Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2140: Successful coagulation


In the main hall, invisible laws are brewing, turning into thunder and bursting, appearing in the whole body of the old emperor.

This is the thunder that the old emperor drew from the void, and it had nothing to do with the power of thunder that Ye Tian offered. If the ordinary golden core is touched, it will instantly turn into fly ash.

This is the power of Yuan Ying's law, which shows that the old emperor has already had a relationship between heaven and man.

In his dantian, the broken golden pill, amidst the ten thousand zhang ray of light, one could vaguely see a great avenue flower blooming.

This is one of the most obvious signs of Ningying, indicating that the old emperor is about to condense the Yuanying.

Feeling this breath, Zhenhaihou was extremely nervous.


Zhenhai Ding got up again, urged to the extreme, and blasted at the old wolf king.

Not only Zhenhaihou alone, but also more than a dozen Jin Dan shots together, each offering a big move, and killing the old wolf king.


It was another earth-shattering collision. Although Zhenhai Ding was smashed into the air again, the old wolf king also flew upside down, breaking his bones.

There are so many people on the other side, it is difficult to support it alone.

If it hadn't had a magic weapon, it would have died under this blow, and it would have been impossible to survive.


The entire hall shook violently, the formations were constantly being wiped out, and some places began to collapse, the earth and rocks flew across, and it was riddled with holes.

A huge wave came, like a tsunami, moving towards Lao Huang and Ye Tian.

Among the electric flint flowers, Ye Tian opened the Chaos God Realm, forming a small golden world, blocking the tsunami-like fluctuations.

A group of golden pills rushed in fiercely and fiercely, rushing towards the depths of the hall.


The old wolf king roared, stood up again, and slaughtered the person who rushed into the hall. His hair stood upright, and each of them shone sharply like steel needles.

The old wolf king used the power of his origin to burn his essence and blood, even if he took his own life, he still had to protect the old emperor.


A golden core power rushing in front was smashed to pieces by its claw and turned into blood sludge on the ground.

"Get out of here!" The old wolf king roared, as if going crazy.


It opened its mouth and spit out, and a congenital qi rushed out, like a super hurricane, with unparalleled power, and a group of golden core powers all flew out.

However, after this blow, it also seemed to be drawn away, almost collapsed.


The void suddenly shook, a big foot stepped down, and the mighty power of the void crushed the void into a deformation.


The dust soared into the sky and the earth shook. The old wolf king uttered a scream, but he couldn't escape it. He was stepped on by this big foot and lay on the ground, cracking and cracking, and his bones continued to break.

It was Zhenhaihou's hand, one foot was still stepping on the back of the old wolf king, and his eyes were staring deep into the hall.

"Thief, dare to plot against my father, and you will be arrested soon." The prince rushed forward and shouted.


Inside the old emperor's body, the sound of the avenue roared, as if thunder was exploding.

In the depths of his dantian, the fragmented golden pill was completely transformed into a flower of the avenue. Inside the flower of the avenue, a golden figure sitting cross-legged, lifelike and majestic.

Suddenly, the old emperor opened his eyes, like two golden lamps, dazzling, there is a scene of the destruction and birth of the sun, moon and stars in his eyes. Wherever his eyes pass, a group of golden pills screams, bleeding and tears from the corners of his eyes.

Although he was sitting cross-legged and has not yet gotten up, he has already exuded a strong and supreme aura, like a big mountain, making everyone tremble.


The old emperor slapped it out, and at a distance of ten feet away, he flew the prince away. Half of his face was bloody, his body knocked out a big hole in the hall and rushed outside.


The void exploded, the sea of ​​thunder churned, and the old emperor's Yuan Ying Lei Jie arrived.

Not far away, Zhenhaihou and a group of golden pills were all shocked and couldn't help but regress.

"Thank you fellow daoists for helping me. I have been practicing hard for 2,800 years. Today, I am a Nascent Soul." The old emperor said loudly, with a thunderous voice.

"Wait for a moment, I'll go to cross the robbery first."

"Go!" Ye Tian nodded.


The old emperor soared up into the sky and sank into the sea of ​​thunder.

"Who are you?" Zhenhai Hou's eyes were cracked, he looked at Ye Tian and stared at him.

Ye Tian ignored it and walked outside the hall.

It's getting late now, it's already midnight, and the expedition ship to the Devil's Sea may be about to set off, or may even have set off.

Ye Tian had no time to delay, he had to rush over.


A big tripod was suppressed, with a majestic breath and great momentum.

Zhenhai Hou was so angry that he attacked Ye Tian.

Ye Tian also pointed like a sword, and slashed the Dading.

There was a loud noise, and Ye Tian's fingers shook out a series of sword waves, like golden waves, and there were bursts of sword sounds, one after another, shaking the sky.

This is golden blood, like ten thousand swords and ferocious, making everyone's eardrums hum.

Ye Tian seemed calm, but the golden blood in his body was flowing wildly.


As a result, everyone was shocked. Zhenhai Ding, who had reached the level of a quasi-sacred weapon, was cut off by a corner and became no longer complete.

"Damn it!"

Zhenhaihou was frightened, turned around and walked away.

Ye Tian looked calm and calm, spread his palms, slowly pressed against the sky, and then suddenly gathered his five fingers.

Zhenhaihou had already rushed thousands of feet away, but the moment Ye Tian gathered his palms, his body shrank into a ball, and was finally crushed into a ball of mud.

An ocean of lightning rushed and roared in the sky, and endless electric lights rushed down. The old emperor did not dare to cross the city, and rushed towards the outside of the city. Because Yuan Ying Lei Jie is too terrible, it will cause the entire emperor to fall into disaster.

Ye Tian left quietly, and went outside the city. According to the beauty director of Tianxianglou told him, he found the Tianzi port.

Coming early is not as good as it is coincidence. The expedition ship has just set off and it hasn't been far out of the port.

This is a huge warship with a length of hundreds of feet and dozens of stories high. It is made of metal with a cold luster under the moonlight. Hundreds of cannons are densely erected on the ship's sides, and some are special effects. Ballistas, some are energy cannons powered by spirit stones.

The huge sails were hunting and hunting under the sea breeze, and the runes gleamed, driving the huge ship to the depths of the sea, at an amazing speed.

Obviously, this is not what it looks like on the surface. It is driven by runes and can travel thousands of miles every day. When necessary, the warship can even break away from the sea and fly in the void.

It's just that flying in the void consumes too much energy, so I won't do it easily. After all, the ship is too huge, comparable to the size of an aircraft carrier.

Ye Tianfei rushed forward and landed directly on the deck.

Swipe it!

A pair of vigilant gazes came.

"Sorry, I am late."

Ye Tian took out a ticket, and a crisis was resolved.

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