Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2145: bloody battle

"Everyone, be careful, get ready for battle, something is coming!"

Suddenly, the voice of God General Jiang Peng came with a loud roar.

Standing proudly at the bow of the ship, he saw a big wave crashing in front of him, and the dark water, like a black mountain, was majestic and majestic, hitting it fiercely.

In the dark sea, above the wave tip, a silver light flew out suddenly, with the head of a tiger, but the body was like a great white shark, tearing the void, leaving behind a blazing silver light. Electricity came.

It opened its mouth wide, revealing a mouth of snow-white teeth, densely packed, with hundreds or thousands of them. The roots are like sharp knives and sharp swords, all of which are more than one meter in length.

This is a tiger shark with a head like a tiger and a body like a shark. It is half the length of a warship. It is covered with silver-white scales, shimmering with silver brilliance, and the smell of blood is overwhelming. Its blood basin opened wide, and it could swallow half of the bow in it, which was terrifying.


The **** Jiang Peng roared, and the dozens of golden cores standing at the bow of the ship all moved swiftly. It was a matter of life and death, and no one dared to neglect.


The sky riots, all kinds of magic weapons are flying all over the sky, and all kinds of energy are surging out.

The **** Jiang Peng pierced the spear of the first battle, and the spear fell like a galaxy, a vast expanse of murderous aura.

Someone slashed a big knife, and a thousand-zhang sword light split the void into two, and the huge waves split in front of the blade.

Someone blasted their fist marks, like a meteor piercing the sky, bright and dazzling, with great momentum.

A group of Golden Cores were capable of making a move, each hitting their own peak blow, and they were prepared in advance, without the slightest panic, the power was really terrifying to the extreme.


The body of the huge tiger shark tens of meters long burst directly into pieces, and the flesh and blood were smeared, and the large areas of sea water were dyed scarlet.

However, before everyone had time to cheer, a more terrifying scene happened. A higher wave slapped, and above the wave, hundreds of tiger shark spirits appeared, some It's bigger than the one just now.


Everyone took a deep breath, only to feel a tingling scalp.

A tiger shark spirit and all the gold cores combined a single blow to explode, how can hundreds of thousands of them beat them?

"Take off and fly at the extreme altitude."

Miss Lan's voice came from the battleship, and the sound was a little broken, and it was no longer clear and crisp, and I must have seen this terrifying scene.

The battleship was pulled up at a very high speed, and the process was very difficult. After all, the battleship was too large.


A tiger shark directly slammed into the warship with a huge body, and the warship shook violently and moved out sideways. The protective circle on the warship was directly destroyed.

The naval guns on the warship launched a fierce attack, and the tongue was like a dragon. I don't know how many guns were fired to kill a tiger shark.

Another tiger shark attacked from the bow of the ship, bit the bow, and dragged it towards the sea.

Qiang Qiang!

Jiang Shenjiang stabbed the war spear in his hand, and densely pierced through the void, piercing the tiger shark essence's heavenly spirit cover into a sieve eye.

Under his leadership, a group of golden pills will continue to slay the tiger sharks that will attack the warship from the front, opening up a path of blood.

At the stern, there is another group of people guarding, mostly "old, weak, sick and disabled."

Bang bang bang!

Under the control of Ye Tian, ​​the sky-shaking imprint was rampant in the void, like an ancient chariot crisscrossing the battlefield. It was invincible, crushed, blood spattered, flesh and blood turned into mud, and dozens of tiger shark spirits were shaken by the sky. Yin directly hit and exploded, and couldn't touch the stern at all.

Although the strength of the stern is not as strong as the bow, most of them are old or young golden cores, but because of the addition of Ye Tian, ​​this place is guarded firmly.

This force at the stern naturally centers on Ye Tian, ​​and everyone will listen to his words.

Jiang Shen will fight at the bow of the ship, taking a look at the stern from time to time, and seeing the brave Ye Tian, ​​who has become the backbone of a group of people at the stern, his eyes are very strange.


Suddenly, an electric eel appeared, blasting a thunder electric light towards the bow of the ship, a vast expanse of whiteness.

Jiang Shenjiang looked back at the stern of the ship, and was instantly distracted. He was hit by the thunder, and he was scorched and almost robbed.

Immediately afterwards, a giant shark rushed, the upright dorsal fin resembling a war knife, the cold light flickered, and it made a clanging sound, splitting the void, and rushing past the bow of the ship, not only breaking open all the protective circles. , And almost cut off the entire bow.

Two Jin Dan couldn't avoid it, and the blade passed by and turned into two groups of blood fog.

This is an extremely fierce killer move, and other tiger shark spirits have also learned to do this, cutting the warship with the dorsal fin.

Although the warship was already flying high enough that the tip of the wave could not be touched, these tiger shark spirits were terrifying. One jump could reach tens of feet, or even hundreds of feet, and could still cause damage to the warship.

"You..., all of you, come to the bow."

Suddenly, Jiang Shenjiang shouted to Ye Tian to exchange battlefields with him.

He was shocked by an electric eel just now, and at the moment he looked embarrassed and his body was still convulsing.

The bow's attack was several times more violent than the stern, so he chose to do this and exchanged battlefields with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't mean anything, and brought a group of "old, weak, sick and disabled" to the bow of the ship.

The most powerful force was still brought by Jiang Shenjiang to the stern of the ship.

"Why?" Gu Tianming was dissatisfied, and UU read yelled.

"Ahem, let's just say a few words, yelling can't save you." A white-haired old man persuaded.

Some people have been able to see that Jiang Shenjiang is going to kill people with the knife, not only to kill Ye Tian, ​​but also to kill all the old, weak, sick and disabled. Bring the most powerful force around and use it to open up the road behind.

The tiger shark battlefield was just the beginning. In this storm zone, several waves of sea monsters attacked.

The sea area that could pass through in half a day, ended up driving a full day and night.

There are little stars in the sky, soft moonlight, sparkling waves on the sea, and undulating waves, but no huge waves are formed.

Finally came to a relatively calm sea. Although there was nothing, the monks who had just experienced a **** battle in a hellish storm felt that heaven was as beautiful.

The deck of the battleship was in a mess, with pieces of flesh and blood everywhere, and blood and water even penetrated into the cabin from the cracks in the deck.

Some of these are the corpses of human monks, and some are the broken bodies of the sea monsters, **** and terrible.

A total of thirteen human monks died, and the price was a bit high.

The East China Sea is as terrible as the rumors.

The battleship was riddled with holes and was almost on the verge of falling apart.

Someone is carrying out emergency repairs, the hull, and the defense array.

Ye Tian sat cross-legged in a corner of the bow, closed his eyes and rested his mind, breathing well, his hair dancing lightly, and his clothes were not bloody.

Jiang Shen will come, with a hint of unrest in his expression, wanting to say something, but in the end he shut up.

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