down like a waterfall, submerging Ye Tian's whole person in it, and even the four real Thunder Beasts were isolated from the outside.

Powerful energy fluctuations are like roaring rivers, billowing turbulently, raging everywhere.

"Looking for death!" Ye Tian shouted, roaring angrily.

Among the electric flint flowers, he sacrificed the sky-shaking seal, which also turned into the size of a mountain, thrusting high into the sky, torrential chaotic air surging out, slamming towards the Yuanmagnet seal.

However, the Heaven-Shaking Seal was only a sacred artifact after all, and it was incomparable with the Yuan Magnetic Great Seal artifact, and it was smashed into the air.

A violent wave swept the sky and the earth, the dazzling beam of light was dazzling, and there were destructive powers everywhere, as if to destroy the entire world.

Ye Tian took out the Ziying Sword again, struggling with all his strength to urge the divine mark.

But time was too late, and before the Shenhen could be activated, the magneto-magnet seal was crushed down.

Ye Tian yelled, holding the sky with his hands, and lifted the Yuanci Dayin.

However, Yuanci Dayin was so heavy that it squeezed him down straight down.

"It's not that I want to kill you, it's you who are looking for your own death. You can't blame others for your own evil." The old ape said, his words were sonorous, without a trace of emotion.

Before Ye Tian rushed to the ancestral land of the Snow Ape, he formed a bad bond with the Snow Ape clan. This was the essential reason for the old ape's move. If he doesn't make a move, he is worried that Ye Tian will eventually find trouble with the Snow Ape clan.


Ye Tian was shocked and flew out, his chest collapsed, his body shriveled like a broken drum, and he flew horizontally to the ground, his bones rattled, cracks appeared one after another, and the golden body was distorted and deformed. stand up.

The old ape had his hands on his back, standing proudly in the void, his thick hair was windless, and he looked like an extraordinary person from outside the world, with the charm of an immortal spirit.


He stomped his foot abruptly, Tianyu trembled, and the Yuan Magnetic Great Seal plummeted down, heavy as the sky, overwhelming all directions, and chased the flying Ye Tian.

All the people in the audience were horrified. They only felt that this old ape was extraordinary, with great courage and wisdom, and was about to go to the extreme on the road of golden core. In the future, it is very possible to prove Dao Yuan Ying and become the first member of the Snow Ape clan. Two heavenly monarchs.

And Ye Tian is really sad, a miracle that has never been seen before, will be born on him, but will be strangled in the cradle, and it will fall short.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the plummeting magneto-magnet seal suddenly stagnated and vibrated violently.

At this time, Yuanci Dayin was suppressed just above Ye Tian's head.

"He didn't hold the Yuan Ci Da Yin?"

Everyone was shocked, eyes widened, and dumbfounded.

This is a great Dao artifact, possessing immense divine power. It just suppressed Ye Tian like an ant, but now it is about to be shaken, which is beyond everyone's expectations.

Even the old ape's eyes condensed, and then stepped in the void, rushed forward, stomped fiercely, and wanted to bless the Yuanci Da Yin with divine power.

But at this moment, a loud bang came from under the Yuanci Great Seal. The Yuanci Great Seal was shaking like Huang Zhongda Lu, and the sound shook the sky, and it was endless.

Then, in everyone's shocked eyes, Yuan Ci Da Yin flew out.

For a time, it was like the world turned upside down, and the universe was reversed.

As soon as the old ape stepped on the magneto-magnet seal, he was also shaken out.

Click, click!

There were bursts of clicking noises from the bottom of the Yuan Ci Da Yin.

After the Yuanci Dayin flew out, everyone could see that it was a man in white clothes who was as rich as a jade.

No one knows how or when this white-clothed man appeared. He was extremely powerful with a punch. However, he also cracked, and his fisted arm was broken several times.

However, he can withstand the big seal of Yuanci, which is equivalent to escaping from Yuanying, which is enough to show his strength.

It was the war puppet that Ye Tian found on the stall in Donghua Ancient City. When the war puppet was in the battle between Donghua Ancient City and the two heavenly monarchs, the war puppet suffered a lot. Unfortunately, Ye Tian never had time to repair it. In one blow, the war puppet was cracked, and his injuries were even more serious.

However, it was enough to resist this blow, because his thunder tribulation had come to an end. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Ye Tian opened his mouth and sucked violently, the sky full of divine thunder, and four real-shaped thunder beasts, like a long whale singing water, crazily poured into his body.

Among them, four real-shaped thunder beasts rushed into his body, turning into four strands of Dao marks, deeply imprinted on the Chaos Golden Core.

These four strands of Dao marks, plus the previous nine thunder patterns, form a total of 13 thunder patterns, which are clearly engraved on a chaotic golden core.

It was a golden pill cast like immortal **** gold. The whole body was golden and translucent, and the glass was crystal clear, without a trace of impurities, it gave out an immortal, immortal, eternal energy.

A thousand catastrophes will not grind, eternity will not die, indestructible, it is for the golden core!

There were thirteen thunder patterns imprinted, and Ye Tian proved that it was a super-grade golden pill, which was rare in the ages.

After the sky full of thunder and the four real-shaped thunder beasts were sucked dry, a small golden pool was left, about the size of a Mohai bowl, inside which was shining with golden light and radiant rays of light, filled with powerful vitality, as if there were some peerless treasures.

"I'm going, Lei Jieye!"

Any creature that can recognize what this is is shocked.

This is Thunder Tribulation Liquid, golden Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and there are a large bowl of it.

Thunder Tribulation Liquid is a gift from heaven and earth, not all great Tribulations will appear, only after powerful Thunder Tribulation. After eating Thunder Tribulation Liquid, no matter how much trauma you have suffered during the Thunder Tribulation, even if you are on the verge of death, you will heal your wounds in a very short time.

There will be a period of weakness after the tribulation, and Lei Jieye was born to deal with the period of weakness.

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