Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2164: Volcanic tomb

The latest website: The battleship of the Star Lin Family seems to have come alive and turned into a peerless swordsman. Countless stars have turned into a star sword, which is thousands of feet long, slashing through the clouds and standing upright under the sky.

This family cultivates the art of stars, which is very strong and very powerful.

But Ye Tian couldn't let them go, just because their hands were stained with too much blood of the ancient Penglai tribe, letting them go was tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and it would bring more slaughter.

"The sword is coming!" Ye Tian shouted in a low voice.


A clear and happy sword sound rang, a cold light suddenly appeared, and a purple sword appeared in Ye Tian's hands out of thin air.

With a sword in his hand, Ye Tian's whole body aura has changed, the laziness is gone, the sharp edge is exposed, the sword eyebrows are erect, and the eyes are sharp as gods, as if he has also become a peerless swordsman. The sword test the world and level the world. Injustice.

"This sword should avenge the slaughtered Penglai ancients."

Ye Tian held the sword in his hand, sighed softly, and slammed it out.

The sword light was dazzling, and the sword light was like a star, as if the Nine Heavens Milky Way had been chopped down, traversing the sky.

As this sword fell, thousands of feet of void became frozen.

"Ye surnamed boy, you are too ignorant of good and evil. You don't know how powerful a family you are declaring war. You are seeking your own death." The people of the Star Lin family screamed angrily.

They thought that Ye Tian would retreat in the face of difficulties, and did not dare to offend the three Heavenly Sovereign families, but they still underestimated Ye Tian's courage.



"Fight with him."

The Qianzhang Xingchen sword light on the battleship also slashed down, slashing towards Ye Tian's Tongtian sword.

The galaxy is vast and the stars are endless, like two galaxies colliding.

The eyes of all the creatures in the field are going to be blinded, the light is too bright.

Everyone could see that the moment when two thousand-zhang sword lights touched, it seemed as if a sun burst, and the sonorous sound pierced the sky.


The sword light surging out of the Star Lin Family's battleship suddenly shattered, and it was not as powerful as Ye Tian's Ziying Sword.

A super-grade golden pill with thirteen thunder patterns ran crazily in Ye Tian's body, and the whole figure turned into an eternal sacred furnace, with massive amounts of high-purity true essence surging out every minute and every second.

At this moment, this energy was poured into the Ziying Sword by Ye Tian as much as possible, allowing the Divine Sword to explode to its fullest strength.


Sword energy is vertical and horizontal, filling the sky.

The entire battleship of the Xingchen Lin Family was sheltered below, shrouded by an invisible sword field, like a flat boat in a storm, which could capsize at any time.

"No, don't do this."

"We know our mistakes, let us go."

"All of our gains are given to you, we have uncountable treasures."

The clansmen of the Xingchen Lin family cried, and at this moment they finally knew that they were afraid.

"It's late! When you slaughtered the ancient Penglai tribe, did you ever want to let them go? Even the last bloodline of the Nine Phoenix Goddess will be killed. It is incomprehensible, and people and gods are angry. There is no solution to this hatred, so just kill you. "Ye Tian is rarely so angry, and rarely so strong, now he really wants to kill.


His palms shook lightly, and a beam of sword light from the sky split into endless starlight, each of which was like a sharp sword, accurately piercing the heart of a member of the Star Forest family.

When Ye Tian's long sword was swung, the light was condensed, and the thousands of feet of sky returned to its original state.

Everyone saw an extremely horrifying scene. The two-hundred-foot-long Star Lin Family battleship and the thousands of Lin clan masters on the battleship, like cotton wool, were blown away by the wind, one after another, and continued to disintegrate.

Just because the endless sword energy has already eroded every corner of the warship, every inch of the hull.

In just a moment, only a piece of dust remained on the spot.

"I'm not dreaming, how come this guy has become so powerful?" Princess Seventeen shook her head vigorously, feeling a little dizzy.

Beside her, hundreds of elite businessmen were also shocked. For the first time, they saw a young man who was so strong and fierce.

Fortunately, Da Shang's warship did not come in, and his men were merciful, and did not cause much killing. Otherwise, Ye Tian's sword might be pointed at them.

"No, you didn't dream, he really became stronger, far beyond your and my imagination, maybe he can really compare with Yuanying Tianjun, maybe." The second prince raised his head and looked at Ye Tian bitterly.

Only a few months away, Ye Tian is like a different person, how many times stronger he is, leaving the self-proclaimed second prince beyond the reach of the dust.

"Woo, father and mother, woo, Uncle Shi,..." Little Xuanhuang cried loudly, and she almost fainted due to too much weight at her young age.

"Little guy, don't cry, crying won't solve the problem." Ye Tian touched his little head and comforted.

The seventeenth princess came over and took out a handkerchief to wipe away his tears.

"Help me take care of him." Ye Tian said to Princess Seventeen, looking into the depths of the ancient city.

There are continuous mountains, the sea of ​​clouds is tumbling, and the dragon is surging. It is a treasure land of Xianjia.


In the depths of the mountains, earth-shaking noises continued to be heard, causing the mountains to tremble, and even the entire island was shaking with it.

"No, they are going to steal the ancient tomb of the Nine Phoenix Celestial Ancestor." The little boy Xuanhuang said suddenly, his two small hands clenched into fists.

It was a volcanic crater, with turbulent magma inside, and blazing rays of light rushed up to the sky, breaking the big clouds, eclipsing the sun, moon and stars.

This is an active volcano. It has not erupted for tens of thousands of years because of restrictions. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can clearly see the turbulent magma. From time to time, a large wave of magma slaps on the cave wall, making a sound.

At this moment, a total of six Yuanying Tianjun came here, standing in the six directions of the crater.

They learned through soul searching that the tomb of the Nine Phoenix Goddess was in this volcanic crater.

The nine phoenix goddess was born with the blood of the true phoenix. UU reading belongs to fire and was born on fire, so she chose to be buried in the crater of the volcano.

If you look closely, you will find that from time to time there will be a light rain falling from the sky and falling into the crater of the volcano.

This is the power of belief in sentient beings.

The Nine Phoenix Goddess was once highly sought after on the ancient star of Penglai. She is the ancestor of humanity and exists like a creation god. There are temples and statues of her everywhere, and the collected beliefs are as powerful as mountains and seas.

Today, people's hearts are not ancient, many temples are broken, and many statues are smashed, but there are still some believers in the Nine Phoenix Goddess. Therefore, from time to time there will be rain of light transformed by the power of belief and thought in the crater.

The Nine Dragon King's eyes narrowed slightly, and the nine pairs of eyes flickered at the same time, and the eighteen beams were combined to form a strange beam. A bronze hall was seen in the boiling magma.

The rain of light falling into the crater of the volcano was finally attracted by this bronze hall.

As for what is in the bronze hall, whether there is really a corpse of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl, his pupil technique cannot penetrate and cannot be seen.

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