Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2147: being abandoned


Thousands of Sea-Monster Warriors urged their mana at the same time to operate with a certain mysterious method, causing their power to resonate and rushing away in the same direction.

These forces continue to converge, the electric glow in the void shines, and the energy is surging like a wave, and finally turned into a sea **** who is hundreds of feet tall and steps on the sky and the earth.

This is a form of law, formed with the power of a legionary battle, like a **** condensed by the power of faith, extremely lifelike, in the shape of a dragon head, dark green in the body, holding a trident, and a burst of light spread out all over the body. The vast breath of ancient times makes people have a sense of sight when facing the true god, and they feel fear from the depths of their hearts.


The figure of the dragon head, which had gathered the power of thousands of Sea-Monster warriors, slammed out with a halberd, stabbing the warship on which a group of monks were riding.

At this time, the warship was floating up in the air, trying to make a **** path out of the void.

However, the great halberd of the Sea God's Faxiang pierced out, and its power was close to the destruction of the Nascent Soul's blow. Even the universe seemed to be reversed, and the endless ocean was torn apart, revealing a huge abyss.

With just this blow, all the protective arrays on the battleship were torn apart, fragile like thin paper, and could not withstand a single blow.

With a bang, the warship fell from the void, smashed onto the surface of the sea, and splashed a large amount of water.

The warship that was already riddled with holes almost fell apart.

Everyone on the battleship was hairy, knowing that this time they encountered a bad stubble.

"Kill, fight them!" Jiang Peng yelled, urging everyone to attack.

At this juncture, only if all people work together can there be a trace of survival.

A sea god's magic element condensed the power of thousands of sea-monster warriors, and almost a Nascent Soul reappeared. With this group of golden pills, it is difficult to kill it. Ever since, they took another path and entered the legionary battle.

As long as the battle formation of the legion is broken and destroyed, the Sea God's Faxiang will dissipate on its own.

However, the Sea God’s Fa-Phase was in front of the battlefield. One man was in charge, and Wanfu was not open. The trident halberd in his hand waved in succession. .

On the other battlefield, the battle between Ye Tian and the double-headed Jiao also went into fierce heat.

Ye Tian said that the two-headed Jiao was killed by three tricks, and the two-headed Jiao was very angry and felt humiliated.

"When you reach my level, do you think you can easily kill me? It's the Yuan Ying who came here, and dare not say such big words." The two-headed Jiao said, his eyes were very cold.

Suddenly, the horse it was sitting down rushed towards Ye Tian.

Boom boom boom!

A total of nine sea pearls flew out and evolved into nine small worlds.

Although the nine small worlds are very hazy, they have only evolved initially, but this is definitely a great ability, enough to prove the power of the double-headed flood.

The nine small worlds, like the gate to the Jiuyou Hell, are gloomy and roaring with evil spirits. At this moment, they release the infinite power of the world, just like opening up the world, and suppressing Ye Tian together.

The double-headed Jiao stands proudly in the void, with nine small worlds on his back, like a co-lord of nine heavens and ten earths, looking down on all souls, and I am the only one who is the only one who is the master.

"I also have the power of the small world." Ye Tian said in a deep voice.


His whole body was stunned, and billions of yuan magnetism divine light burst out of his pores, and a small world of magnetism was intertwined almost instantly.

In this small world of Magneto, there is no heaven and earth, there are just all kinds of Magneto soldiers, big swords, war knives, treasure tripods, pagodas,...

All elementary magnetic warfare soldiers are formed by the power of elementary magnetism, like the essence, ups and downs in the small world of elementary magnetism, revealing a cold air force.

"Magnetic Secret Technique, what is your relationship with the Snow Ape Clan in the Arctic Continent?" The double-headed Jiao was shocked and his heart shook.

It can really feel the power of Ye Tianyuan Magneto's small world, it was born for the purpose of killing and cutting, and it was a great supernatural power for killing.

Ye Tian no longer talks nonsense, using the small world of Magneto, forcibly shakes the nine sea pearls of the double-headed flood into nine small worlds.


As if the real big world was colliding, the void rumbling, ripples, shook the sea into the sky, and the clouds collapsed.

This is a fierce confrontation. Ye Tian’s Magneto small world is crushed all the way, and all the Magneto soldiers inside are like reamers in a meat grinder. The small world behind the double-headed Jiao is constantly crushed. Shattered. It was the disillusionment of the origin, not the disillusionment of the small world, even the Canghai Zhu was broken.


A great magneto-magnet tripod descended from the sky, and the entrance of the cave was filled with powerful suction power, which wanted to absorb the double-headed scorpion and refine it.


The double-headed Jiao pierced out with a spear, and used all the strength of his body to be able to break through the killing of Kaiyuan Magnet.

However, shortly afterwards, the void trembled, and another magnetite pagoda was suppressed and turned into a mountain the size of a towering tower.

In the small world of Magneto, there are infinite soldiers and infinite attacks. Ye Tianli was in front of the small world of Magneto, and he didn't need to act at all. As long as he had a thought, the soldiers in the small world would listen to his call.

This is the first time it has been used on the battlefield since the cultivation of the Magneto-Magnetic Ten Thousand Arms Art. The powerful power made Ye Tian very satisfied. Although it may be a bit worse to deal with Yuanying Tianjun, there should be no pressure to deal with Jindan.

Moreover, as his cultivation level increases, the magnetic element world will become more and more powerful, and the magnetic element warfare inside will continue to be enriched and become stronger and stronger.


The two-headed flood screamed, trapped in the small world of Yuanci, there were Yuanshi warriors everywhere, making it impossible to guard against. In a moment, his body was full of blood, densely packed, and wounds one after another. UU reading


The seahorse it was sitting on was struck by a large magnetic primordial sword, the sky was stained with blood, and its body was almost split in half.

At this time, on another battlefield, a group of human monks were completely crushed, and the battleship was completely torn apart.

"Brother Jiao, I'll save you!"

The sea monster king with the shark head on top of the seahorse roared.

The entire battlefield of the legion is under his control.

It only waved its big hand, and the Seagod Faxiang rushed towards Ye Tian. His body, which was more than a hundred meters high, was like a magic mountain, with a step of several hundred meters, approaching extremely quickly.

As soon as the Seagod Faxiang left, the pressure on the human monks in the battlefield suddenly decreased.

At this time, as long as they disrupt the battle formation and prevent the power of all the Sea-Monster warriors from being unified, Ye Tian can easily defeat the Sea God's Faxiang.

However, I saw that Miss Lan and Jiang Pengshen will suddenly greet the elites of the Lan family.

Then, Miss Lan took out a walnut-shaped boat, which was transparent and shiny, exuding a misty brilliance.

With a slight urging of her force, the walnut boat swelled rapidly, turning into ten feet long in an instant, falling on the sea, magnificent and magnificent.

Then the soldiers of the Lan family boarded the ship, they actually abandoned the recruited monks, broke through the sea clan battle formation at a very fast speed, and fled away facing the distance.

"Damn it, the Lan family escaped, leaving us as bait. We were deceived!"

There are still more than ten of the recruited monks, and they are all cold from head to toe at this moment, feeling very desperate.

They wanted to chase them, but the sea monsters used them all over the sky and couldn't escape at all.

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