Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2157: Young supreme

The blue waves were raging, and the young supreme of the giant whale clan seemed to be accompanied by a vast ocean, and the vigorous spirit was like a sacred furnace, burning blazingly, watching all the heroes.

"Miss, you go in first, and I will stop him." The **** Jiang Peng shouted, lifted a purple and gold spear, and stabbed the young supreme of the giant whale clan.

However, he underestimated the young supreme of the giant whale clan. This person held a blue and gold halberd in his hand, swept it fiercely, and burst into heavenly light. There was a domineering power that swept across nine heavens and ten earth, killing thousands of people. Heavy.

A puff sounded, in the blue waves, in front of the blue golden spear, several figures were cut off at the waist, or their bodies exploded. It was so terrible that no one could survive.

Click! The purple-gold war spear in the hands of God General Jiang Peng was swept away, and the tiger's mouth was numb, and the blood surged.

He was shocked suddenly and backed away again and again.

At this time, the young supreme of the giant whale clan rushed over in a big step, using magical powers, his body expanded extremely quickly, and one foot was as huge as a mountain, submerged by the blue divine light, majestic and majestic, with a weird and magical nature.


The heavens and the earth trembled, and the **** Jiang Peng yelled, but he couldn't avoid it. He was stepped on by this big blue-gold foot.

Like stepping on a bug, the young supreme of the giant whale clan smashed hard.


God General Jiang Peng was trampled to death, his body torn apart.

It is not that he is weak, but that the young venerable of the giant whale clan is too strong. It is considered that this ancient star is the next most likely to prove the existence of the Dao Yuan Ying, and it is by no means a vain name.

At this moment, Miss Lan just half of her body leaned into the void crack, and suddenly a spear stabs her from behind, and suddenly nailed her to death in the void crack, blood staining the sky.

All the human monks on the scene took a breath and backed away.

The young supreme of the giant whale clan has an invincible posture and is simply too strong.


Suddenly, a sword light pierced through the sky and the earth suddenly lit up.

It was like a flash of lightning across the dark night sky, illuminating eternity.

Above the sword light, there was also a purple-gold divine mark shining, the mighty power, shocking the world.


The small world intertwined with the blue Jinbao wheel was suddenly broken open, and a sword light slashed down, tearing open the restraints.

Immediately afterwards, the Shocking Sword Mang and the Blue Jinbao Wheel were evenly matched, the Blue Jinbao Wheel was split apart, and the Shocking Sword Mang also shattered.

At that moment, all the creatures in the audience were all moved, and all their eyes were on the young and powerful man with a sword in his hand and a solemn face.

He is full of golden light, holding a sword and standing upright, like a god!

In the previous battle, he had cut this sword before, and everyone was not surprised.

However, he was able to compete with the Venerable Whale on a par, which was unbelievable, like a fantasy.

"You are very good, you are not the first person under Yuan Ying, but also one of the most powerful people." Venerable Giant Whale raised his eyelids lightly, and said a word in his mouth, not hesitating to praise.

The young supreme of the giant whale clan, Whale Cloud, his eyes condensed slightly, and his eyes flickered with cold light, staring in the direction of Ye Tian, ​​seemingly dissatisfied with the praise of the giant whale to Ye Tian.

"However, you have a magic weapon, and you cannot escape death today. No matter how strong the magic weapon is, it cannot be compared with a real Nascent Soul monk after all. Besides, with the power of the golden core, how many times can you mobilize the magic weapon? The pinnacle golden core can only split a dozen swords at most, and it will exhaust the whole body's mana. The Yuan Ying's divine power is endless." Venerable Giant Whale continued, and the mana surged wildly.

"You can try." Ye Tian stood with a sword, his expression indifferent and fearless.

"Master, this crack is almost gone." Jingyun said.

Venerable Giant Whale glanced at the void crack, his expression moved, and said: "No matter, I will let you go for the time being, and I will take your life in the next day."

With his alone strength, he can't guarantee that the boundary of Penglai Fairy Island will be broken.

Therefore, he can't afford to gamble.


As soon as his body moved, he rushed to the void crack.

"Go!" He said to the true disciple Jingyun again.

However, what is surprising is that Venerable Giant Whale rushed into the void, but Whale Cloud stood still.

"Yun'er, you are not his opponent, hurry away." Venerable Giant Whale roared.

"How do you know if you haven't fought?" Jingyun said faintly, his eyes flashing like electricity. At this moment, there was a magical power standing in front of the void in the crack, preventing everyone from passing through.

"If you can't beat it, run away, don't smash." Venerable Giant Whale said.

Ye Tian is too powerful. He doesn't think that his apprentice is an opponent, but in this land of the deep sea, he thinks that there is no problem for his apprentice to escape, so he didn't worry too much. The depths of the fairy island rushed away.

"There is only one life, are you sure you want to fight with me?" Ye Tian said coldly, and stepped forward to the void crack step by step.

"You have become my demon. If you don't kill you, I will never be able to prove the truth." Jing Yun said with a solemn expression and did not dare to despise Ye Tian at all, because he knew that this was a competent opponent and was better than himself. weak.


He took a step, and the vast sea of ​​abyss under his feet pulsated, with big waves undulating and rough.


His great halberd swept out, and the tragic aura spread over the sky, like a divine dragon was born, shattering the sky, hitting Ye Tian's forehead and going away, to crush his head.

As the young supreme of the giant whale clan, or even the young supreme of the Youhai clan, UU reading, the young powerhouse on the ancient star, few people can be seen by him. He was bathed in endless praise and enjoyed the glory.

But now, suddenly another young supreme appeared, stronger than him, and invisibly became his heart demon, making his brave and diligent Dao heart become unstable, and it is very important for future sermons. unfavorable.

Therefore, he must kill Ye Tian.

Everyone in the audience was in a daze. This person is really strong, with long water-blue hair flying, his arms stretched the blue and gold halberd, attacking forward, the blue and gold glow is like waves, surging. .

Ye Tian quickly moved sideways, avoiding the blow.

The halberd light was like a broom star, swept across with a large blue and gold tail light, smashing several large waves to the sky, and even a small reef was broken into pieces.


Ye Tian also shot, and there was no time delay. He instantly transformed into a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, shot swiftly like lightning, and the golden light in his eyes was like two torches burning.

He swept his legs and swept, sinking vigorously, almost swept away the blue golden spear in Whale Yun's hand, and a dazzling golden light burst out between the two.

He didn't use the Ziying Sword, because as the Venerable Whale said, every swing of the sword would consume a lot of mana. When he arrived at Penglai Fairy Island, he didn't know what kind of fierce battle was waiting for him, and he had to save his strength.


The void trembled, the blue golden spear in Whale Yun's hand pierced through the world, collapsed into the sky, and the wind and clouds were mighty. He was like a murderous god, not afraid of death.

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