Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2149: Devil Sea

After a day and night of wind and rain, Ye Tian and others finally caught up with the Lan family.

The process was naturally full of hardships and encountered a lot of dangers. Three monks were left behind and fell halfway.

Ahead, the wind and clouds are surging, the lightning flashes and thunder, a thick fog covers the sky, the black paint is endless, and the vastness is endless, which makes people have a hell-like sense of sight, and only feels a moment of horror.

The Lan family stayed on the periphery of this dense fog area, and a golden boat gleamed and looked very small in front of the dense fog that obscured the sky.

"Is this the legendary Devil Sea?" Gu Tianming murmured, his eyes widened and his breathing became short.

The others were also in a daze. Most of them had heard of the name of Devil Sea, and this was the first time they saw it. It was even more terrifying than expected.

This sea area has a radius of thousands of miles and is comparable to the size of a subcontinent. It can be called a vast expanse. It is shrouded in dense fog all year round, like a raging evil spirit, and storms are the most common weather.

In the news that the Lan family got, the coordinates of the cracked ancient map of Penglai Fairy Island point to this Devil Sea. The expedition team of the four top forces has also penetrated this sea area. Whether there is any gain, whether it is dead or alive, I don’t know for the time being. .

"Huh, you guys are still alive?"

Seeing this group of cultivators stepping out of the sky, the people of the Lan family were very surprised. They thought that this group of recruited cultivators would fall into the sea-mon battle formation, but they did not expect that seven or eight people would survive.

There were still more than twenty people left in the Lan family, all of them in a state of embarrassment, blood stained on their bodies, and the ten-foot-long golden treasure ship also had many knife marks and arrow holes.

Fortunately, the people of the Lan family rushed forward and cleared a lot of sea monsters for Ye Tian and others. Otherwise, they would not be as simple as the three of them, and they would die more.

"Brother Ye is really good at it!" Jiang Pengshen Jiang bowed his hand to Ye Tian and smiled coldly.

This group of people survived, it is not difficult to guess that Ye Tian's credit.

At the same time, he was very puzzled as to where Ye Tian was able to break through the blockade of the Sea-Monster battle formation, and also brought so many people out.

"Little brother, you really made my sister admire! Come on, let's talk about what to do next on the boat. Come up all of you, too." Miss Lan said, naturally, she didn't abandon everyone just now. Guilt.

She smiled sweetly, like a golden lotus swaying, her skin was crystal clear and shiny, and her watery eyes flashed with a charming amorous feelings.

Ye Tian stood still, looking straight at the misty sea, and ignored God Jiang or Miss Lan.

This made both of them suddenly look cold.

In fact, they didn't care about Ye Tian's life and death at all, they just treated him as cannon fodder, just like all the other monks recruited. Now that he is still alive, there is still value in utilization, and all Miss Lan will show his favor.

"Friend Daoist Ye, don't you get on the boat? I went up to take a rest. After flying for so long, I was very tired." A middle-aged monk who followed Ye Tian said, he smiled, and stepped on the Lan family's golden boat.

"I'm tired, hungry and thirsty. Is there anything to eat and drink on the boat?" Another monk grinned, carrying a big knife on his shoulder, and his face was fierce.

Jiang Shenjiang threw a wine gourd directly to him, and he poured it violently, and then boarded the golden boat.

Next, people continued to board the ship, and fewer and fewer people gathered next to Ye Tian.

Even if they knew that the Lan family were ungrateful and treated them as cannon fodder, they didn't hesitate.

Just because they can get more value by staying with the people of Lan family than by staying with Ye Tian, ​​and they are likely to actually land on Penglai Fairy Island.

Although Ye Tian was strong, he was just brave in the end.

In the end, there were only two people standing next to Ye Tian, ​​one was the white-haired old man he knew as soon as he boarded the ship, an early Jindan monk, and the other was Gu Tianming.

"Ye, Brother Ye..."

Gu Tianming gritted his teeth secretly, as if he was struggling fiercely in his heart, his face was a bit embarrassed, he wanted to say something, but he wanted to say nothing.

"Go if you want, listen to your heart, it's nothing." Ye Tian said, his words were calm.

"Brother Ye, do you...?" Gu Tianming persuaded.

"I'm fine alone." Ye Tian said, refusing.

Gu Tianming let out a long sigh, feeling very ashamed, and hid his face.

At this time, there was only one white-haired old man left beside Ye Tian.

"You...?" The white-haired old man widened his eyes, very unhappy.

Ye Tian saved their lives, but they ended up being ungrateful and unworthy.

Jiang Pengshen glanced at Ye Tian indifferently, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Elder Wu, maybe you also get on the boat. It's better to follow them than to follow me." Ye Tian persuaded, not to test the loyalty of the white-haired old man, but to really do it for him.

Moreover, following Ye Tian's side, it was also an oil bottle.

"Xiao Ye, who do you think of me? If I were like them, I would have to live on a dog at the age of six hundred?" said the white-haired old man. Very angry.

As soon as he said this, the few people who had betrayed Ye Tian just now all had black lines, their faces convulsed, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is hard to see the extreme.

"Okay, let's go. Since the little brother refuses to walk with me, I wish you good luck." Miss Lan said, squinting across Ye Tian, ​​her proud eyes full of indifference.

The various rune arrays on the golden boat were opened, forming a protective light curtain, guarding the golden boat as solid as gold, with no dead ends at 360 degrees.

This golden boat is extremely sturdy, and is usually used as a special attack magic weapon, comparable to the legendary sacred weapon.


Against the wind and rain, the golden boat sailed into the Devil's Sea, the thick fog rolled, and soon disappeared from the sight of Ye Tian and the white-haired old man.

In fact, they don't know the exact coordinates of Penglai Fairy Island, so they are mainly trying their luck.

"Ye Xiaoyou, let's set off too. Don't worry, I won't hold you back when I'm old." As if seeing Ye Tian's thoughts, the white-haired old man took the initiative to point it out.

He took out a big gourd, which looked like an ordinary gourd. He activated it with mana, and the runes on the surface of the gourd flashed and expanded, and finally turned into a ten-foot long, floating like a flat boat. On the sea.

The Devil’s Sea cannot fly, the geomagnetism is unstable, and the force field is messy, which will interfere with people's mana, so taking a boat is the best choice.

Ye Tian didn't refuse, sitting in the second half of the gourd, releasing his spiritual thoughts and sensing the situation in the Devil Sea.

The white-haired old man stood near the mouth of the gourd, holding a pole of wood pulp, and paddling the gourd boat.

He only swipes lightly, and the gourd boat swishes forward, extremely fast.

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