Inside a giant warship with a peacock feather battle flag, an old white-haired old man was surrounded by a group of people. Standing on the deck of the bow, holding a tortoise shell in his hand, he was muttering words, repeating the deduction, his eyes opened and closed. , There is a sharp shot, as if it can penetrate the sky.

This white-haired old man is no one else. He is the famous divine fortune teller of the ancient star of Penglai.

There is no doubt about the ability of this person. The last time the Peacocks asked him to make a move, he calculated the position of Ye Tian twice, which almost caused Ye Tian to be robbed.

At this moment, the ship he is standing on is the Peacock clan warship. It is more than two hundred feet long. It is the most powerful war weapon of the Peacock clan. It can sail on the sea or fly in the sky. Armed to the teeth, the King Kong is not bad. It is simply a fortress of war.

The old Peacock King was standing next to the fortuneteller, tall and sturdy, full of colorful brilliance, full of vitality, just like a big furnace, ordinary people did not dare to approach.

However, speaking of the coolest person in the field, the old Peacock King can only be ranked second. An old man who is covered by stars is like a starry river, exuding the strongest sun. The breath of piercing makes people unable to open their eyes, the dark sky is illuminated, and there is a galaxy disillusionment in the pupils of the eyes, like a lord of the galaxy, watching the sky and the earth, there is a majesty that is difficult to describe.

This person is no one else, but the ancestor of the Heavenly King of the Star Lin Family, one of the strongest people on the ancient star of Penglai.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land is much more low-key, wearing an old Taoist clothing, hair is also a bit messy, the breath is deliberately restrained, no dazzling vision emerges, as if there is no wave in the ancient well.

However, no one dared to underestimate him. The more powerful a person is, the more he can perceive his terrifyingness. It seems like a bottomless abyss. The thin body contains the power to swallow the world.

"Yes, it's in this world."

Suddenly, the fortune teller spoke, and the tortoise shell in his hand lit up, showing a gleam of brilliance, and he had insight into a secret secret.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face a little pale.

He almost exhausted his whole body's power, but he only calculated a general position, and determined that there is a small foreign space in this world. But whether this small space is Penglai Xiandao or not, he is still not sure.

When he marked out the approximate location, the three heavenly monarchs all looked blank, with a radius of five hundred li, and it was still a large sea area. Moreover, they had searched this sea area before, and found nothing, and could not find any void flaws.

However, the fortune teller determined that there is a small space in this world, which still made them excited, at least one step closer to Penglai Immortal Island.

The Penglai Fairy Island was hidden too deeply. For tens of thousands of years, countless monks have come forward and succeeded, and it is difficult to find a trace.

According to legend, Penglai Fairy Island was set up in the hands of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl, and then it was perfected by more than a dozen heavenly monarchs of the Penglai Fairy Sect. It is no longer as simple as a world covered by a magic circle, but transformed into a small thousand world. , And the ancient star of Penglai Ruozhiruo separated.

As a result, it is so difficult for the divine fortune teller to calculate, because Penglai Xiandao can be said to some extent, not in this realm, outside the world.


The **** operator coughed constantly, he was aging, his head was gray, skinny, wrinkles piled up on his face, and there was no **** color.

Those in his line of stealing the secrets of heaven will be suppressed by the heavens, condemned by the heavens, and generally short-lived.

The Lord of the Purple Night Holy Land took out a holy medicine, smashed it violently, poured the surging medicine power into the body of the **** operator, making his mental state suddenly glow.

However, it can only last for a while.

Not to mention the holy medicine, it is the demi-magic medicine, the **** fortune teller has eaten it, the body has already had resistance, it is difficult to continue life.

"Finding the Penglai Fairy Island is a great achievement. Ask the priest to figure out the exact location of Penglai Fairy Island. I will work together to break through the void and pierce a passage." The God of the Purple Night Holy Land Said.

"Take it as if your Secret Mystery Line and ours have joined forces. Everything we get in Xiandao, I will divide the five lines equally." The ancestor of the Xingchen Lin Family said, his words were sonorous and shocking.

With a big wave of his hand, a ray of star power fell into the body of the **** fortuneteller, causing the aura of the **** fortuneteller to rise again.

"Can he be considered a great business?" the old king of the Peacock tribe said, his expression was quite disdainful.

He has always been strong, what do you say.

In fact, he can't be blamed.

On the way, Dashang’s fleet has been going to the tail of the crane, dragging its legs, not giving up their kindness, and even sharing the income of Penglai Immortal Island, the old Peacock King is absolutely not happy.

"In that case, I'll wait for the four channels to be divided equally. As for the big business, it depends on their own destiny. We don't stop it, but we won't help it." The **** of the purple night holy land thought about it. Said.

"I have no opinion." The ancestor of the Star Lin Family said.

Come to think of it, deep down in their hearts, they also have opinions on Dashang.

How can you be on an equal footing with them without Tianjun helping out?

The fortune teller sighed, and then began to calculate silently.

He was skinny and with a haggard face, and he knew that his life was not much.

This calculation involves profound causes and effects. If one is not good, an old life may come to an end.

The fortune-telling master is a kind of transcendent existence. uukanshu. com can measure good and bad luck and predict part of the future, but all calculations are at the cost of damaging one's lifespan. Under normal circumstances, the cause and effect are very deep, and serious leakage of the secrets will not be calculated because the cost is too high.

But now, the heavenly monarchs of the three human races are standing behind him. Although they speak good words, there is also a kind of deterrence invisibly. He has to continue to calculate, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

Of course, the three human heavenly monarchs also anticipated the possible consequences. If the **** fortune teller really died because of this, they promised to protect the gods for a thousand years.

For a whole day and night, the fortune teller sat cross-legged on the deck of the battleship, letting the wind blow, rain, lightning, and thunder, always motionless. If it weren't for a word in his mouth, it would make people mistakenly think that he was dead.

Mingyuan turned into a ray of light, rushing out of his heavenly spirit cover from time to time, his whole person's breath continued to fall, his blood was withered, and his flesh was shriveled.

"I saw it, there!"

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and two divine lights rushed out, as if they had penetrated the origin of the heaven and the earth, and he saw a small and ethereal world in his eyes.

Puff puff!

With two crisp sounds, his two eyeballs burst immediately.

Then, he raised a hand and pointed at a distant piece of heaven and earth.


There was another crisp sound, and the whole hand burst into pieces.


The sky riot, followed by a mountain-like thick thunder, descended from the endless void, sky after sky, the light illuminates the sky, and blasts towards the fortune teller.

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