Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2132: Little Hou Ye

"I heard that according to the cracked ancient map, the four top forces have joined forces and have found the approximate location of Penglai Fairy Island. I don't know if the news is true or false."

"Do you believe the gossip? Penglai Xiandao has been unpredictable since ancient times. It has been rumored for tens of thousands of years that countless people will find it hard to find a trace after breaking through iron shoes. ."

"The news came from the Tianxiang Tower, not necessarily groundless. I heard that a large force is recruiting people, looking for warriors who are not afraid of death, and heading to Penglai Xiandao together, hoping to get some leftovers from the four top forces. Zhi. You know that Penglai Fairy Island is a legend that hides Jinshan and Yinshan. The four top powers cannot swallow all of them. Even if some leftovers are separated, it is a huge fortune. I am going to visit Tianxianglou, I wonder if you are interested?"

This was a conversation from a private room that made Ye Tian's heart moved.

Sure enough, the fragments of the ancient map were unified and cracked.

If Penglai Fairy Island exists, it must be hidden in a powerful magic circle, which is equivalent to a small secret world. Even if you find a specific location, you may not be able to find the island, because the magic circle must be destroyed, Penglai Fairy Island To see the sun again.

Among the four top powers, apart from the Dashang Dynasty, there are Yuan Ying ancestors who are in charge, and there are magic weapons and artifacts. After discovering the location of the island, it will be a matter of time before the magic circle is broken.

"Tianxiang Tower?"

Ye Tian thought in his heart and remembered this place.

He wanted to find Penglai Fairy Island, flying in the sky on his own, searching little by little, it would definitely not work. Because the East China Sea is so extensive, a few earths smashed into it are unsatisfactory. Wanting to find a projectile island in such a huge sea is simply a dream.

Unless he can know some information, the approximate location of Penglai Xiandao.

After eating and drinking, Ye Tian was about to get up and went to the Tianxiang Tower to have a look and learn some information.

But at this moment, Ye Tian heard a voice when his ear pinna moved, which was about himself.

"Do you still remember the boy surnamed Ye who once killed King Sparrow? Someone said that he had seen him in the Arctic and I don't know if it is true or not."

"It's useless to escape to the Arctic. There is no place for him to stand on this ancient star. The old Peacock King and the ancestors of the Purple Night Holy Land will kill him one day."

"Yes, it's a pity, if this peerless Tianjiao grows up, there is a great possibility of Proving Dao Yuanying, and it will sweep Guxing Invincible."

"This person has great opportunities, great luck, and may not fail to grow up. The Arctic fairy light that came out in a thousand years, I heard that it was taken by him, and he broke through the golden core and survived the golden core catastrophe. Now Yuanying Tianjun No one is his opponent anymore. But Yuanying Tianjun wants to kill him, it won't be that easy."

"What? Is there such a thing?"

Some of Ye Tian's deeds in the Arctic have been reported, but it is not complete. Many people in the arena have already heard about it.

Many people hate him, but there are also many people who admire him, because the Yuanying family has oppressed the star and bullied the weak for too long, and finally someone dared to provoke their authority.

If it weren't for a few Yuanying Heavenly Lords to go to the East China Sea to find the Penglai Fairy Island, they would probably appear in the Arctic, and his golden core catastrophe would never have gone so smoothly.

Everything is the best arrangement.

As the voice just said, he is a person with great opportunities and great luck.

Boom, boom, boom!

Suddenly, the sound of heavy and very rhythmic footsteps made many people's hearts pulsate. There was a feeling of suffocation, like being pinched by the throat, suppressing breathing.

Some people are upstairs, not one person, but a group of people.

Soon, at the entrance of the stairs, a handsome young man wearing a silver armor suit appeared. He was burly and tall, his eyes were aggressive, and his aura was extremely compelling.

The silver armor suit on his body is brilliant and radiant. It is made of silver essence and is engraved with mysterious runes. It is a sacred suit and magic weapon, which can increase a person's combat effectiveness.

A group of followers in iron armor followed him, with iron helmets on their heads and feathers inserted in them. The auras were very extraordinary, and the realm had reached innate, without anger and prestige, and a murderous aura permeated.

If you are a native of Dashang Imperial City, you can tell at a glance that this is the Imperial Forest Army of Dashang Imperial City, with the privilege of life and death.

And this young man who led the team is no stranger to the locals, Xiaohouye from the family of Hou Wang, Zhenhai.

The royal family of Zhenhai Hou Wang was a relative of the emperor, and the prince’s mother came from the family of Zhenhai Hou Wang and was the aunt of this young master.

The Dashang Dynasty is surrounded by the sea on three sides and has an extremely long coastline. In history, it has been invaded by sea people. For thousands of years in Zhenhai, the Wang family was named a prince in the Dashang dynasty, and was the first-class family in the Dashang dynasty besides the Que royal family.

Now that the old emperor's life will die, and the crown prince will soon be enthroned, the status of the king's family will rise again, and no one can check and balance.

Xiao Hou Ye's name is Wang Long, with extraordinary talent, and he proclaimed the fifth-grade golden core at a young age. He also fought on the battlefield since he was a child and made great achievements.

A month ago he was still guarding the border, and a decree of the prince called him back, allowing him to rule the imperial capital's imperial forest army, liquidate some people, and protect the imperial capital.

Xiaohouye was also cruel, UU read for a month and killed thousands of people, killing almost all those who objected to the crown prince's enthronement.

As soon as this group of people appeared, the whole restaurant fell silent. Everyone was silent, and they didn't even dare to make a sound while chewing on food.

"What kind of youth surnamed Ye, what Yuanying can't come out, invincible in the world, in my opinion, it is just a turtle, if I meet one day, he must take the head of him." Xiaohouye said, should be listening There was some discussion.

Some people know that he and Little Bird King have always had a good relationship with each other.

After King Sparrow was killed, he once made a sound, vowing to take the life of the boy surnamed Ye.

So at this moment, I heard someone talk about Ye Tian and I was very disdainful.

A silver war spear was held in his hand, and the scarlet killer was a foot long, which was the essence of murderous aura.

Boom, boom, boom!

He stepped into the restaurant step by step, and there was a magical power that made people quiet, as if facing a **** of death.

Except for Ye Tian, ​​everyone was silent, afraid to make a sound.

Ye Tian was alone, still looking at the scenery outside the window, eating delicious food and drinking, as if he hadn't seen Master Xiaohou coming.

In this way, he was easily spotted by the little Houye, a pair of cold eyes stared at him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was a chill of coldness.

"Presumptuous, Master Xiaohou is here, dare to ignore it and eat and drink by himself. Are you looking for death?"

Suddenly, a guard wearing iron armor stepped forward and yelled at Ye Tian.

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